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Women Opt for Sterilization Amid Trump Victory and Political Uncertainty


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing. The 2024 election results have sparked a range of reactions across the U.S., but for some women, the outcome has led to deeply personal and permanent decisions. A wave of women, citing concerns about their bodily autonomy and reproductive rights, have chosen sterilization as a form of protest and self-preservation.

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Calls Mount to Shut Down “Never Trumper ” Lincoln Project

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photo of  George Conway

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, the Lincoln Project, a group formed little more than a year ago by a band of anti-Trump Republicans creepers, losers  and grifters  (aka Never Trumpers ), is facing calls to shut it down amid allegations of a toxic and abusive culture at the organization.

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Reader says , “The level of madness is incredible and most of it is triggered by the extreme hate toward their own president”

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“The thing that scares me more than the high number of imbeciles in this country who wake up one morning and feel like they don’t like a statue or a word or parts of history and decide to start a war through social media or in the street is the lack of law and order. Police can barely defend a statue or a public institution being attacked by a bunch of kids, most of the time the small crowds have no problem toppling anything they want, nobody gets punished in the name of law after causing damage to public property, politicians inciting hate against institutions, police being seen as the enemy, schools changing long held names, corporations changing product names overnight, the opposition by either politicians or population against the extreme ideas and actions is very weak or non existent, people are scared to voice opposition because the slightest disapproval in social media will surely get them fired from work and ruin their lives. The level of madness is incredible and most of it is triggered by the extreme hate toward their own president. I immigrated here more than 25 yrs ago from Europe to the land of the free. I wish I never did. There is no difference between the persecution during communism in eastern Europe and what’s happening here. In fact here it is much worse because your life can instantly get ruined by the wrong post on social media. Your colleagues and “friends” can instantly hate you with no mercy you for the “wrong” opinion or expression. Terrible and tragic.”

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Reader calls it “Trump Derangement Syndrome”


“We had 24/7 TDS from the MSM following Trump’s victory. This was right up to the beginning of this year. 2020 is the election year, so TDS was ramped up even more. You couldn’t turn on CNN without some talking head ranting about what a dangerous maniac Trump was. The Russia hoax that went an all that time kind of fizzled out when we all found out there was nothing behind the curtain. However, we then got big into Impeachment. That turned out to be a big nothingburger. Then, of course, Covid. The party of Science. We were all lectured by them about the stupidity of Republicans and a President who didn’t wear a facemask. He had blood on his hands. All the cases and deaths were his fault. We can’t re-open the economy because it’s too dangerous. Then George Floyd happened. All of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of marching protesters were “very brave” for putting their lives at risk because of a greater calling. Isn’t it somehow odd that a few weeks after these massive gatherings that our Covid numbers are shooting up again? As for the people who were destroying property, yes, these were a small minority. Meanwhile, the Hollywood elitists were fronting their bail. To top all this off, out of everyone they could have chosen to be their candidate, they chose Joe Biden? Holy crap. Joe F*&ing Biden? I know their argument is “anyone is better than Trump”, but really? Joe Biden? The man is clearly not firing on all cylinders. Obama had doubts about him when choosing a VP, due to the gaffe factor, and that was what, 12 years ago. What boggles my mind is that this imbecile is leading Trump in the polls. But then again, so was Hillary.”

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TDS Drives Pascrell, Menendez Attempt to block hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine (HCQ) treatments for COVID-19

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

PATERSON NJ, Trump Derangement Syndrome is propelling  U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09) and Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) who wrote to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn calling on his agency to be guided by science and not “politics or political interference” in granting approvals for therapeutics to combat COVID-19.

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