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Former Police Chief Frank DelVecchio to Run 200 Miles Across NJ to Fight Hunger & Food Insecurity

Retired Fairview Police Chief, Frank DelVecchio

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, on May 18, retired Fairview Police Chief and Run for Hope Foundation Founder Frank DelVecchio will embark on a 200-mile solo run across the State of New Jersey to fight hunger and food insecurity. DelVecchio will begin this multi-day venture at High Point State Park in Sussex County and make his way to New Jersey’s southernmost tip in Cape May.

Continue reading Former Police Chief Frank DelVecchio to Run 200 Miles Across NJ to Fight Hunger & Food Insecurity

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DMR Architects Director of Business Development, Ramon Hache, has resigned to take on the role of CEO of the Ridgewood YMCA

Ramon Hache ridgewood NJ

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hasbrouck Heights NJ, DMR Architects Director of Business Development, Ramon Hache, has resigned to take on the role of CEO of the Ridgewood YMCA.

Continue reading DMR Architects Director of Business Development, Ramon Hache, has resigned to take on the role of CEO of the Ridgewood YMCA

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Meet the Mayor of Ridgewood- Saturday, January 12th, 2019

Ramon Hache ridgewood NJ

Ridgewood NJ, Mayor Ramon Hache will be available to meet with residents on Saturday, January 12th from 9:00am to 11:00am in the Village Hall Caucus Room, 4th Floor.

Mayor Ramon M Hache asks , “Do you have any questions? An important issue you would like to talk about? Meet the Mayor tomorrow Saturday, January 12 from 9AM – 11AM. By appointment only. Call the Village Clerk’s Office at (201) 670-5500 x229.”

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Ridgewood Planning Board Agenda – November 6, 2018


Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Village Hall Court Room – 7:30 P.M.

Continue reading Ridgewood Planning Board Agenda – November 6, 2018

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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Village Hall Court Room – 7:30 P.M.


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Waldhaus Gasterntal Plan51

Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Village Hall Court Room – 7:30 P.M.

(all timeframes and the order of agenda items below are approximate and subject to change)


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Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Village Hall Court Room – 7:30 P.M.
(all timeframes and the order of agenda items below are approximate and subject to change)
1. 7:30 p.m. – Call to Order, Statement of Compliance, Flag Salute, Roll Call – In accordance with the provisions of Section 10:4-8d of the Open Public Meetings Act, the date, location, and time of the commencement of this meeting is reflected in a meeting notice, a copy of which schedule has been filed with the Village Manager and the Village Clerk, The Ridgewood News and The Record newspapers, and posted on the bulletin board in the entry lobby of the Village municipal offices at 131 North Maple Avenue, and on the Village website, all in accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act. Roll call: Hache, Knudsen, Joel, Patire, Scheibner, Torielli, McWilliams, Barto, Van Goor, Wesner, Bandelt
2. 7:30 p.m. – 7:35 p.m. – Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board
3. 7:35 p.m. – 7:40 p.m. – Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics, Correspondence Received by the Board
4. 7:40 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. – Ridgewood Water, Informal Review, 205 East Glen Avenue, Block 3107, Lot 33.01, Construction of Granular Activated Carbon Treatment Facility – Adoption of Memorializing Resolution of Approval
5. 7:45 p.m. – 7:50 p.m. – Resolution Recommending Adoption of Ordinance for Hudson Street Redevelopment Plan
6. 7:50 p.m. – 7:55 p.m. – Resolution Recommending Adoption of Blade Sign Ordinance
7. 7:55 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. – Resolution Recommending Adoption of Ordinance for Front Yard Setback
8. 8:00 p.m. – 8:05 p.m. – Resolution Recommending Adoption of Ordinance for Stair Encroachment
9. 8:05 p.m. – 8:10 p.m. – Resolution Denying Recommendation of Ordinance for Freestanding Signs
10. 8:10 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – 200/210 South Broad Avenue, LLC, Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan and C Variance, Block 3905, Lot 6 and 7 – Pubic Hearing continued from June 19, 2018 without further notice and without prejudice to the Board
11.10:00 p.m. – 10:05 p.m. – Adoption of Minutes: May 2, 2017
12. 10:05 p.m. – Executive Session (if necessary)
13. Adjournment – In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, all meetings of the Ridgewood Planning Board (i.e., official public meetings, work sessions, pre-meeting assemblies and special meetings) are public meetings, which are always open to members of the general public.
Members: Ramon Hache, Susan Knudsen, Joel Torielli, Melanie McWilliams, David Scheibner, Richard Joel, Debbie Patire, Frances Barto, James Van Goor, Alysson Wesner, Matthew Bandelt
Professional Staff: Christopher Martin, Esq., Board Attorney; Christopher J. Rutishauser, Village Engineer; Brigette Bogart, Village Planner; Michael Cafarelli, Board Secretary

