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Survey: 7 in 10 Male MBA Students think Sexism will hold them back

69% of men think it is extremely or very likely that sexism will prevent them from achieving a C-suite position, compared to 51% of women

49% of men say sexism has made it extremely or very difficult to advance in their career, compared to 41% of women

⅔ of men think that males outnumber females in C-suite positions because “men are more likely to have the necessary leadership qualities.”

Despite this attitude, 85% of men think it is “extremely” or “very” important that women are equally represented in C-suite positions

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,, a trusted resource for online degree rankings and higher education planning, has published a recent survey report to examine gender diversity and sexism in the workplace. Researchers surveyed 1,000 current MBA candidates in August, and the study highlights key points about the underrepresentation of women in C-suite positions.

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The Exhaustion of American Liberalism


White guilt gave us a mock politics based on the pretense of moral authority.

Updated March 5, 2017 6:20 p.m. ET

The recent flurry of marches, demonstrations and even riots, along with the Democratic Party’s spiteful reaction to the Trump presidency, exposes what modern liberalism has become: a politics shrouded in pathos. Unlike the civil-rights movement of the 1950s and ’60s, when protesters wore their Sunday best and carried themselves with heroic dignity, today’s liberal marches are marked by incoherence and downright lunacy—hats designed to evoke sexual organs, poems that scream in anger yet have no point to make, and an hysterical anti-Americanism.

All this suggests lostness, the end of something rather than the beginning. What is ending?

America, since the ’60s, has lived through what might be called an age of white guilt. We may still be in this age, but the Trump election suggests an exhaustion with the idea of white guilt, and with the drama of culpability, innocence and correctness in which it mires us.

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In Their Own Words: Why Bill’s ‘Bimbos’ Fear a Hillary Presidency

Jennifer Flowers


As women’s issues become part of the 2016 presidential race, it may be instructive to review recent statements made by some of Bill Clinton’s alleged female victims regarding the ambitions of Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

Last week, Hillary accused Republican canddiate Donald Trump of having a “penchant for sexism” in an interview with the Des Moines Register in Iowa.  The billionaire fired backon Twitter: “Be careful Hillary as you play the war on women or women being degraded card.”

Trump followed up with a second tweet, saying, “Hillary, when you complain about ‘a penchant for sexism,’ who are you referring to? I have great respect for women. BE CAREFUL!”

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Trump: If Hillary Brings Up Sexism, Bill Clinton Is ‘Fair Game’

Democratic presidential candidate U

by PAM KEY27 Dec 201595

Sunday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends” Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said if the Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton attacks him as sexist, it is “fair game” to bring up her husband former President Bill Clinton’s indiscretions.

Trump said. “I think he’s fair game because his presidency was considered to be troubled, to put it mildly, Because of all the things she’s mentioning to me. She actually said sexism, I don’t know if you saw the following tweet, but I turned her words against her from that standpoint. She’s got to be careful and fair. We all have to fight fairly and we have to fight for the good of the country, for the good of the people, for the good of everybody. But we have to fight fairly. And she’s playing the woman’s card. It’s like, give me a break. I have had so many women come up to me, saying, ‘you have to keep her out.’ She’s just terrible. She’s playing the woman’s card left and right. And women are more upset about it than anybody else, including most men.

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Does Harvard have a secret history as a major force for evil?

Asians Harvard

By Sarah Rose

May 24, 2015 | 7:00am

“Verita$” was a best seller in Korea, author Shin Eun-jung’s native country, because she asks the question that’s hardly ever asked: Why Harvard?

Eun-jung says the third word a Korean baby learns, after “Mom” and “Dad,” is “Harvard.” She argues that this is a tragedy, because Harvard isn’t the global intellectual powerhouse of reputation.

Now, there are plenty of criticisms of Harvard, though rarely the one Eun-jung levels: that Harvard swanned its way to dominance by maintaining a false front of liberalism when it is, in fact, an arm of the governing right.

“Verita$” recites a litany of bad acts: the Salem witch trials, eugenics, a so-called “collaboration” with Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler, architects of financial collapse such as Robert Rubin and Larry Summers, McCarthyism, racism, sexism, tyrannical labor practices and “a poison called elitism.”

Her list is long. I might add Harvard produces such venerable alumni as Henry Kissinger, Ted Kaczynski and Dr. Oz.