March 20 2017 7:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Location Ed Center, 49 Cottage Place, Ridgewood, NJ
The public is invited to attend the meeting, or watch it live on Fios channel 33, Optimum channel 77, or on the “Link in Live” tab of the district website at www.ridgewood.k12.nj.us.
Revised Budget Resolution
Approval: Revised Resolution for Adoption of the 2017-2018 Preliminary Proposed Budget for Submission to the Executive County Superintendent of Schools
It is recommended that the Board approve the following revised resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Ridgewood Board of Education, to approve the 2017-2018 school district preliminary proposed budget, as follows, for submission to the Executive County Superintendent of Schools:
Dr. Fishbein Budget Tax Levy General Fund $ 100,503,229 $91,519,173 Special Revenue Fund $ 1,378,767 $ 0 Debt Service Fund $ 3,683,597 From: $ 3,265,784 To: $ 3,265,783 Total Budget $ 105,565,593 From: $ 94,784,957 To: $94,784,956 The district has proposed programs and services in addition to the Core Curriculum Content Standards adopted by the State Board of Education.
Information on this budget and the programs and services it provides is available from the school district. There should be raised for the General Fund Tax Levy $91,519,173 for the ensuing School Year: (2017-2018).