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New Ridgewood Village Council gets off to a fast start

New Ridgewood Village Council
photo by Boyd Loving
July 14,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Just a quick take on last night first council meeting with the new council , if tonight is any indication of things to come, so much is going to be accomplished. Ordinance  3066 is to be repealed.There was real talk about Ridgewood Water,even addressing the law suit.
The parking issues were addressed with real common sense and many new ideas as well as recognition of the immediacy of getting things done quickly.  Roberta didn’t run the meeting and actually did what she is supposed to do, inform the council!
Rurik Halaby could not help himself. He had to praise the past council and once again went on and on about how there has never been anyone like Roberta.  He gave Susan a mild lecture and talked about his belief that Valley is a done deal and to fight this would be the equivalent of endangering lives( lifes?)He cautioned Susan not to base her decisions on a few disgruntled neighbors  and move Ridgewood forward into the future embracing change and growth.  I might have made this sound better than it actually did!  But she was very polite as usual.
Hopefully we go forward with a suit against Valley. maybe it would tie things up long enough for them to start developing all the other properties they have purchased and their argument that their expansion is for the greater good will not have as much impact in a court of law as it seems to have done with the current judge.
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Ridgewood Councilmen Jeff Voigt : It is important that in these solutions we do what is best for our Village

Jeff Voigt Ridgewood Council

Councilmen Jeff Voigt speech full text:

Village Council speech:

First, thank you for your vote of confidence during the recent election. I am humbled by that confidence and committed to working towards solutions that are in the best interests of the Village.

Most especially, I would like to thank my campaign team: Sergio Alegre, Chad Chadwick, Wendy Dockray, Carol and Kevin Mattessich, Bill McCabe and Ann Spalckhaver. They are a great group of people who care deeply about Ridgewood. I would also like to thank many of you in the audience for your help during my campaign. It was a blast to work with you and I look forward to doing so moving forward.

We have a number of issues facing us over the coming years – a few of them 800 pound gorillas that are all too obvious. The solutions to these issues actually lie within this room with those who have influence over our Village – and I am talking most specifically about those in the audience. I sincerely hope this energizes you as; you are going to be asked to help in solving these issues. This also includes those with opposing views as; we need your inputs and help in this. They say that listening to, understanding, and incorporating opposing views and differences of opinion make for better decisions. I could not agree more. Let’s work together.

It is important that in these solutions we do what is best for our Village. These solutions can result in making our Village more user friendly, accessible, attractive to others, affordable and; a better place to live for us all. We as a community can do this if we keep this this in mind – namely in doing what is best for our Village.

Let’s also try and figure out solutions through less expensive and time consuming means such as compromise – meaning opposing sides sit down with each other and give to get and; in turn win in the end.

My goals over the coming 4 years are to work with you in solving these issues for the betterment of the Village and its residents. In touring our Village infrastructure with Roberta Sonenfeld, our Village Manager, I was struck by the fact we have a number of under-utilized assets that we can take advantage of for increased revenue generation – potentially marketing these services to other municipalities/businesses. These additional $$$ can be used for numerous initiatives, including lowering our taxes. We are going to look at maximizing these assets to increase our revenue streams with the committees I will be working on.

Job one, however, and I believe as well for my colleagues on the dais, is to solve our parking issue downtown, with a focus on a re-alignment of parking spaces and streets, a smaller Hudson St garage, and with innovative pricing – while simultaneously making our downtown more accessible, user friendly, and safer.

