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Ridgewood Board of Education Road Show Promotes Massive 2020 Bond Referendum


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Board of Education is announcing school tours in October and November, The roadshow will be used to promote the proposed $70million referendum. The Ridgewood Board of Education is attempting to better educate the public on the needs under discussion for a possible 2020 bond referendum.

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Learn to Protect Your Family from the “Not My Child” Syndrome

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Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are pleased to announce that we are hosting an “An Evening with Dianne Grossman” at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, October 23. This event has been generously sponsored by the Village of Ridgewood Fire Department.

Earlier that day, Dianne Grossman, founder of Mallory’s Army®, will be providing two student assemblies for 7th and 8th grade students at Benjamin Franklin Middle School and George Washington Middle School. Dianne has presented in neighboring districts and across the state. While Dianne will share the tragic story of her daughter Mallory, the main message focuses on encouraging kids to find common ground and be upstanders, as well as building compassion and empathy in our schools and community.

Please see the flyer below for details. We hope to see you on October 23!


Stacie Poelstra

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for sale Ridgewood_Real_Estate_theRodgewopodblog

“In the next six months the Board majority needs to deliver on their promise (to special interest groups); commit to multi million dollar projects and move the election back to November so residents won’t be allowed to vote or change the school budget.

None of what they are planing will directly impact the children’s programs, education or stop the decline in school ranking. Residents pockets will be tuned inside out and we will all be financially crippled by debt.

The Board President and Vice President have lowered their taxes bracing for the hike. WAKE UP RIDGEWOOD! THE MULTI MILLION DOLLAR REFERENDUM IS COMING!

They appointed Muhammad banking on the fact that he’s only lived here a few seconds, is not registered to vote and doesn’t know enough to stop or expose their plan. “

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NJ State Troopers: Back to School Basics

"security walk through" at Ridgewood Schools

file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, If you couldn’t tell that many schools in Jersey are back in session by the sudden emergence of yellow buses, crossing guards, and backpack-strapped kiddos making the trek to school on foot, then surely your social media has been flooded with a deluge of back-to-school/first-day-of-school posts.

So, you remembered the trillion things that your kids need for school like backpacks, pens, pencils, folders, lunch boxes, binders, boxes, tissues, glue, water bottles, clothes, popsicle sticks, glitter, etc. But did you remember to talk to your kids about back-to-school safety?

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Special Education Litigation Could Impact Ridgewood Schools


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Federal Department of Education has ordered New Jersey to revise their special education due process system within three months.  This comes on the heels of complaints that the system in New Jersey for special education cases takes too long, costs too much money, is biased with some feeling it is biased towards school district and others saying it is biased towards families.

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Reader says , “Ridgewood residents deserve better than a campaign of misinformation”

Ridgewood Board of Education ,Unlawful election sign placement, election, vote

“Matt Lindenberg I’m not blocked by Winograd or Mom’s Dads on Facebook . Took a look at your post and it’s exactly as reported in original comment and not taken out of context. Is there a reason you didn’t include it in your response?
Here it the Facebook post as written by Matt Lindenberg, “I guess I see it as a choice between 50-60% (not positive about those numbers) electing good BOE members to get the budget work done right, or 14% voting to approve it. Given that choice, my opinion 50-60% representation is better. You may disagree.”

Matt Lindenberg, as someone participating in a campaign to take away a voting right, shouldn’t you know the facts? Don’t you have an obligation to tell people the truth? In this instance your 50-60% is completely inaccurate and even more so when considering lack of down-ballot participation.

Ridgewood residents deserve better than a campaign of misinformation.”