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What is the Salary Range for RN Jobs in Memphis, TN?

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The allure of a fulfilling career in healthcare, coupled with the charm of a city steeped in history and culture, makes Memphis, TN, an enticing destination for Registered Nurses (RNs) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs). Memphis’s medical landscape is flourishing, with a growing demand for skilled and compassionate RNs across various specialties. 

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Off Duty Valley Hospital RN Helps Fainting Women During 9/11 Memorial Service in Wyckoff

Allison Dansen

November 20,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Congratulations to this week’s Valley Hospital Service Star, Allison Dansen, RN, Community Care! Allison was  recognized for sacrificing a very personal moment to help a person in great need of medical attention.

Last September, Allison was at a 9/11 Memorial Service in Wyckoff honoring fallen Firefighter Dana Rey Hannon, her fiancé, along with 10 other residents who had lost their lives. During the ceremony, a cry went up from the crowd: “Medic!” A woman, overcome by the heat, had fallen out of her chair. As the ceremony went forward and hundreds of people began placing flowers on the memorial stone, Allison stayed back to assist with administering oxygen to the woman. Great job and thank you, Allison, for selflessly serving your community.