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Valley lawyer uses Sheila Brogan’s testimony of 2013- 2014 to contradict the statements made by the people regarding construction hazards at Ridgewood Council Meeting

valley construction
photo by Dana Glazer
April 7,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Rather a quiet meeting but we did get a bit of a lecture from our council pilot, Albert.  Residents both in Ridgewood and surrounding towns are concerned about the change in flight routes in and out of Teterboro that will increase the number of planes flying over our area and will bring increased noise.  Albert who loves planes explained how this change was for the greater good and well, planes make noise.

It looks as though the council is due in court on May 9th as they were also sued by Valley along with the Planning Board.  The PB settled as per the vote on Tuesday.  A trial is expected to last anywhere from a few days to 2 weeks. Not sure this is this another chance to stop Valley?

It is interesting that a new council will be elected on May 10th.  Also, we will be going to trial against Wyckoff, Glen Rock and Midland Park for improper use of funds by Ridgewood Water.  That case should be decided in the next week or so.  Nothing was mentioned at the meeting.  In all, nothing of consequence was mentioned.

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Regarding the Valley Hearings, the lawyer for Valley, Mr. Drill, used Sheila Brogan’s testimony of 2013- 2014 to contradict the statements made by the people regarding construction hazards for several years in the area when she said that she saw no problems because they have had construction projects at several of the schools in the past and all was manageable.  People were so upset when she said this because it was like comparing apples and oranges.  But her cavalier statement became a big part of Valley’s deflection of any concerns about its close proximity to Benjamin Franklin.