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State of NJ Local Finance Board Gives Thumbs Down to Administrative Law Judge Recommendation 

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UPDATE:  In the matter of Paul Aronsohn and Roberta Sonenfeld vs. State of NJ Local Finance Board

the staff of The Ridgewood Blog

Ridgewood NJ, members of the State of NJ Local Finance Board met in public via Microsoft Teams on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, and did not accept Administrative Law Judge Jude-Anthony Tiscorina’s recommendation to overturn and dismiss the Notices of Violation and corresponding fines issued to Paul Aronsohn and Roberta Sonenfeld.

Continue reading State of NJ Local Finance Board Gives Thumbs Down to Administrative Law Judge Recommendation 

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Resident Demands Village Manager Heather Mailander resign her position immediately, and be replaced by former Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld

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Surely you must be joking Mr Halaby!

the staff of The Ridgewood Blog
Ridgewood NJ, As a result of comments made during a meeting of the Village Council on March 10, 2021, Rurik Halaby has lost any credibility he had left, which was very little to begin with.

Continue reading Resident Demands Village Manager Heather Mailander resign her position immediately, and be replaced by former Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld

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Do Ethics Violations Put Former Ridgewood Mayor Job In Doubt

paul Aronsohn

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Governor Phil Murphy is facing continued questions over his hiring practices after a pair of former campaign workers who joined his administration recently left amid scandal, and a third was suspended for using raw language on social media. The BLOG would like to know when Murphy will wise up and get rid of local philanderer Paul Aronsohn, who was hired by our governor to be the Ombudsman for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities and their families.

Continue reading Do Ethics Violations Put Former Ridgewood Mayor Job In Doubt

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Irene Habernickel Family Park – HealthBarn FAQs #1 (2016)


The below document represents answers, approaches and comments to questions, concerns and issues that were raised by residents and the Council regarding the leasing of Habernickel’s Gate House to Health Barn, USA. The Village Council will discuss two resolutions at the Wednesday, February 3rd meeting: one to change the use of the Gate House for recreational and educational purposes, and the second to authorize the signing of the lease between Health Barn and the Village. The vote on these resolutions will not be held until the Council session on February 10th. Any comments or questions can be directed to Roberta Sonenfeld ( and Janet Fricke (

Continue reading Irene Habernickel Family Park – HealthBarn FAQs #1 (2016)

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Sore election losers, and we do mean losers, strike again

Jeff Voigt Ridgewood Council

June 24,2018

by the staff of The Ridgewood Blog

Ridgewood NJ, We just received a text from a reader that included photos taken off of Jeff Voigt’s Facebook page of theConservancy for Ridgewood Public Lands’ Butterfly Garden grand opening event. The event was held at The Stable (taxpayer owned property) on Thursday, 06/21.


In attendance were, among others – Nancy Bigos, Heather Mailander, Tony Daminao, Janice Willett, Siobhan Winograd, Roberta Sonenfeld, Cynthia Halaby, Lauren Saraceno, Chris Raimondi, and Jeffrey Voigt.

Some losers just don’t know when to give it up.

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Reader says To wait for the perfect candidate would be to abdicate from your civic responsibility


FOUR years later. And from a disgraced former village manager who created an HR position for one pal from Bergen Leads and more or less gave the house at Habernickel to another for low rent who is now running roughshod over the neighborhood while absorbing endless village services. She should talk! As for not voting, that is a copout. I could not count how many times in my life I have voted for the lesser o two, three, or more evils. It is never true that all candidates are alike. If you must, choose the ones you dislike the most, hold your nose, and vote for the others. More Aronsohn acolytes on the council would be a disaster as Voigt voted with them and created another “council majority” to do Aronsohn’s bidding. To wait for the perfect candidate would be to abdicate from your civic responsibility.

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Reader says If the lease was written in favor of the business without the tax payers rights being considered it is time for Village Manager to make the proper adjustments

Roberta Sonenfeld

file photo by Boyd Loving

Bottom line is if this business was placed in a green acres park by past council and VM without following the proper procedures it is time for present council and VM to make the proper adjustments to the lease
If the lease was written in favor of the business without the tax payers rights being considered it is time for VM to make the proper adjustments
The fact that a business was placed in a residental neighborhood WITHOUT a trial period is absurd!! And the fact that it has been there for 21/2 years and the council and VM get endless complaints about the neighbors quality of life AND these have been ignored needs to be looked into too!

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Former Village Manager Takes the Heat for One Sided ParkMobile Contract in Ridgewood

Roberta Sonenfeld

file photo by Boyd Loving

December 16,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Village Council voted to terminate its contract with Parkmobile this week, after it was discovered that the Village had incurred huge service fees with the parking app they have used since 2015.

park mobile

The Fee issue was first raised publicly during an October meeting when CFO Robert Rooney told the council that the parking utility loses about 30 cents on the dollar every time the smartphone app is used. He said that since signing its contract with Parkmobile in February 2015, the village has paid $140,000 in service fees to the company.

Resolution 15-52 , the resolutions granting ParkMobile a 2 year contract ,clearly states that the Village will incur no additional service fees or contract fees .

Most of the blame has fallen on Roberta Sonenfeld who was the Village Manager, although she thought she was an elected official. The fact is she should never EVER have signed that contract when she was only authorized by resolution to sign a contract with NO ADDITIONAL FEES.

Reader stated , “that She bragged about her business prowess and being a Six Sigma expert. Based on her acrimonious, arrogant and ignorant behavior, she proved to be a Five Phi Failure!”


