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Village of Ridgewood Council Recognizes the 4th of July Committee 

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photo courtesy of Village Manager Keith Kazmark

the staff of the Ridgewood Blog

Ridgewood NJ, at Wednesday council meeting the Council gave a BIG shout out and a thank you to the 4th of July Committee who tirelessly work hard year round to plan and organize the Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration and one of the largest Independence Day parades in Bergen County!

Continue reading Village of Ridgewood Council Recognizes the 4th of July Committee 

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113th annual Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Ridgewood celebrates the 4th of July

file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, please join us for our annual flag raising ceremony in Wilsey Square at 9am on Tuesday, July 4th followed by parade beginning at 10am. Evening Entertainment with live music, food trucks, beer garden, and fireworks finale begins at 6pm!

Continue reading 113th annual Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration Tuesday, July 4, 2023

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Celebrating the 22th Anniversary of Ridgewood’s Farmer’s Market


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Celebrating the 22th Anniversary of Ridgewood’s Farmer’s Market!!! Mark Your Calendars! Every Sunday* from June 26 to November 20, 2022 (*weather permitting) 8:30am-2:00pm at the Westside of NJ Train Station Join us at our small, no crowds, safe Farmer’s Market that will have lots of FRESH vegetables, fruit, baked goods, local honey, delicious pickles, homemade mozzarella, cannoli’s. For more information please reach out to the Chamber at 201-445-2600 or

Continue reading Celebrating the 22th Anniversary of Ridgewood’s Farmer’s Market

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111th annual Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration Monday, July 5, 2021


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  111th annual Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration Monday, July 5, 2021 . Please join us for our annual flag raising ceremony in Wilsey Square at 9am on July 5th.  Please follow all local and state social distancing guidelines when attending this event.  We will also being streaming the ceremony live on our Facebook page.

Check back soon for more details regarding the 2021 Celebration . Please consider making a donation to keep our great tradition alive!


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Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration will be holding the flag raising at 9 am at Wilsey Square on July 4th

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, As it gets closer to the 4th, and things are getting slowly back to normal, we know many people are disappointed by the cancelling of the annual 4th of July events. It was a very tough decision for our committee but with public health concerns and economic uncertainty, it was just not feasible this year. As many of you know, the 4th of July in Ridgewood is entirely funded by community donations, and with our local businesses deeply impacted by the shutdown, we felt cancelling this year’s events was the most responsible thing to do.

Continue reading Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration will be holding the flag raising at 9 am at Wilsey Square on July 4th

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Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration, Inc., an all-volunteer, non-profit community group


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, just to clear up a few misconceptions the Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration is organized by the Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration, Inc., an all-volunteer, non-profit community group.

All aspects of this annual celebration including fireworks, bands, evening performers, insurance, police and fire personnel are funded by voluntary contributions from local businesses and individuals.

Ridgewood celebrates the 4th of July

That is the way it has always been , always not just this year but as long as we can remember and that is the early 1960’s.

So get those chairs ready and support the tradition .


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Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration Schedule of Events


June 16,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration Committee announces their 2018 celebration theme as “Rockin’ Ridgewood: Celebrating All-American Music.”

The 2018 theme aims to celebrate the impact of music on American culture throughout history and highlight the talents of many performers from our community.

Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration ,Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Schedule of Events :

Flag Raising: 9:00 am – Wilsey Square
Speaker: Paul Felice
Recognition of Special Guest
Kasschau Memorial Band Shell Committee – Celebrating 60 years in Ridgewood!
Recognition of the Grand Marshall
Ridgewood Resident and Irish Tenor – Ciaran Sheehan
Demonstration by NJ Militia Heard’s Brigade
“To the Colors” performed by Sean Zuckerman
“The Star Spangled Banner” performed by Ciaran Sheehan
Parade begins 10:00 am (Rain or Shine) – South Monroe Street and Godwin Avenue: See the Parade route.

Evening Entertainment:
Gates open 6:00 pm – Veteran’s Field (Rain Date: July 5th)
Live Entertainment: Eugene Thomas and No Big Deal & The Dad’s Night Band
50/50 drawing at 8:30pm
Approx. 9:15: National Anthem
Fireworks: Immediately following evening entertainment at dusk – Veteran’s Field (Rain Date: July 5th)

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Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration is just about a month away!


June 1,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration is just about a month away from the big day! Please help #SupportTheTradition by buying your 50-50 ticket! Grand prize is up to $25,000. Tickets are on sale now. They can be purchased by contacting the committee at or we will be selling them every Saturday in June at Park Wood Deli from 11-2 pm. And again at the Ridgewood Public Library June 25-30, 9-3.
Help make the 2018 Celebration the best one yet!!

