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Ridgewood Resident Harassed by “Sexting”


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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Police report that an East Ridgewood Avenue resident responded to Ridgewood Police headquarters on December 20th to report cyber harassment in the past. The victim reported explicit photos were sent to her cellular phone from an unrecognized phone number.

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the Ridgewood blog loves your comments


August 24,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood

Beverly NJ, In a recent report , “The Great Tech Panic: Trolls Across America” , WIRED magazine cited Beverly, New Jersey as home of the country’s most active internet commenters.

The WIRED article says that Beverly, a tiny city on the Delaware River between Trenton and Philadelphia with a population of 2,513, has 114 residents that were responsible for 150,151 comments in a 16-month period. That’s an average of 1,317 comments each., wow !

While the Ridgewood blog thrives on “comments ” and at times comments have been criticized for being highly controversial in nature , the exchange of information has had a net positive effect in the Village . The debate often centers around the balance between what is appropriate , politically correct  and whats just too far .

The Administrators try to balance free expression without letting commentators devolve into  3rd grade name calling.Sometimes it works and sometimes not. With most of the egregious comments coming from allies of the former mayor ,who also happen to be the biggest complainers about the blog.

The Ridgewood blog has been criticized at times for not posting certain comments and of coarse the blog has its share of trolls  and creepy stalkers . Several local stalkers seem to be suffering from deep physiological mental disorders and or drug and alcohol abuse issues.

Experience and data have demonstrated that often a troll on a particular topic  , is a quality poster on many other topics.

The Wired article analyzed 92 million comments over a 16-month period, written by almost 2 million authors on more than 7,000 forums and did seem to have the traditional media bias .

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Study: Social Media Making People Anti-Social, Jealous

cell phones

1Feb – by Josh Noble –  37 – In Facebook Studies Family Studies Psychological Studies Relationship Studies Social Media Studies Technology Studies

Could social media be making people more anti-social?

Many people who use social media may go to desperate lengths to receive “likes” from followers, the study found.

The social media boom continues to make it easier than ever to stay in touch with loved ones in real time. But with the flourishing of new technology and the ability to be connected to anyone and everyone at any time, real-life human interactions could be suffering a heavy blow.

A recent global study conducted by Kasperksy Lab reveals that social media users are interacting less face-to-face than in the past because of this newfound ability to constantly communicate and stay in touch online. In the study, researchers found that about one-third of people communicate less with their parents (31%), partners (23%), children (33%) and friends (35%) because they can simply follow them on social media. This may be doing more harm than good, in a world where editing one’s life to make it appear perfect is more appealing than naturally existing.

“Under certain circumstances they perceive their online communication as ‘hyper-personal communication’ and thus they can misread and over-interpret the messages on social media,” said Dr. Astrid Carolus, Media Psychologist at the University of Würzburg. “We feel especially close, we blind out the rather negative, focus on the possible positive intentions behind a message, and over-interpret.”

The study was conducted between October and November of last year among 16,750 participants, split evenly between men and women at least 16 years old from 18 countries, each of whom was surveyed online.

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Reader says We know there are two or three people who troll the Ridgewood blog and hate every word

kim jong il team america15 0

We know there are two or three people who troll the blog and hate every word. A former deputy mayor. The husband of a former councilwoman. A former fire chief who sent an ANONYMOUS threatening letter to a subordinate. The husband of a former village manager. A dapper little gnome who uses big words to compensate for the total lack of content in his diatribes.

For the few of you it is a simple solution, just don’t log into the blog (but….we know you cannot help yourselves!)

For the rest of us, the blog provides an open forum where we can say what we really feel. And I appreciate that James keeps vulgar language off.

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Proposed Change to ICANN Domain Anonymity Rule Worries Privacy Advocates


by Dennis Fisher

A proposed change to the way that registrars treat the private contact details for domain owners could make it easier for anyone to get information on people who use proxy services.

The potential change comes in the form of a document from a working group of the Generic Names Supporting Organization at ICANN, the group that oversees Internet names and numbers. The working group is considering a number of changes to the way that privacy and proxy services operate, are accredited, and handle requests for registrant details from various organizations.

Proxy services are used by individuals and organizations to register domains without disclosing their personal contact details. The services allow registrants who operate sites with sensitive or controversial content, politically motivated content, or who don’t want their details published for various reasons to protect themselves. These services will disclose contact details under some circumstances, such as at the request of a law-enforcement agency. But the ICANN working group is looking at the question of whether commercial sites should be allowed to use these services.

– See more at:

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N.J. bill would turn the tables on stalkers


N.J. bill would turn the tables on stalkers


The stalking began several years ago, when an older man entered a store and spoke with a female college student from Morris County who worked there. He returned three or four times before the student called the police. They told the stranger to stay away from her.

Since then, the man has repeatedly followed the young woman. She quit her job and eventually transferred to another college, her parents, Roger and Ann Kriete, said. He was arrested in New Jersey, made bail, found her at her new address and was arrested again, they said. Her life has been turned upside down. She is afraid to go out with friends, walk the dog at night or go out by herself.

“It was like she was the criminal who was restrained,” said Roger Kriete, who requested that his daughter’s name not be used. “It’s heartbreaking to see someone’s youth being taken away.”

Now they’re hoping to get some peace of mind for their daughter and other victims of stalking. They plan to testify at a hearing of the Assembly Judiciary Committee today to push for a bill that would allow judges to order stalkers to wear electronic monitors after a second stalking conviction.

“The intent is to protect those who are stalked,” said Assemblywoman Nancy F. Munoz, R-Union, who introduced the bill in October.