Weekends provide people with much-needed respite from modern life’s hectic pace, giving you time to rest, refresh, and rejuvenate. Homebodies may especially find solace in spending their weekend indoors enjoying various forms of entertainment without the hustle and bustle of going out. This blog post seeks to offer numerous ideas and activities to make a relaxing, yet enjoyable weekend spent indoors. Whether you’re looking to entertain yourself or spend quality time with loved ones, this guide has everything covered.
Tag: reading
The Renaissance of Public Libraries: Gen Z’s Rediscovery
photo courtesy of https://artchickphotography.com/
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, in an age dominated by digital screens and virtual experiences, there’s a surprising resurgence happening in the heart of communities: the public library. While some may perceive libraries as relics of the past, Generation Z is spearheading a movement to rediscover these invaluable institutions, redefining their purpose in the modern world.
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New Report: Here’s why 40% of fourth graders can’t read at a basic level
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, a teacher effectiveness organization’s report on the nationwide implementation of best practices for teaching reading reveals that 19 states including New Jersey lack critical policies to promote literacy effectively.
Continue reading New Report: Here’s why 40% of fourth graders can’t read at a basic level
Ridgewood Public Library Upgrades Circulation Desk Area
photos courtesy of Village Manager Keith Kazmark
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, according to Village Manager Keith Kazmark , the Ridgewood Public Library seeing even more amazing renovations! This time the circulation desk area on the lower level.
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26 Books to Read in 2024
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ,the Heritage Foundation staff recommended 26 books to read in 2024 .Enjoy these 26 fascinating recommendations.
The Ridgewood Public Library Celebrates 100 years
photo courtesy of The Ridgewood Public Library
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Public Library celebrates 100 years, join Local History Librarian Sarah Kiefer and Village Historian Peggy Norris, as they take a look back at the Ridgewood Library’s history. Learn all about the group of volunteers who started the lending library, which led to the establishment of the George L. Pease Memorial Library in 1923. Light refreshments will be served at the lecture. No registration required. Any questions contact Sarah Kiefer at 201-670-5600 x2135 or skiefer@ridgewoodlibrary.org
No registration required.
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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Trenton NJ, JerseyCAN, the only statewide advocacy organization in New Jersey committed to ensuring access to high-quality public schools for every child regardless of zip code, cultural background, or socioeconomic status, released today a deeply concerning report detailing a significant decline in reading outcomes in some of New Jersey’s largest and most challenging school districts. Providing historic perspective, the most recent 3rd-grade district level and New Jersey Student Learning Assessments (NJSLA) data in areas such as Atlantic City, Newark, Camden, Milburn, JerseyCity, and Asbury Park, along with identifying and advocating for needed and specific policy solutions, “Leveraging Literacy – The Path to Education Recovery in New Jersey” hopes to showcase the significant challenges affecting school districts across the state as they open their doors this Fall. The Report is the first from JerseyCAN since Paula While joined the organization as executive director and can be found HERE.
Ridgewood Public Library: Determining what makes a Book Inappropriate for a Public library?
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, recent book additions to the Ridgewood Public Library have raised more than a few eyebrows. What’s seems to missing is a robust public debate over what is appropriate and to whom.
The Bolger Foundation, has recommitted its $1 million matching donation in support of the Ridgewood Library’s current renovation plans
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Public Library is excited to announce that the Bolger Foundation, a longtime supporter of the Ridgewood Library Foundation, has recommitted its $1 million matching donation in support of the Ridgewood Library’s current renovation plans. “This donation will allow us to expand our current plans to renew other areas of the library including our much-used auditorium and upgrade our technology training room to showcase our maker space equipment and programs,” said library director Lorri Steinbacher. Continue reading The Bolger Foundation, has recommitted its $1 million matching donation in support of the Ridgewood Library’s current renovation plans
Reading is On the Rise
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Bloomsbury, the book publisher behind the Harry Potter series, just raised its revenue expectations for its latest financial year to £260m, up from the previously expected £243m. That’s some 40% higher than the company managed just 2 years ago.
The Ridgewood Public Library: Ready, Get Set…READ!
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Continue reading The Ridgewood Public Library: Ready, Get Set…READ!
On What Pillars Is Homeschooling Better Than Traditional Schooling?
For most parents worldwide, convincing children to get up early every morning and leave for school is much of a task. Kids just starting their academic life need to understand what school is and its importance. They all know that the words ‘school’ and ‘study’ are responsible for their everyday trauma of leaving home and parents to stay in an unknown place for hours.
This everyday battle grows dissent among kids to dislike the concept of studying. It can be avoided with homeschooling. Now, asking what are the home schooling benefits opens up a long list of things. It also raises the debate of whether schooling at home is better than at a physical school.
Consider going through this article to find answers regarding the benefits of schooling kids at home.
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Parent Rights Groups Have Become Increasingly Angry Over Public Education “woke” Indoctrination and Falling Test Scores
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Wyckoff NJ, unlike Ridgewood which voted to give up its right to vote on school budgets , parents have become increasingly angry over public education – on issues ranging from lockdowns to “woke” indoctrination and falling test scores – school board elections have become a focus of discontent and incumbents are increasingly retiring under pressure or losing re-election.
42% of 2022 High School Seniors Who Took the ACT Test Flunked
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, 42% of 2022 graduating seniors nationally who took the ACT met ZERO of the four college readiness benchmarks ( English, reading, science and math). Scores on the ACT college admissions test by this year’s high school graduates hit their lowest point in more than 30 years — the latest evidence of the enormity of learning disruption during the pandemic.
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The Ridgewood Library Hosts “Breakfast With Friends” ,Wednesday October 12th 9am-10am
the staff of the Ridgewood blog