With innovative pricing, the parking utility can be a more significant revenue and surplus generator for the Village – helping to defray other costs. Let’s also re-think high density housing downtown in a way that makes sense, fits with, and actually enhances the character of our Village. Additionally, Valley Hospital needs to be a better neighbor and come up with solutions that actually make sense for our neighbors in the surrounding Valley area. Having relevant expertise in the field of healthcare, I am confident Valley can work towards this and in turn thrive in this rapidly evolving healthcare market. With these and other initiatives, I plan to reach out to all relevant constituencies whether they be developers, Valley, the chamber of commerce, and the residents to keep the dialogue going in order to work towards viable solutions.

Not surprisingly, some of these issues have been hotly contested with the outgoing council majority – Mayor Paul Aronsohn, Deputy Mayor Albert Pucciarelli, and Councilwoman Gwen Hauck. I have to thank them for teeing up a number of them. It can safely be said that there was never a dull moment in

Village Hall with you on the council. One of my concerns is that future council meetings may not be as entertaining as they have been in the recent past.

Interestingly, by your making us keenly aware of these issues it may make the path towards resolution easier. Let’s use any momentum that has been gained through this process in putting some of these issues to bed.

I look forward to working with the residents and various boards and committees on these and other initiatives. We have many committed, smart, and talentedcitizens on our boards and committees and in our Village who can help in figuring out how to make this a better place to live. This is what I am actually looking forward to most – in working with you to accomplish this. My commitment is to work hand and hand with you and; in ensuring those who do the work, get the credit and recognition.

I also look forward to working with the new council – Susan Knudsen, Bernie Walsh, Ramon Hache, and Mike Sedon. You the residents have voted in 5 independently minded people and now the fun begins.

They say what you put into something is what you get out of it. I wholeheartedly agree. This is going to be my second full time job and I am confident it will be time well spent and extremely gratifying.

Lastly, I would like to thank my family – my wife Patty and my children, Ryan, Kevin, and Emily. We have lived here for over 23 years and call Ridgewood home. It is a great place to raise a family and live the rest of your life in. Patty and I plan on doing so and in calling many of you our friends and neighbors over the coming years.

Let’s all work towards making Ridgewood an even better place to live than it

already is.

Thank you.

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New Village Council Takes the Helm Today in Ridgewood

