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Northbound Route 287 Shut Down After Heavy Equipment Crash in Mahwah

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Mahwah NJ, a tri-axle dump truck towing a trailer loaded with three (3) heavy pieces of paving equipment, crashed on Route 287 northbound in Mahwah late Wednesday afternoon, 11/30. The truck, trailer, and one (1) piece of equipment careened off of the roadway and down a steep embankment. The remaining two (2) pieces of paving equipment dislodged from the trailer and landed in the traveled portion of Route 287 northbound, just south of Darlington Avenue in Ramsey. One (1) individual was seriously injured in the crash; paramedics were dispatched to assist Mahwah EMS personnel with the victim’s care. Route 287 northbound was closed in Franklin Lakes to facilitate roadway clean up and removal of all damaged equipment/vehicles.

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NJ State Police Investigating Wednesday Morning Accident on Route 287 northbound in Mahwah

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

You can follow Boyd on Instagram as well as Facebook.

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Mahwah NJ, a collision involving a rolled over dump truck reeked havoc for drivers on Route 287 northbound in Mahwah on Wednesday morning, 10/05. Mahwah firefighters were dispatched to the incident based on reports that the truck’s driver was entrapped in the vehicle. Basic and advanced EMS support was also dispatched to the scene. Motor vehicle traffic northbound near milepost 64.0 was restricted to one (1) lane while NJ State Police investigated the crash. No information was readily available regarding the extent of injuries sustained by the driver.

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Multi Vehicle Accident in Mahwah Closes Route 287 northbound Monday Morning

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

the staff of the Ridgewood blog\

Mahwah NJ, a multiple vehicle crash involving a flipped over roll-off container truck and an entrapment forced the temporary closure of Route 287 northbound near mile marker 64 in Mahwah on Monday morning, 08/22. Mahwah Fire Department, was assisted by Franklin Lakes Fire Department, and a Ramsey EMS ambulance was also observed at the scene. At least one (1) victim with a life threatening traumatic injury was transported to Hackensack University Medical Center’s main campus. No information was available regarding the condition of other victims, if there were any.

Continue reading Multi Vehicle Accident in Mahwah Closes Route 287 northbound Monday Morning