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UPDATE: Attempted Sabotage Spotted at the Schedler Property in Ridgewood

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, recent walk through of the Schedler Property reveled  electrical wiring issues at the home. It appears someone is trying to sabotage the property , perhaps burn it down as has been suggested from some corners the Village.

“As a license electrician looking at what they have there… I can assure you there is no sabotage other than bubble covers missing from 2 of the boxes. It apears 1 fell off and the 2nd one has a broken plastic hinge from the picture. There is no overload there at all there are nine circuits of which eight are visible… each twelve and fourteen gauge chord has its own circuit. This is above and beyond the rules of the NEC..” JN

Continue reading UPDATE: Attempted Sabotage Spotted at the Schedler Property in Ridgewood

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Large Tree Branch Hits Ridgewood Home Causing Heavy Damage

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The roof and front façade of a single family home located in the 300 block of Wastena Terrace, Ridgewood sustained heavy damage when a large tree limb fell late Thursday morning, 07/15. No injuries were reported by the occupants, nor were any bystanders injured. A team of Ridgewood firefighters worked to spread a plastic cover over the roof to prevent possible water damage. Employees of PSE&G’s Electric Division and the Village of Ridgewood’s Shade Tree and Building Departments were also on the scene. A Ridgewood Police Patrol Officer provided traffic control and initiated a property damage report.

Continue reading Large Tree Branch Hits Ridgewood Home Causing Heavy Damage

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Village of Ridgewood Building Department Accused of Playing Favorites with Restaurant Reopening Paperwork

fly on wall

…the fly continues to hear accusations of playing favorites with restaurant reopening paperwork, it seems some central business restaurants are getting quick approval while other remain ignored ,reinforcing the the Village’s anti business reputation …

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Bergen Parks Department Truck Crashes into Office Building in Ridgewood’s CBD

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photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, A dump truck emblazoned with a seal from the County of Bergen Parks Department crashed into a Ridgewood office building in the Central Business District on Wednesday afternoon, 01/30, damaging at least four (4) vehicles parked there. The driver fled the scene in the damaged truck, but was apprehended shortly thereafter by Ridgewood Police officers. Before being taken into custody for unspecified charges, the driver was evaluated for a minor hand injury by Ridgewood EMTs. Firefighters from Ridgewood Fire Department and officials from the Village of Ridgewood’s Building Department were observed evaluating the structure to determine the extent of damage. The building, located at 257 East Ridgewood Avenue, the former Sealfons department store building houses PNC bank, real estate, and medical offices. Personnel from the Bergen County Prosecutor’s and Bergen County Sheriff’s Offices were assisting Ridgewood Police in processing the scene(s) and interviewing the driver. No injuries were reported by any occupants of the office building, which was evacuated immediately after it was struck.

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Exciting Technology Changes for You at the Building Department!


Dear  nattering nabobs of negativity.,

Over a year ago we embarked upon a multifaceted effort to revitalize and improve the operations and customer service of the Building Department. This effort was based on making significant changes with respect to people/organizational structure, process and technology.

We successfully implemented a new technology platform last year called Spatial Data Logic, and now I am delighted to tell you that we have rolled out a new capability for our residents to use called the Citizen Permit and Inspection Portal.  The Portal allows residents, from their homes or offices or anywhere, to schedule an inspection, look up property information, view the status of a permit and more.  Residents will need to register and create a user profile to be able to be a part of this new technology.  I would encourage you to try it out and provide us with your feedback.

If you have dealt with the Building Department in the last several months, I hope you have noted improvement.  The new technology coupled with staffing reassignments has resulted in a significant streamlining of overall operations and more effective delivery of services.  Based on resident and contractor input, we are now open for business earlier (8 A.M.).  We have also implemented a one page permit application counter form thereby streamlining this process and making it more customer–friendly.  The new Building Department Director Thomas Yotka also has held open forums with the public and will continue to do so.

This is not in any way to suggest that we do not have more improvements to make……and for this, as you know, we rely on your input.

In the future the new Citizens Portal will be expanded to other services.  More to come on this!


Roberta Sonenfeld
Village Manager
201-670-5500, ext. 203

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The Building Department is offering an amnesty program for residential work that has been previously completed without the required permits from the Village of Ridgewood.

The purpose of the amnesty program is to ensure that any work that was completed without permits does not cause a safety hazard to our residents. The program will also give Village homeowners the opportunity to apply for these permits before they are subject to administrative action.

Construction permits are required for, but not limited to, decks, interior renovations, pools, mechanical equipment installations, generators, fire/burglar systems, electrical services and subpanels, additional light fixtures or receptacles and water and gas piping. The program requires that homeowners apply for all permits and securing all the necessary inspections during the amnesty period. A comprehensive list of permitted items can be found on the Village’s website at under The Department of Community Services.

