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Former Ridgewood Village Candidate Melanie McWilliams Endorses Bernadette Walsh and Jeff Voight

Melanie McWilliams

Hi All!

I want to say thank you so much to everyone who supported my choice to run for Village Council.

I really wanted to do it and to be a part of helping the town I love, preserve its character. I wanted to be a part of the process and I still will be.

The election is a numbers game, and we had too many chefs in the soup. If someone had to take one for the team and step aside, I am happy to have been that person. If it enables stability, common sense, and independent thinking to return to our council, then it is for the best. I apologize for the years of laughs I won’t be there to provide you, but hey, you can’t win them all! Council meetings would surely have been more interesting with me involved- in a good way!

And I’m not done. I plan to run in 2 years, and do my part at that time.

There ARE other excellent candidates, and I throw my whole hearted support behind Bernadette Walsh and Jeff Voight. They are excellent, proven, trusted leaders. I ask anyone that had been in support of me, to please throw your support behind these 2.
Thanks again to all of you.

Melanie McWilliams