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Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club, announces his retirement

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Jeff Tittel in Upper Saddle River 

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River NJ, Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club, announced his retirement today. Jeff will have served as the NJSC Director for 23 years when he retires on May 1, 2021. He has been involved in every major environmental legislation passing in New Jersey for close to two decades. Just some of his legislative and regulatory lobbying achievements include passage of the California Car Law, the Highlands Act, New Jersey’s Global Warming Response Act, New Jersey’s Fertilizer Law, and NJ’s Electronic Waste Recycling Law. He also worked to pass New Jersey’s Plastic Bag Ban last year, which is one of the most comprehensive in the country, and helped get the Delaware River Basin Commission to pass a fracking ban. Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club, released the following statement:

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New Year But Same Old Runoff Problem for Upper Saddle and Saddle River Communities

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photos by Derek Michalski

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River NJ, A New Year, but the same old problems for Upper Saddle and Saddle River communities. Apparently brown Wonka water is good for home values in one of the richest zip codes in the United States 07458. Of course I am being facetious. All kidding aside have you checked your home value lately?

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Upper Saddle River officials and Toll Brothers’ arrive at a Corrective Action Plan and Schedule to Lift Stop Work Order

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USR Mayor Joanne Minichetti Craig Cherry, Toll Brothers Div. President Ramsey Mayor John Roth John Peck, Toll Brothers, Div. Sr. VP James Dougherty, USR Building Official Rick Hoff, Toll Brothers, Attorney Robert Regan, USR Borough Attorney David Fultz, Toll Brothers Joy Convertini, USR Deputy Municipal Clerk Carmine Merlucci, Toll Brothers Bobby Fleshman, USR Public Works John Lehane, Toll Brothers Kevin Boswell, Borough Engineer Quentin Weist, Ramsey BA Frank Rossi, Boswell Engineering Jay Kruse, ESE Consultants Mark Mayhew, SVP, ESE Consultants

Continue reading Upper Saddle River officials and Toll Brothers’ arrive at a Corrective Action Plan and Schedule to Lift Stop Work Order