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Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration, “Honoring Those Who Serve” Time Line


July 3,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewiood NJ, The 2017 theme for the Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration is “Honoring Those Who Serve.” The parade will be held, rain or shine, on Tuesday, July 4, 2017.  This is the time line for the day’s festivities include:

• Flag Raising: 9:00AM Wilsey Square (Ridgewood train station parking lot)  Short program followed by traditional flag raising: Although the parade and firework portions of the day have on occasion been cancelled, the flag raising has occurred without interruption since the start of the committee in 1910.   • Parade: Beings at 10:00AM (rain or shine) Parade runs along Godwin Ave and onto Ridgewood Ave through downtown, turning right on Maple Ave past the grand stand at Village Hall and ends at Leuning Park Follow the line of chairs set up by residents securing their spot. Don’t miss the competitive elementary school float competition and the Grand Marshal for this year, Bob Paoli, American Legion Post 53 Commander.

• Evening Entertainment and Fireworks: Gates open at 6:00PM Veterans Field (on the corner of Maple Ave and Linwood) The field is the ideal place to see the fireworks, which have been named the best in Bergen County by 201 Magazine for 11 years running. Bands and food/beverage vendors keep you entertained until dusk. Tickets are sold in advance at various local stores for $10, tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children 6-12 at the gate.  Children five years and under are admitted for free. NEW this year –tickets available for sale online. Check the website for more details, rules and regulations.

About the Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration

The Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration is organized by the Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration, Inc., an all-volunteer, non-profit community group. All aspects of this annual celebration including fireworks, bands, evening performers, insurance, police and fire personnel are funded by voluntary contributions from local businesses and individuals. The Committee continues to require the generous donations from the community to keep the tradition alive. The Ridgewood tradition began in 1910 when the local papers, the civic section of the Woman’s Club and the Ridgewood Fire Department joined forces to create a “safe and sane” holiday with an emphasis on Patriotism.

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The Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration’s 2017 theme is “Honoring Those Who Serve.”

Ridgewood celebrates the 4th of July

June 23,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration is an all volunteer, community funded event that receives no direct funding from the Village of Ridgewood.  In addition to our generous sponsors and to ensure our tradition continues we need your support! Donate Now at the link below:


New this year!! 50/50 Raffle – ONLY 600 tickets sold!  Grand Prize winner will receive up to  $25,000.00 with 10 additional chances to win $500.00!!  Winners will be announced before the fireworks at Veteran’s Field.  Contact us at 201-602-1922 or for information on where to buy tickets!


Please join us for the 107th annual Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration on Tuesday, July 4th, 2017.

The Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration’s 2017 theme is “Honoring Those Who Serve.” The 2017 theme recognizes and honors the many men and women who dedicate their work and life to others through military, police, fire, ems or civil service.

Each year, the Fourth of July Celebration Committee chooses a theme that celebrates a certain aspect of American history or culture. The theme also serves as the basis for the float competition held among the town’s elementary schools.

Thank you for your continued support of this great tradition!

-The Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration Committee




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Support The Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration “Honoring Those Who Serve” Tuesday, July 4, 2017 !

Ridgewood Celebrates the 4th of July

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration is an all volunteer, community funded event that receives no direct funding from the Village of Ridgewood.  In addition to our generous sponsors and to ensure our tradition continues we need your support! Donate Now at the link below:



Please join us for the 107th annual Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration on Tuesday, July 4th, 2017.

The Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration Committee 2017 is “Honoring Those Who Serve.” The 2017 theme recognizes and honors the many men and women who dedicate their work and life to others through military, police, fire, ems or civil service.

Each year, the Fourth of July Celebration Committee chooses a theme that celebrates a certain aspect of American history or culture. The theme also serves as the basis for the float competition held among the town’s elementary schools.

Thank you for your continued support of this great tradition!

-The Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration Commitee

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Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration !


Fireworks Tickets
Monday, July 4, 2016

Alternate Date – Tuesday, July 5th

Veteran’s Field, Ridgewood, New Jersey Entrance gates open at 6:00 PM and close at 9:00 PM

While the Parade is free, Fireworks Tickets are required for entrance to Vet’s Field. Donations for Fireworks Tickets is one of the Celebration’s largest sources of income. Tickets are available for advance purchase at stores for $10. Tickets will be on sale at the gates for $15 for adults and $10 for children ages 6-12. Buy your tickets in advance for big savings! Children 5 and under are admitted for free. Tickets may be purchased online at for $11.00 each including shipping and handling.

Tickets will be on sale at the following vendors for $10 each. Children 5 and under are admitted free.

