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Deanne J Dunne Memorial Scholarship

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, whether you knew Deanne or not, you won’t want to miss this night! Join us for fabulous music, dancing and drinks while celebrating her life and raising funds for for the Deanne J Dunne Memorial Scholarship. Deanne embodied kindness and generosity in every aspect of her life. Her legacy of compassion and selflessness continues to inspire us. Deannes empathy and genuine concern for others helped to ease the burdens and brought solace to many. She was an example of humanity’s finest qualities. Deanne was very involved in the Ridgewood school system She did everything from being on the HSA board as treasurer and president at both Travell and BF. She served on federated as well. Her work for the district was endless . This scholarship will be awarded to a RHS senior candidate who embraced the qualities of kindness, generosity and compassion for others while making RHS a better and brighter place to be. Please join us at our home on October 28!

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RHS Senior and Ridgewood Arts Foundation Scholarship Winner, Skylar Kliesch, is exhibiting selected work at the Ridgewood Public Library

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, RHS Senior and Ridgewood Arts Foundation scholarship winner, Skylar Kliesch, is exhibiting selected work at the Ridgewood Public Library for the month of October in the auditorium.
We are hosting a Meet the Artist reception on Thursday, October 6 at 8PM. All are welcome!

Continue reading RHS Senior and Ridgewood Arts Foundation Scholarship Winner, Skylar Kliesch, is exhibiting selected work at the Ridgewood Public Library

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RHS Senior is Selected for United States Senate Youth Program

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RHS Senior is Selected for United States Senate Youth Program
December 9 2014
Ridgewood NJ, RHS senior Gabriel Voorhis-Allen has been selected as one of only two students to represent New Jersey as a delegate to the United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP). The event will be held in Washington, D.C. on March 7 – 14, 2015. Gabriel will also receive a $5,000 college scholarship for undergraduate studies, with encouragement to pursue coursework in history and political science.

The program, founded in 1962 through Senate Resolution, selects each year two of the highest achieving students from each state, the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense Education system overseas. Delegates are selected through an extremely competitive merit-based selection process held at the state departments of education nationwide.  The student leaders spend a week in Washington experiencing their national government in action. All transportation, hotel and meal expenses are provided by The Hearst Foundations.


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RHS Senior Earns Bergen County Award

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Photo: RHS principal Dr. Thomas Gorman, teachers Nancy Reilly and Lynne Feeney, and Ridgewood Paul Aronsohn, congratulate Matt Mandeli at the Bergen County Salute to Champions Breakfast.

RHS Senior Earns Bergen County Award
Ridgewood NJ, RHS senior Matt Mandeli was honored in October at the Bergen County Salute to Champions Breakfast, for his work over the years with disabled students and adults. Matt has run events such as the annual Club LOU, a night of dancing and fun for the disabled members of the community. He is also a co-president of Project Interact at RHS, a club dedicated to helping the less fortunate. Mandeli was nominated for the award by Ridgewood’s mayor, Paul Aronsohn.