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Reader says, “The dark side is supporting Loncto for BOE”

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The dark side is supporting Loncto for BOE. Signs are on the lawns of Voigt, Sonenfeld, Aronsohn, Jeanne Johnson, Willett. Are you going to endorse a candidate on The Blog? It has to be Kaufman. He is not strong, that is for sure.. But he is sincere. Loncto sucks. At the debate the other night he was watching Fishbien and Hutton for cues. And Fishbein and Hutton were all but laughing out loud and they were slapping their knees every time Kaufman spoke. Loncto was appointed once and then ran unopposed the next time. With seven years of experience he still had to read pre-scripted answers to questions.The thing is, ANYONE BUT LONCTO. He is part of that toxic soup of the BOE and we have to start cleaning them out.

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Reader says Having the backing of Halaby, Hauck, Pucciarelli, Sonenfeld, Voigt and Aronsohn is going to be lethal to your career

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

SUGGESTION TO MS. HARWYN: You are probably a very nice person. You are clearly a very educated person. So let me offer you some practical advice – GET OUT NOW. Having the backing of Halaby, Hauck, Pucciarelli, Sonenfeld, Voigt and Aronsohn is going to be lethal to your career. Your candidacy is already tainted beyond repair with their poison ink. But your career as an attorney could be destroyed if you are keeping company with those who have ethics violations, harrassment complaints, etc on their dossiers.

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Reader says Open, honest government is something that Aronsohn, Sonenfeld, and their defenders know nothing about.

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

Jan Phillips really has balls. Oldest trick in the book, try to divert attention from the FACTS by claiming that facts are not involved. Aronsohn and Sonenfeld were found GUILTY of misusing public funds. This was not Ridgewood residents who determined their guilt. It was a group of seven independent people who have nothing to do with Ridgewood and everything to do with open, honest government. Open, honest government is something that Aronsohn, Sonenfeld, and their defenders know nothing about.

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Reader says its Time to Ban the Ex Mayor and His Supporters from Grand Standing at Public Meetings

village council meeting

file photo by Boyd Loving

Clearly, this was an attempt on Ms. Winograd’s part to generate a newspaper headline that the current Council was seeking to limit public comment.

Siobhan Winograd is on the anti-Knudsen team.

Let’s list the mouthpieces for the former megalomaniacs so that we’ll know we can ignore everything they say. Sonenfeld, obviously. Willett and Weitz. Winograd. Halaby, Griffith.

Why would the former council members, who were defeated resoundingly, come to the meetings to attempt to advance their failed agendas?Are they just spiteful? Do they need to grow up?

Hot button issues bring a lot of people to public meetings. To limit their input would be wrong and would make them feel that their voices do not count.

There were a lot more residents speaking against the garage and high density housing than in favor of the projects. Maybe this attempt to limit public comment is an attempt to limit dissent.

Those with a financial interest in the projects, and their paid staff, will continue to go to the meetings. It will provide more time for them in front of the mic.