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Ridgewood’s downtown and Graydon were featured in News 12’s “On the Road” segment

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photo courtesy of Village of Ridgewood Mayor Ramon Hache Facebook page

July 22,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood Nj, Marcia Ringel  of The Preserve Graydon Coalition, reports in their latest eblast :

“We’re on TV! Ridgewood’s downtown and Graydon were featured in News 12’s “On the Road” segment last night.

The clip is only a few minutes long. Warning: the opening music is loud:

The first reporter, on a busy Friday night downtown, says he’s on Ridgefield Avenue. Oh well. But the second one, on site at Graydon, extols our village gem, praising its location in the center of town and noting its fortunate escape from a cemented fate. Thank you, everybody–our hard work that started precisely nine years ago, in July 2009, endures. Now it’s a blip in village history, as we had hoped.

Then the reporter jumps off the high dive, calling it “immersive journalism.”

The program shows the 1936 cornerstone of the historic skating shelter, located in the lower right corner of what became the badge office. The building and the low stone walls around the swimming area and tree were created as a WPA project in the 1930s. Fires in the fireplace in the shelter warmed cold skaters.

photo courtesy of Preserve Graydon

The cornerstone of Graydon’s first official building. An ice skating rink was created on the lake, used informally for that purpose for years, in December 1927. The site was adapted for swimming in July 1931. That’s 87 years (and counting) of summer fun. “

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Ridgewood’s Downtown Ranked Number 1 in New Jersey

CBD ridgewood ArtChick
file photo by ArtChick
November 3,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, according to the new smart phone website OMJ Ridgewood’s central business district (CBD) was ranked the number one best downtown in the entire state of New Jersey.
OMJ is a part of NJ Advance Media, the same company that brings you, New Jersey’s most popular news-and-information site after the Ridgewood blog of course.OMJ is the first smartphone website devoted to celebrity, style and social media in New Jersey.

OMJ had no trouble parking , and called the CBD ,”walkable”  and say,” everything you need in one small area.” . They go one to say ,” the post office, get a coffee, and grab lunch all while getting your car serviced. “They said the,” town is family friendly but also sophisticated and historic”.