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New Vocal Booth has been Added to the RHS Recording Studio

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, every generation defines it self with music , established in 2017 with generous support from the Ridgewood Education Foundation, the RHS Recording studio is staffed and managed by the RHS Music Production Club. The studio is located in room 145 (near the band room on the first floor) of Ridgewood High School. The RHS Recording Studio is a fully equipped recording studio offering a recording environment for bands and groups looking to record a demo, mixtape, single or an album.

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Reader Questions Ridgewood Education Foundation’s Commitment to Ridgewood Education


RE: “Since Inception the Ridgewood Education Foundation has donated more than $1,000,000 to our public schools and community”

The Ridgewood Education Foundation hasn’t donated a PENNY to the schools…. they just shame/bully/cajole/guilt the parents into paying EVEN MORE into an overpriced school system (which is experiencing dwindling returns each year as its value gets reduced to a bumper sticker with no value: “tradition of excellence”)

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Since Inception the Ridgewood Education Foundation has donated more than $1,000,000 to our public schools and community

Ridgewood Education Foundation

photo courtesy of Ridgewood Education Foundation

October 19,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Foundation recently received a check from Wells Fargo for $1000! The check is presented to Jody Irwin by Azhoon Abdulghani, Region Bank President, Felix Ramirez, Ridgewood Branch Manager, and Greg Nasciemento, District Manager.

Since its inception in 1989, The Ridgewood Education Foundation has donated more than $1,000,000 to our public schools and community based educational programs.
On the evenings of October 24-26 members of the Foundation will be calling to solicit donations. Donate before Oct 24 and we won’t call! Donate here:

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Ridgewood Education Foundation Commits to 1:1 Technology

star trek beam

Ridgewood Education Foundation Commits to 1:1 Technology 
June 9, 2014 

Ridgewiood NJ, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Daniel Fishbein has announced the receipt of a grant of $250,000 from the Ridgewood Education Foundation for the district’s new 1:1 Computer Device Initiative.The Ridgewood Education Foundation (The Foundation) will issue its first disbursement of $100,000 to the Board of Education at its July 23 meeting. Ongoing disbursements of $50,000 will be issued annually thereafter for an additional three years.“The 1:1 computer device initiative is the next step in the District Technology Plan and an important aspect of our goals for twenty-first century learning,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Daniel Fishbein.“On behalf of the Ridgewood Board of Education, I wish to thank The Foundation for their leadership and vision to partner with us in this exciting new program as part of their ongoing commitment and support of the district’s mission of excellence.”

Specifically, the grant will allow the district to purchase and distribute Google tablet Chromebook technology at all levels, K-12, starting in September at the high school and moving into the middle and elementary schools over the next several years.

Chromebooks and the accompanying suite of apps called Google Apps for Education (GAFE) and Google Drive allow users to store and share files from any device that has an Internet connection. As part of the1:1 initiative, the district has provided GAFE accounts to all students. Students in grades 6-12 have also been issued email accounts for internal use only. Using GAFE and Google Drive, students will be able to
access their work at school and home throughout their years in the district. Teachers will be able to provide instant feedback to students on their assignments and easily monitor student contributions to group work. All work done using GAFE is managed by the Ridgewood Public Schools in a safe and closed environment and is the property of the Ridgewood Board of Education

“Clearly from the district’s vision and plan the role of technology will be increasingly important in enhancing academics,” said The Foundation president Jennie Wilson. “The Trustees of The Foundation felt this was an important initiative for Ridgewood schools and vital to twenty-first century learning skills across the district. The vote to fund this grant to the schools was unanimous and very exciting for all trustees. It supports academics and fits perfectly with our mission to enhance education in the Ridgewood Public Schools.”

Microsoft Store

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Ridgewood Education Foundation plans new direction


Ridgewood Education Foundation plans new direction
MONDAY JANUARY 13, 2014, 1:06 PM

The Ridgewood Education Foundation (REF) is thinking bigger.

With a new campaign officially announced at a REF fundraiser last week, the private organization formerly known for its micro-grants for individual classrooms will now focus its energies on “truly innovative” grants and projects that affect more Ridgewood students district-wide.

A first $100,000 grant has already been given to the Board of Education (BOE) to aid the district with implementing Ridgewood High School’s (RHS) 1:1 technology initiative.

The REF will also make a $100,000 commitment to “21st century learning.”

“[Twenty-first century learning] is not limited to technology or STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics),” the organization noted in a press release. “It is about collaboration, creativity, project-based learning, critical thinking skills, civic literacy.”

– See more at: