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Ransomware attacks continue to plague the education sector across the United States

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Tenafly NJ, Ransomware attacks continue to plague the education sector across the United States, including in New Jersey. Tenafly Public Schools were hit with a ransomware attack that crippled the district’s computer system. Final exams have been canceled for all of the district’s high school students as the Bergen County school district tries to get its system back online with the help of cybersecurity consultants.

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Ransomware Attack that Cripples Tenafly Public Schools Computer System, Final Exams have been Canceled

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Tenafly NJ, Tenafly Public Schools were hit with a ransomware attack that crippled the district’s computer system. Final exams have been canceled for all of the district’s high school students as the Bergen County school district tries to get its system back online with the help of cybersecurity consultants.

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Teacher and the Principal Involved on Administrative Leave Over Hitler Bio

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June 3, 2021
Dear Tenafly Families, Staff and Community Members,

I want to provide an update on the situation at Maugham Elementary School and outline the steps the school district is
taking to address it.

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Superintendent of Tenafly Public Schools Takes a Facts First Approach to Ascertain the Nature of the Adolf Hitler Biography Written by a 5th grader

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Tenafly NJ,  Superintendent of Tenafly Public Schools Shauna DeMarco takes a facts first approach to ascertain the nature of the Adolf Hitler biography written by a 5th grader ,  “I have the difficult task of addressing a serious matter involving a school project completed recently on Adolf Hitler. I learned about this situation on Friday and contacted the related District administrators immediately. I have requested that all associated information related to this project be provided to me. Once I receive and review the full information, I will determine any further action that should be taken.  As the investigation continues, I ask that you respect the due process and privacy rights that are afforded to our staff and students.”

Continue reading Superintendent of Tenafly Public Schools Takes a Facts First Approach to Ascertain the Nature of the Adolf Hitler Biography Written by a 5th grader