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Upper Saddle River Police: Tips to Avoid being the Next Victim of a Residential Burglary

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River NJ, over the past couple years the State of New Jersey has seen a dramatic increase in residential burglaries. A quick internet search reveals numerous articles and videos showing occupied residential home burglaries and car thefts. Criminals involved in these burglaries are looking for valuables such as cash, jewelry, high end clothing, as well as keys for motor vehicles. The New Jersey State Police recorded 11,258 burglaries in 2021 and 13,377 in 2022, a nearly 19% increase.

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Residential Burglaries Reported in Burning Hollow Neighborhood of Saddle River : Set your Alarm Systems!

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Saddle River NJ, Saddle River Police encourage residents to purchase alarm systems and security cameras.
According to Saddle River Police, Saddle River night shift Patrols were dispatched to two burglaries in the Burning Hollow neighborhood just after dark. At both scenes responding units discovered a rear patio glass door had been shattered in an attempt to gain entry to the residence. At one residence, entry was denied when the alarm system triggered a glass break sensor. Due to the ringing alarm the actor(s) fled the scene prior to Patrols arrival. Surveillance cameras captured video of at least three and four actors dressed in dark clothes while wearing masks and gloves. Neither home was occupied during these events.
We strongly encourage the use of Alarms systems. If you have an alarm system, make sure you set it, even if you’re just running out for a few minutes. Security cameras are a great tool. Check your system now to make sure its functioning properly before an incident may happen. It’s getting dark earlier and that can provide thieves the cover of darkness they like to operate. Adjust your light timers accordingly to illuminate your residence to deter an intruder.

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Upper Saddle River Police Continue to Investigate the Rash of Residential Burglaries that Occurred before the Christmas Holiday

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River  NJ, the Upper Saddle River Police continues to investigate the residential burglaries that occurred before the Christmas holiday. We would like to thank all the residents that provided information to aid the investigation. Please know that residential burglaries continue to occur throughout Bergen County. Remain vigilant and observant. Please report all suspicious activity to the Upper Saddle River Police Department.

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Union County Man Admits Role in Conspiracy to Target Asian Homeowners in Residential Burglary 4 State Crime Spree

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, A Union County, New Jersey, man today admitted his role in a conspiracy that targeted Asian and Asian-American homeowners for residential burglaries, U.S. Attorney Philip R. Sellinger announced today.

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Upper Saddle River Police Warn of Increased Burglary Activity While Homeowners Leave for Holiday Social Events or Travel for Vacation

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Upper Saddle River NJ, Upper Saddle River Police report that this past week, several towns in the nearby Bergen County area reported residential burglaries. The holiday season often coincides with an increase in burglary activity. These crimes are committed while homeowners leave for social events or travel for vacation. Please continue to activate alarms, monitor “Ring” cameras, and report all suspicious activity to the Upper Saddle River Police Department.

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Eight Members of an Interstate Burglary Crew Charged in Connection with Burglaries Targeting Homeowners of Asian Descent

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Newark NJ,  eight members of an interstate burglary crew were charged for their roles in a conspiracy that targeted homeowners of Asian descent for residential burglaries, Acting U.S. Attorney Rachael A. Honig announced today.

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Bergen County Serial Burglar Arrested in Hackensack

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, Acting Bergen County Prosecutor Dennis Calo announced today the arrest of STEVEN SAULTER (DOB: 12/14/1967; single; employed as a truck driver) of 325 Kaplan Avenue, Hackensack, NJ on a charge of Burglary. The arrest is the result of an investigation conducted by the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office under the direction of Chief Robert Anzilotti.

In August 2018, the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office Special Investigations Squad initiated an investigation into a series of residential burglaries in and around Bergen County that appeared to share the same modus operandi.

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Saddle River Police Report High End Auto Thefts and Burglaries by Felony Lane Gang

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November 7,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Saddle River NJ, Saddle River police report that Saddle River and several neighboring jurisdictions have experienced high end auto thefts and auto burglaries. If everyone removes the keys and key FOB’s from their vehicles these thefts will stop. Locking your vehicle when its in the driveway prevents car burglaries from occurring and deters criminals from our area.

If you see suspicious activity call the Saddle River Police desk anytime at 201-327-5300 or call 9-1-1

There has been an uptick in residential burglaries countywide. It’s getting dark earlier and that can provide thieves the cover of darkness they like to operate in. If you have an alarm system make sure you activate it, even if you’re just running out for a few minutes. Remove your valuables from the master bedroom and it’s closet. If you have a safe make sure it is securely bolted in place. Even large safes have been carried out of homes during burglaries. Adjust your light timers accordingly to illuminate your residence to help deter an intruder. Security cameras are a great tool. Check your system now to make sure its functioning properly before an incident may happen.

Most crimes are prevented or criminals are caught when the public assists the Police by reporting suspicious persons and activity. Discuss this with your neighbors, family and friends. Advise them to secure their homes and to report suspicious activity when it is observed, not the following day. The eyes and ears of the community are of great assistance in preventing and solving crimes. Any suspicious activity can be reported to the police desk @ 201-327-5300 or by calling 9-1-1

For additional information or assistance please call Saddle River Police headquarters anytime at 201-327-5300.

Also be aware that the Felony Lane Gang is active in our area. They break into vehicles and steal identities. They target areas that women and mothers attend hoping to steal a purse that has been left behind by a busy women. This gang targets gyms, parks, daycare centers, and sporting events likely to be frequented by women and increasing the chances of finding purses left in vehicles; they conduct surveillance at these locations and unlawfully enter vehicles through unlocked doors or by using a window punch to break the window of a locked vehicle; and they specifically look for identification such as driver licenses, checks, and debit cards. Make sure any valuables and purses aren’t left in a vehicle to be stolen by these criminals.

Just a few simple steps will reduce your chances of being victimized by these criminals.

For additional information or assistance please call Saddle River Police headquarters anytime at 201-327-5300.