New Broom Sweeps Clean





JULY 1, 2016

12:00 NOON


1. Call to Order – Mayor

2. Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act

3. Roll Call of Current Village Council – Village Clerk

4.   Flag Salute

5. Invocation – Father Ronald Rozniak – Our Lady of Mount Carmel RC Church

6.   Recording of Song by Ridgewood Resident, Kristen Plumley, Soprano, “Simple Gifts”

7.   Comments from the Public (Not to exceed 5 minutes per person – 30 minutes in total)

8.   Approval of Minutes


9.   Resolution #16-181 – Approval of Girl Scout Gold Award

10.  Remarks by Councilwoman Gwenn Hauck (as she leaves the dais)

11.  Remarks by Councilman Albert J. Pucciarelli (as he leaves the dais)

12.  Remarks by Mayor Paul S. Aronsohn (as he leave the dais)

13.  Reading of Certificate of Election of Ramon M. Hache – Heather A. Mailander, Village Clerk

14.  Oath of Office Administered to Ramon M. Hache by James J. Tedesco III, Bergen County Executive

15.  Remarks by Councilman Hache

16.  Reading of Certificate of Election of Jeffrey Voigt –

Heather A. Mailander, Village Clerk

17.  Oath of Office Administered to Jeffrey Voigt by Sergio Alegre, Esq.

18.  Remarks by Councilman Voigt

19.  Reading of Certificate of Election of Bernadette Coghlan Walsh – Heather A. Mailander, Village Clerk

20.  Oath of Office Administered to Bernadette Coghlan Walsh by Bergen County Freeholder Maura R. DeNicola

21.  Remarks by Councilwoman Walsh

22.  Roll Call of New Village Council – Heather A. Mailander,Village Clerk

23.  Call for Nominations for Office of Mayor by Heather A. Mailander, Village Clerk

24.  Administering of Oath of Office to Mayor by Matthew S. Rogers, Village Attorney

25.  Call for Nomination for Office of Deputy Mayor by Mayor

26.  Administering of Oath of Office to Deputy Mayor by Heather A. Mailander, Village Clerk

27.  Remarks by Deputy Mayor

28.  Remarks by Mayor



16-182    Appoint Village Attorney

16-183    Appoint Village Labor Attorney

16-184    Appoint Village Prosecutor

16-185    Appoint Public Defender

16-186    Appoint Community Development Representative

16-187    Appoint Representative to Open Space Trust Regional Committee

16-188    Appoint Members to the Planning Board

16-189    Appoint Members to the Zoning Board of Adjustment

16-190    Appoint Members to Community Center Advisory Board

16-191    Appoint Members to Financial Advisory Committee

16-192    Appoint Members to the Ridgewood Arts Council

16-193    Appoint Member to the Shade Tree Commission

16-194    Appoint Members to the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board

16-195    Appoint Member to the Green Team Advisory Committee

16-196    Appoint Village Council members as Liaisons to Various Boards and Committees


30.  Comments from the Public (Not to Exceed 5 minutes per person)

31.  Adjournment

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Ramon M Hache : Today we honor the brave men and women who have proudly served this great nation and made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom


May 30,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Council Elect Ramon M Hache , Today we honor the brave men and women who have proudly served this great nation and made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. We should honor them everyday, as well as their families, by loving and respecting the greatest nation in the world. As I do every Memorial Day, I like to read, reflect upon, and share the letter of condolences from President Abraham Lincoln to Mrs. Lydia Bixby who was believed to have lost five sons during the Civil War:

Executive Mansion
Washington, Nov. 21, 1864.

Dear Madam,–

I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle.

I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save.

I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.

Yours, very sincerely and respectfully,

A. Lincoln

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Ridgewood Council members and Council Elect Members Place Flags to Honor Veterans

Ridgewood Honors Veterans
photos courtesy of Ramon Hache
May 22,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Council members Mike Sedon and Susan Knudsen along with Council elect members Jeff Voigt , Ramon Hache and Bernie Walsh spent the morning at Valleau Cemetery in Ridgewood placing flags at the graves of Veterans. Thanks to American Legion Post 53 and Andy Haderthauer for allowing us the opportunity to participate in this beautiful tradition.

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The kids were proud too, to take part in the placement of flags on the graves of veterans at Valleau Cemetery.

The tradition is that shortly before Memorial Day, American Legion members place U.S. flags on the graves of their fallen comrades at Valleau Cemetery.

The listing were incomplete and the Legion knew that their quiet tribute missed the graves of some veterans in the 33-acre cemetery. Some graves at Valleau go as far back to the Civil War.

In the past the Legion used what could only be described as a low-tech system for noting the graves of veterans. It consisted of seven plywood boards in the shape of sections of the cemetery. On top of the boards were worn-out sheets of paper with the names of the veterans and the plot numbers. A lot of those names and plot numbers are illegible . We just had to computerize the whole system.

17-year-old Boy Scout Andy Haderthauer, a junior at Ridgewood High School heard about the problem at a Memorial Day Service and applied his computing skills to come up with a solution. Haderthauer put in about 130 hours of work to set up a computerized a system .

With the help of Valleau Cemetery Superintendent Guy Kostka, Haderthauer began his project in August. First he put the board names on the computer list, then set out on a tour of the cemetery, looking over some gravestones that date to the early 1800s.

He also  the help of some buddies and fellow Scouts, saving him days of walking the graveyard alone and three months later, Haderthauer had made up his list, and then used software to display the information by name and plot number.

Last year, there were only 350 graves at Valleau that were known to be the resting places of veterans. Now, double that number have been identified through Haderthauer’s efforts.

The project gained Haderthauer recognition as an Eagle Scout and the gratitude of the daughter of Master Sgt. Charles Ernest Hosking Jr. – a winner of the Medal of Honor. Hosking, a 24-year Army veteran, was awarded the military’s highest decoration after he was killed by an explosion in Vietnam in 1967. He jumped on a Vietnamese prisoner who was about to set off a grenade, protecting his men from the blast.

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Ramon Hache: I am truly humbled by the outpouring of support of so many residents

Ramon Hache ridgewood NJ

Dear All,

I apologize for being a day late but I was still dizzy yesterday from all the excitement on election night!!!