To participate in the amnesty program, you must apply for the proper permits prior to any discovery by our inspectors. Violations will not be issued to any owner occupied dwelling provided the homeowner takes advantage of the amnesty program while the program is in effect from April 20, 2015 until the close of business on August 21, 2015.

Residents doing work without a permit and who do not take advantage of this program will be subjected to the normal administrative procedures mandated by the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code. Please note that if your property has zoning non-conformities, you will be required to obtain the proper zoning approval. This is an opportunity to ensure that should you consider selling your home, all the necessary paperwork will be in order and you will avoid any last minute delays.

The amnesty program does not exempt any zoning, engineering or any other required prior approval issues which must be satisfied prior to the issuance of any permits. Also, some work may have an impact on your property taxes.

Contractors and commercial properties are not eligible for the amnesty program.

Should you have any questions, please contact the Construction Department at 201-670-5500 extension 506.

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Ridgewood building department head details history of code changes


JUNE 1, 2015    LAST UPDATED: MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015, 9:57 AM

In conjunction with Building Safety Month events that happened all over the United States, the Ridgewood Building Department staff presented a public forum in May, which focused on home safety along with changes being implemented within the village.

Over the course of about two hours, Building Department Director Thomas Yotka presented the audience with a history of building codes, demonstrating how they have evolved over the course of the past 2,000 years, before bringing the conversation back to the new initiatives happening in Ridgewood.

Oftentimes, changes in building codes happened in reaction to major disasters such as the Cocoanut Grove fire in Boston in 1942 and the Station Nightclub in Rhode Island in 2003.

Up until the mid-1970s, each municipality had its own unique set of building codes. Then in 1975, the legislature wrote a new law that went into effect on Jan. 1, 1977, bringing uniformity to codes throughout New Jersey.

These codes are what give the Building Department the blueprint to ensure that any structure standing within the village is safe for occupancy.

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Ridgewood Building Department launches safety campaign


MAY 12, 2015    LAST UPDATED: TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2015, 10:13 AM

Building Safety Month is happening all across the United States and the public safety awareness campaign has come to Ridgewood with initiatives to help individuals, families and businesses understand what it takes to create safe homes and buildings.

The Ridgewood Building Department is planning a public forum that will include presentations on constructing environmentally conscious structures, energy savings and disaster mitigation.

May has been designated National Building Safety Month by the International Code Council and each year there is a different theme. Building departments are encouraged to promote that particular theme, said Ridgewood’s Building Department Director Thomas Yotka.

This year’s theme is “Resilient Communities Start with Building Codes,” which aims to spotlight various areas of building safety and offer tips on how to prepare for disaster and prevent fires and other household accidents.

To give the exercise more local meaning, a public forum will be held on May 20 to not just expand upon the national theme, but apply it to how residents in the village can be affected.

The forum will include presentations on building environmentally conscious structures, energy savings and disaster mitigation. There will also be a presentation focusing on what the local Building Department does and what residents can expect when going through the permit application process.

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The Building Department is offering an amnesty program for residential work that has been previously completed without the required permits from the Village of Ridgewood.

The purpose of the amnesty program is to ensure that any work that was completed without permits does not cause a safety hazard to our residents. The program will also give Village homeowners the opportunity to apply for these permits before they are subject to administrative action.

Construction permits are required for, but not limited to, decks, interior renovations, pools, mechanical equipment installations, generators, fire/burglar systems, electrical services and subpanels, additional light fixtures or receptacles and water and gas piping. The program requires that homeowners apply for all permits and securing all the necessary inspections during the amnesty period. A comprehensive list of permitted items can be found on the Village’s website at under The Department of Community Services.

To participate in the amnesty program, you must apply for the proper permits prior to any discovery by our inspectors. Violations will not be issued to any owner occupied dwelling provided the homeowner takes advantage of the amnesty program while the program is in effect from April 20, 2015 until the close of business on August 21, 2015.

Residents doing work without a permit and who do not take advantage of this program will be subjected to the normal administrative procedures mandated by the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code. Please note that if your property has zoning non-conformities, you will be required to obtain the proper zoning approval. This is an opportunity to ensure that should you consider selling your home, all the necessary paperwork will be in order and you will avoid any last minute delays.

The amnesty program does not exempt any zoning, engineering or any other required prior approval issues which must be satisfied prior to the issuance of any permits. Also, some work may have an impact on your property taxes.

Contractors and commercial properties are not eligible for the amnesty program.

Should you have any questions, please contact the Construction Department at 201-670-5500 extension 506.