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Senate Republican Urge Wage Freeze for State employees to Lesson Layoffs

Phill Murphy -Sara Medina del Castillo

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, The 15 members of the Senate Republican caucus urged to Gov. Murphy to implement a real wage freeze for State employees to address a multi-billion budget shortfall, calling the administration’s limited efforts to achieve payroll savings “too little and too late.” 

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Union Members Sue Governor Phil Murphy for Failing to Protect Employee Freedoms

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

TRENTON, NJ– Today, AFSCME Local 3790 union members filed a lawsuit against New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and Attorney General Gurbir Grewal, challenging the constitutionality of Assembly Bill A3686 – misleadingly titled the “Workplace Democracy Enhancement Act” – signed into law on May 17th. The key argument underlying the case is whether or not government employees have a constitutional right at any time to: (1) leave a union; and (2) end financial support to it.

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Reader says In 10 years NJ will be populated by those that can’t move, and those that somehow have their snout in the teacher, fireman, policeman, state worker pension trough

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file photo by Boyd Loving

This bill is bad for NJ but that’s not an indictment of the bill it’s an indictment of the politicians we elect and the state finances we have been complicit in creating. Josh needs to go not because he did or did not vote for this bill but because he can’t bring home the bacon. NJ is a net out flow state yet we just got our heads handed to us because our state costs are too damn high. In 10 years NJ will be populated by those that can’t move, and those that somehow have their snout in the teacher, fireman, policeman, state worker pension trough. Young state pension workers will have to live here and support old state pensioners. That math just won’t add up.