It really does take a village. I am truly humbled by the outpouring of support of so many residents. There are so many people to thank. Their selflessness and tireless efforts made victory possible on Tuesday night. There were people putting up signs, hosting coffees, sending emails, taking pictures, making videos, cooking, baking, talking, handing out flyers, making phone calls, hosting, printing, and cheering. Too many people to name individually but they know who they are. The results on Tuesdaywas a manifestation of their love for our community. THANK YOU!!!!

I am so proud of our community for turning out to vote in large numbers. Over 5,600 residents took time out of their lives to make their voices heard loud and clear.

Although the campaign was an exhausting and arduous process, I really enjoyed meeting so many amazing people whether I was knocking on doors or simply around town.  I would like to thank all the candidates for being professional and cordial through this whole process. I have a tremendous amount of respect and appreciation for anyone willing to offer themselves to serving on the Council. That being said, I would also like to thank the outgoing Council members for their service and for their willingness to help ensure a smooth transition with the new Council members. The work is already starting to take shape.

Looking ahead, I am excited to get to work with some great people on the new Council. I am confident we will be able to work through the numerous challenges, by respecting each other and working through our differences, in order to serve the best interests of the community. Make no mistake, although we all get along, the issues are no smaller today than they were two days ago. But by working with each other, and the community through open and transparent dialogue, we will conquer the issues. We will work diligently to ensure reasonable and responsible progress. It feels great to be part of a great team. I am also looking forward to working with all of our Village officials and employees. It is so important to have competent and committed people working for our community.

Thank you again for all of your support. Thank you for your vote and for bringing me closer to making my vision of Ridgewood a reality. This is still one of the best communities in NJ. Together, we will make it even better. I look forward to listening to you and serving you on the Council.


Ramon Hache

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Landslide Victory Signifies Major Shift in Village of Ridgewood Politics

village Council Elections
photo courtesy of Melanie McWilliams
May 11,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood
Ridgewood NJ, the victory for Ramon Hache, Jeff Voigt and Bernadette Coghlan-Walsh it was nothing more than a total reject of Mayor Paul Aronsohn’s entire agenda . The new trio will begin their four year terms on July 1, joining Susan Knudsen and Michael Sedon.

Now the hard work has to be done restoring the luster to the tarnished reputation of the Village and building on the unique nature of the Village of Ridgewood and moving forward.

Congratulations to Ramon Hache, Jeff Voigt and Bernadette Coghlan-Walsh and all there supporters and all the volunteers who put in countless hours and faced down both threats , physical and personal attacks to do the right thing .

The Ridgewood blog would like to say thank you. Now lets move forward and build a positive future .



Jeffrey Voigt – 3839 – 67.37%

Janice M Willett – 1803 – 31.64%

Evan Weitz – 1736 – 30.47%

Bernadette Coghlan-Walsh – 3611 – 63.37%

Richard S Brooks – 1656 – 29.06%

Ramon M Hache – 3867 – 67.87%

Total Registration – 16,740
Votes Cast – 5,698
Percentage – 34.04%

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My wholehearted support for three candidates for Ridgewood Village Council – Ramon Hache, Jeff Voigt, and Bernadette Walsh

Vote Ridgewood

To the MANY  taxpaying citizens who read The Blog,

I am writing this letter to announce my wholehearted support for three candidates for Village Council – Ramon Hache, Jeff Voigt, and Bernadette Walsh. Each of these candidates is an independent thinker, and each is truly dedicated to improving the Village of Ridgewood without ruining it.  They are informed and involved.  They are intelligent and reasonable individuals.  As a regular attendee at Village Council meetings, as well as being involved in other village governance activities, I have come to know them well and trust them completely.  They will work with the two Village Council members whose terms are continuing, and we will once again have discussions instead of diatribes, and votes on important matters will no longer be in the form of a 3-person bloc on every single issue.  There will no longer be bullying of citizens by elected officials from the dais and outside of Village Hall, no more bullying behavior at “safe harbor” places like church and in restaurants.  I encourage everyone to vote on May 10, and to cast your votes for Hache, Voigt, and Walsh.  We deserve a change for the better.
Anne LaGrange Loving
Vote rows 1, 4, 6