photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook
July 15,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ramsey NJ, Ramsey Police, Fire , EMS, Rescue Squad and OEM personnel rushed to 62 Mardis Avenue, Ramsey on Saturday afternoon, 07/15, in response to a 911 telephone call reporting an adult male unconscious in the home’s driveway after being stung multiple times by a swarm of bees. It was several minutes before Ramsey PD and FD members could advance to the driveway area and remove him to a waiting ambulance. Multiple ambulances were subsequently called to the scene after at least two (2) other neighborhood residents were stung. A beekeeper was called to address the issue, but the area remained off limits to pedestrians for approximately three (3) hours until the bees calmed down. Allendale PD and EMS assisted at the scene, as did an ambulance from The Valley Hospital. A uniformed Ramsey PD officer was also among those stung; he was observed entering a ambulance for examination and treatment.