I have only lived in the village for 40 years so maybe I lack the long term perspective. but if you net it all out I don’t think Ridgewood is in decline and in some ways is better now than ever.
1. CBD has changed–no hardware stores or cute boutiques–many more coffee shops and restaurants. I would say its about a wash.
2. Parking is if anything a bit better than it was in years past. I do not see this as a major problem as CBD has thrived for many decades without a major parking facility.
3. Major Valley Hospital expansion was thwarted–a victory for residents and a validation of grassroots democracy in action.
4. Schools generally remain solid. People move here for the schools–Do you really think they are all “deluded fools buying into over-rated hype”. I don’t think so.
5. Ridgewood is not more congested now. Population has been stable since Lawns were developed. Not a fan of the new high density housing–it was a bad decision but it won’t fundamentally alter the character of the Village as many claim.
6. Graydon is not as popular. that’s because kids today have so many more options. I still enjoy driving past it.
7. There has always been political maneuvering in the village but the Aronsohn crowd seems to have lowered the level of civility and tolerance. Maybe that’s gone forever. in Trump’s America.
8. The Duck Pond bike path, the Library, the Band Shell and Van Neste park, The beautiful tree-lined streets and homes, The many nice people–new and old. These are things that endure and I continue to be grateful for them. I will leave someday for a warmer climate but for now I’m in no hurry.