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Reader says Financial Advisory Committee was Aronsohn’s breeding ground for his little puppets

Village Council election signs

Miss Willett is in the same bitter school as Evan Weitz,and Roberta Sonenfeld from the failed FAC. That FAC was Aronsohn’s breeding ground for his little puppets. Sonenfeld got a hefty 6-figure job out of her tenure on the Financial Advisory Committee, Wow, that was a huge error for our village. She cannot get out from behind her own mathmatical errors. Evan Weitz and Janice Willett, two nasty failed candidates for Village Council who we all hope will run again because they will lose again.

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Reader says Roberta Sonenfeld was the Village Manager

park mobile

Janice is trying to say that the “blame game” is useless and we should just move forward and forget this. Really. I’m sorry Ms. willet, but there is a lot of money that was recklessly sent to Park Mobile when it should never have been, and one person is responsible for this. Roberta Sonenfeld was the Village Manager, although she thought she was an elected official. She should never EVER have signed that contract when she was only authorized by resolution to sign a contract with NO ADDITIONAL FEES

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Reader says Parkmobile Scam payback for “citizens referendum”


payback re the town citizens referendum don’t build it Big raised slum garage at hudson ; that was not appreciated by Paul and Robertas crew. So a new spin of the wheel..timelines need review…How could this fact be covered up for so long!? like rotten meat in the chiller…forensic time people…

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Unnamed Village Official Signed Parkmobile Contact Granting a 21% Fee For Use of the Parking App


December 7,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewod NJ, at last nights council meet the Village of Ridgewood Mayor Susan Knudsen revealed that the previous council never authorized payments to Parkmobile USA above the .35 cent user paid convenience fee .

The Village of Ridgewood now pays Parkmobile  21% of each parking transaction that involves the use of the Parkmobile APP . This was the direct result of a contract signed by an unnamed Village official .

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Reader says Roberta and the 3 Amigos ought to be made to reimburse the village for the cost of the video

Ridgewood 3 amigos

They worked so hard to get the garage for their own selfish purposes that it seems unfathomable that we are still talking about doing it. It was a stupid, stupid idea driven by the wrong reasons. Please, NO GARAGE–just repair the surface and rework the spaces to create more (done badly from the get-go). It shouldn’t be hard or expensive. And by the way, besides the wrist-slap fine paid to the state, they ought to be made to reimburse the village for the cost of the video, paid for with property tax dollars. That was the killer part!

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Reader says Aronsohn and Sonenfeld had NO RIGHT to spend public funds to promote their agenda

paul Aronsohn

People had a right to be for OR against the garage. They still do. But Aronsohn and Sonenfeld had NO RIGHT to spend public funds to promote their agenda. And let us not forget Ms. Hauck, who actually hired the video company that made the video, paid for it, and then collected reimbursement from public money. Private citizens can send out any mailings they want, such as those Herr Halaby sends from time to time, and those that politicians send, and those that restaurants flood our mailboxes with. But if private funds are used, there is no crime. Surely if you are smart enough to come up with a clever numeric moniker, then you can understand this concept.
And while we are on the subject, what about Ms. Sonenfeld’s interference with citizens who were legally seeking signatures on the referendum petitions. That was grossly inappropriate, and we have videos of her self-righteous blustering performance in Van Neste.

We are so lucky to be rid of Aronsohn, Sonenfeld, Hauck, and Pucciarelli. They were fueled by egos that would not quit, they screwed us with high density housing, Aronsohn attempted to destroy two citizens’ jobs, he edited citizens’ letters to the paper before they could be printed. Sonenfeld, Aronsohn, Hauck, and Pucciarelli berated members of the public loudly and nastily. The list goes on and on. Watch closely folks, whoever these people support in the spring will be tainted with toxins.

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Readers say ,Lighting in Van Neste Square has Finger prints of previous Administration


First we have Roberta and the boys applying for a grant to rip up the brick and remove the walkway in the center of the park. Then we have installation of a tree illumination system, installation of conduit in trenches, installation of pathway lighting, installation of concealed electrical outlet boxes, installation of an audio system and other ancillary items buy the Conservatory all within the same month. I don’t believe in coincidences . Pay special attention to ( audio system and other ancillary items). I believe that one of the members of the Conservatory is a former Council person who tried to spearhead a campaign to put a gazebo in the center of the park.

Previous mayor was dead set on having horrible “concerts” and other noise wreck the peace of downtown. Is this supposed to attract apartment renters/buyers? It’s a park, not Madison Square Garden. Installation of audio systems in parks should not be happening. Thank goodness the current council refused to sign the grant application (worked on, as usual, by manager’s assistant Janet Fricke, whose tenure should end before the next manager arrives) for ugly concrete (replacing the donor-named bricks, which were going to be moved to some area in a corner or something) and a stage or fountain in the center–it’s nice having NOTHING in the center–that was thrust under their noses by the previous village manager with an urgent plea to sign because the deadline was (of course) nigh–an old village manager trick, and not only by her. Collusion by the Village Engineer, who must be replaced, was major. Get those people out of there. Cronin is no better in plotting and planning ways to wreck the place and doing lots of work before the council even knows about it. Council must remain highly vigilant about these unnecessary projects intended (even now) to make Aronsohn’s construction-union supporters happy, and quash them at the earliest opportunity.

Town must stop accepting gifts of things that we don’t want or need. “Conservancy” is a joke. People cynically join groups with a name that sounds good but represents the opposite of what they have in mind. It’s depressing. REAC’s first report was to say that synthetic turf was great, etc. “Parks, Recreation, and Conservation Board”–as long as it’s sports. I give up on all of them.