  • Backyard Living – 235 Franklin Avenue, Ridgewood
  • Bergen News Plus – 890 Prospect Street, Glen Rock
  • Chestnut Catering & Deli – 25 Chestnut Street, Ridgewood
  • Connect One Bank – 171 E. Ridgewood Avenue, Ridgewood
  • Custom Cut Salon – 239 Godwin Avenue, Midland Park
  • Daily Treat Restaurant– 177 E. Ridgewood Avenue, Ridgewood – Open July 4th until 2:00 PM
  • Goffle Brook Farm– 425 Goffle Road, Ridgewood – Open July 4th until 5:00 PM
  • Hillman Electric Inc. – 133 E. Ridgewood Avenue, Ridgewood
  • Hogan’s Restaurant & Diner – 20 Central Avenue, Midland Park
  • Hoskins Propane – 523 Goffle Road, Ridgewood
  • Ridgewood Auto Wash Co. – 450 South Broad Street, Glen Rock
  • Ridgewood Cycle Shop – 35 North Broad Street, Ridgewood
  • Town & Country Apothecary – 60 E. Ridgewood Avenue, Ridgewood
  • Uncorked Wines and Spirits- 607 N. Maple Avenue, Ho-Ho-Kus – Open July 4th until 5:00 PM
  • The Wine Seller – 6 West Ridgewood Avenue, Ridgewood

Patrons and belongings will be subject to security checks by Police Department personnel when entering Veterans Field. Alcohol is not permitted. There will be 2 lines at the gates, one for those with bags and one for those without bags. Expect delays. All gates will close at 9:00 PM.

Gates open at 6:00 PM and close at 9:00 PM. No Dogs allowed – Village Ordinance 1689

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Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration


Please join us for the 105th annual Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration on Saturday, July 4th, 2015. The Theme for the Parade this year is “American Innovation.”

Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration
Saturday, July 4, 2015 Schedule of Events

Flag Raising: 9:00 am – Wilsey Square

Speaker – Ridgewood Council Member
Recognition of the Grand Marshall and Special Guests
Flag Raising by American Legion Post 53 and Boy Scouts
“The Star Spangled Banner” sung by The Maroon Men

Parade begins 10:00 am (Rain or Shine) – North Monroe and Godwin:

Evening Entertainment: Gates open 6:00 pm – Veteran’s Field (Rain Date: July 5th)

Fireworks: Immediately following evening entertainment at dusk – Veteran’s Field (Rain Date: July 5th)

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Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration


Saturday, July 4, 2015 Schedule of Events

Schedule for the Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration

Flag Raising: 9:00 am – Wilsey Square

Speaker – Ridgewood Council Member
Recognition of the Grand Marshall and Special Guests
Flag Raising by American Legion Post 53 and Boy Scouts
“The Star Spangled Banner” sung by The Maroon Men

Parade begins 10:00 am (Rain or Shine) – North Monroe and Godwin:                                        See the Parade route.

Evening Entertainment: Gates open 6:00 pm – Veteran’s Field (Rain Date: July 5th)

Fireworks: Immediately following evening entertainment at dusk – Veteran’s Field (Rain Date: July 5th)

Join Ridgewood’s July 4th Committee to help with Parade & Fireworks!

The Ridgewood Fourth of July is looking for volunteers for the Parade and Fireworks. Please volunteer as a parade marshall or for the evening program. All volunteers receive a signature Ridgewood Fourth of July t-shirt and a free ticket to the evening entertainment and fireworks. As we are a non-profit we can also offer community service hours to students. Please contact us on Facebook, at or attend our volunteer meeting Wednesday, July 1st at 7:30 p.m. at the Firehouse. The Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration is an all-volunteer organization supported entirely by private donations. Support the Tradition.

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Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration Salutes ‘American Innovation’ with 2015 Parade


May 25,2015

Ridgewood NJ, Now in its 105th year, the celebration will commemorate the creativity, ingenuity and hard work of Americans past and present. The parade will begin at 10 a.m. and will be held Saturday, July 4, rain or shine.

“It’s good for the schools who are participating in the float competition to know what the parade theme is,” said Katie Burns of the parade’s theme announcing. “Also, maybe it’ll give us all something good to look forward to amidst this bleak weather!”

One of the largest Fourth of July events in the New York City area, the day-long celebration will include a flag raising ceremony, followed by the parade, evening entertainment at Veterans Field beginning at 6:30 p.m., and fireworks display at dusk. An estimated 30,000 people are expected to attend the festivities.

Pre-sale tickets for evening entertainment and fireworks (kids and adults) are $10 and can be found at various community offices, local businesses or purchased online. Tickets can also be purchased at the Veteran’s Field gates on July 4 for $15 for adults and $10 for kids ages 5-11. Children 5 and under are admitted for free. Pre-sale tickets will be available beginning June 1.

Ridgewood has won “best parade” and “best fireworks” in the Best of Bergen poll from 201 Magazine for 11 years running. All aspects of the annual event are funded by donations from businesses and individuals in the surrounding community. For a list of volunteer ticket sellers, more information on how to support the tradition or to purchase tickets online, Follow the celebration on Facebook for the latest updates from the committee.

The Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration was born out of American ingenuity when, in 1910, local community groups joined forces to create a “safe and sane” July 4th holiday with an emphasis on community and patriotism. The event is organized and put on by the Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration Committee, Inc., an all-volunteer organization.