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George Floyd Protesters Get Free Pass ,but ReopenNJ Protesters Get Fined

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Randolph NJ, if you didn’t already know that New Jersey hates small business , on Friday, June 5, 2020, nearly 800 residents of Randolph Township, including Mayor Christine Cary, Township Councilwoman Marie Potter and Superintendent of Schools Jennifer Fano, held a protest to honor George Floyd.

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Local Mayors Take Action to Ease Restrictions on Local Businesses in Preparation for Re-Openings and Additional Mayors Join Alliance


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Middlesex/Morris/Somerset/Union/Warren County NJ,  Last week, Mayors for “Main Street” sent a letter to State and County officials. This letter outlined several key steps that need to be taken for their local business community and residents. In the wake of this, Mayors were pleased to see a timeline established for the partial re-openings of several aspect of the business community to include daycare, outdoor dining and some “non-essential” retail. This is a step but more needs to be done. Now, several of the Mayors have taken steps in their own towns to ease various restrictions in preparation for these re-openings, and more Mayors will act in the upcoming week.

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Attorney Says,” there is no longer any justification for denying people their Constitutional rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It’s time to #ReopenNJ “

Stock Photo of the Consitution of the United States and Feather Quill
I have been getting calls from small business owners all over the State of New Jersey who have been contacted by police enforcing Governor Murphy’s “Stay At Home” Executive Orders regarding COVID-19, and have otherwise been financially devastated. These Orders were initially handed down 2 months ago by Governor Murphy for the alleged purpose of “flattening the curve,” in other words, preventing hospitals and health care services from being overwhelmed by everyone getting the virus all at once. That mission has since been accomplished because we all worked together in good faith to make it happen. Now, Gov. Murphy has moved the goalpost to “finding a vaccine.”
In my opinion, as an attorney and business owner, there is no longer any justification for denying people their Constitutional rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It’s time to #ReopenNJ and let people feed their families again.
Daryl J. Kipnis, Esq.