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Taekwondo All In Preforms a Taekwondo Demo at the 2017 Ridgewood Car Show

Taekwondo All In Preforms a Taekwondo Demo

photos courtesy of Taekwondo All In

September 9,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Taekwondo All In did a very impressive demo during the 2017 Ridgewood Car Show.

Taekwondo (/ˈtaɪˈkwɒnˈdoʊ/) is a Korean martial art with a heavy emphasis on kicks. Taekwondo was developed during the 1940s and 1950s by various Korean martial artists, as a blend of the indigenous Korean fighting styles of taekkyeon, gwonbeop, and subak, with influence from foreign martial arts as well.

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Youngmin Kim is the Head Coach of Taekwondo All In , ” I have run this program in 3years to find out athletes and introduce sport taekwondo. About our programs, we have two different programs which are recreational taekwondo and sports taekwondo. Our recreational taekwondo provides with learning respects, discipline, focus, and team work through training. As many peo…ple thought Taekwondo is only one of martial arts, but also taekwondo is one of core Olympic sports. I was one of sport taekwondo athletes in Korea. Our sports taekwondo programs provide detailed skills and dreams of becoming an USA Olympian. ”

Taekwondo All In
33 Chestnut St. Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Phone: 201-857-0445

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