69% of men think it is extremely or very likely that sexism will prevent them from achieving a C-suite position, compared to 51% of women
49% of men say sexism has made it extremely or very difficult to advance in their career, compared to 41% of women
⅔ of men think that males outnumber females in C-suite positions because “men are more likely to have the necessary leadership qualities.”
Despite this attitude, 85% of men think it is “extremely” or “very” important that women are equally represented in C-suite positions
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Intelligent.com, a trusted resource for online degree rankings and higher education planning, has published a recent survey report to examine gender diversity and sexism in the workplace. Researchers surveyed 1,000 current MBA candidates in August, and the study highlights key points about the underrepresentation of women in C-suite positions.
Continue reading Survey: 7 in 10 Male MBA Students think Sexism will hold them back