To my fellow residents, No matter how you voted, we need to remember, we are one community and we all want what’s best for this community, even if our way of achieving that differs from one another. We, as a community, can have different opinions, philosophies or ideas, but that shouldn’t make us enemies. We need to set better examples for our children and our fellow residents. We must learn, or remember, to treat each other with kindness and respect. I tried to run this campaign with a positive message and showed nothing but respect for Mr. Loncto throughout. I may not agree with everything he’s done, but I wish him nothing but the best and appreciate his years of service. To those that did support me during this campaign, I can’t thank you enough. When you have the support system that I had, and the community behind you, you feel like you can do anything. We still have a lot of work to do, but it’s the beginning of change. We are all #RidgewoodStrong.
Cristopher Kaufman