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74 percent of New Jersey CPA’s said that it would get worse, under Governor Murphy’s proposed budget plan

elizabeth muoio treasurer

May 31,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in a new survey, certified public accountants (CPA’s) in New Jersey believe the spending plan put forth by Gov. Phil Murphy would be bad for the Garden State.

Nearly 75 percent of the 786 NJCPA members  responded to the survey conducted earlier this month said New Jersey’s economy would either get “significantly worse” (31 percent) or “marginally worse” (44 percent) over the long term under Governor Murphy’s proposed budget plan.

Ralph Albert Thomas, the CEO and executive director at the NJ Society of CPAs, says when members were asked about Murphy’s budget proposal “and the impact it would have on the economy going forward, an overwhelming 74 percent said that it would get worse, and 31 percent said it would get significantly worse.”

Meanwhile just 14 percent of respondents said Murphy’s proposed spending plan would help the Jersey economy.

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This is Not A Joke , Governor Phil Murphy Proposes raising taxes to take the state’s economy off “life support” lol


April 11,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, , no this is not from the Onion ,and it a little late for April fools, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy’s administration on Tuesday made the case to skeptical legislators that nearly $1.6 billion in new taxes is necessary to take the state’s economy off “life support” . Is this a joke the reason the state’s economy is on “life support” because of high taxes , have driven out private investment and massive fiscal mismanagement .

Poll after poll shows that most New Jerseyians feel high taxes are the biggest issue and the primary reason for leaving the state ,yet Phil Murphy running on a platform of raising everyone’s taxes won election .

Republican Sen. Declan O’Scanlon warned against taxing millionaires for fear they might move to states with friendlier tax climates.“You can squeeze the golden goose to get it to lay more golden eggs faster but at some point you either crush the goose or it gets pissed off enough and it flies to Florida, and either way you have no more golden eggs,” Bad news Senator its already happened , the “golden goose ” is long dead and the ship is sinking fast.

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FDU Poll 39% believe the state is on solid footing with Murphy at the helm ?

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January 31,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, FDU’s Public Mind released a poll showing Governor Phil Murphy garnering a 35% approval rating in his first two weeks in office, with 21% disapproving and 40% who don’t know yet. His predecessors fared better in their first weeks in office: Governor Christie had a 48-31%, while Governor Corzine had 47-16%.

One bright spot for Murphy, is according to the poll, there is optimism among the respondents in the direction of the state: 39% believe the state is on solid footing with Murphy at the helm, compared to 18% in October when Christie was still in office. President Trump has a 31-60% favorable/unfavorable rating, according to the same poll.

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Opinion: Doing the Murphy Math — Taxing Millionaires Won’t Cut It

Phill Murphy -Sara Medina del Castillo

Carl Golden | September 20, 2017

Dragging the Christie anchor behind her, Guadagno can’t get any traction when it comes to warning voters what her rival’s programs could cost

Carl Golden

The year was 1938. Franklin D. Roosevelt occupied the White House, struggling to lift the nation from the depths of its most punishing Great Depression.

History has it that Harry Hopkins, head of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and Roosevelt’s closest and most trusted advisor, recommended unprecedented massive government intervention as the solution.

“We shall tax and tax, spend and spend, elect and elect,” Hopkins is supposed to have said to the president, a blunt assessment for breaking the bleak economic circumstances of the time by extracting money from the wealthy, spending vast sums of it on public works job creation, and basking in subsequent electoral victories delivered by a grateful nation.

Hopkins later disputed reports of his rather cynical political calculation, but the legend lives on. (Note: Hopkins’ remark was first reported by the New York Times. His denials may be the first recorded allegation of “fake news” directed at the Times.)