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78% of American Voters Consider Hamas a Terrorist Group

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, after this month’s attacks in Israel, American voters overwhelmingly view Hamas as terrorists, and want an investigation of the Palestinian organization’s U.S. supporters.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 78% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Hamas should be considered a terrorist organization. Just eight percent (8%) disagree, while another 15% are not sure. (To see survey question wording  click here.

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Reader says Democrats, support terrorist and cop killers in varying degrees of enthusiasm


It appears to be a case of the support for this killer having morphed from a relatively small number of radical lefties, to the overall umbrella of the Democrat Party. I’m sure there are a few that don’t support her, but I suspect if you asked most Democrats, they would support her in varying degrees of enthusiasm.

Groups who want the public to believe they ‘do good works’ supports a murderer………….. well, that kind of kills the do-good mantra now doesn’t it? We as a society have reached critical mass – murderers are supported, hard working tax payers who want to keep more of their take home pay ridiculed, people who are able but don’t work coddled and given every benefit to scam the system, illegal immigrants given equivalent rights to citizens – these are just a few issues, but they speak to the bizarre world we now live in.

Also, Democrats honored the Puerto Rican terrorist who led the terrorist attacks that killed many in NYC, including a man whose son now live in Glen Rock.

The same terrorist whose sentence Barack Obama commuted in his final days as President. The same terrorist who still refuses to express any remorse for him terrorist activities.

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DHS Issues Warning for Water and Wastewater Systems Targets

May 4,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Water and Wastewater Systems Sector provides millions of people in New Jersey with drinking water and wastewater removal services vital to public health. As if Ridgewood does not already have issues with water, these facilities may be targeted by terrorists looking to disrupt a sector on which the public heavily relies

The Water and Wastewater Systems Sector consists of drinking water and wastewater systems that treat, transmit, store, collect, and distribute water across the nation.

The water sector in New Jersey includes about 600 community drinking water systems. The 20 largest systems collectively serve roughly 3.8 million people and support water service to another 140 systems in the state.

Wastewater systems include treatment plants, pumping stations, collection systems, and sludge management processes. There are approximately 350 wastewater facilities, which vary in size and function. The largest 50 facilities process and treat 88 percent of the sludge residuals and 90 percent of wastewater generated in New Jersey.


Cyber: Moderate
The threat to the Water and Wastewater Systems Sector is moderate because of the known targeting of critical infrastructure by both state and non-state actors capable of conducting disruptive, manipulative, or destructive attacks. While there are no specific threats to this sector in New Jersey, numerous incidents over the past decade have demonstrated the vulnerability of industrial control systems (ICS) that regulate various components of water and wastewater operations. In 2015, the Water and Wastewater Systems Sector reported 25 cyber incidents to the US Department of Homeland Security ICS Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT), a roughly 80 percent increase from 2014.

Terrorism: Low
Terrorists have not targeted the Water and Wastewater Systems Sector in the last decade in the United States. Internationally, drinking water sources remain vulnerable to terrorist attacks because of limited security. In January 2016, Turkish intelligence officials reported individuals affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria plotting to poison the water supply using tularemia, a bacterial disease found in animals that is transmissible to humans.

Natural Hazards
During Superstorm Sandy, 427 community water systems in New Jersey lost power. The heavy reliance on electric power makes any water or wastewater system vulnerable to extreme weather. Ninety-one wastewater treatment facilities were affected by flooding or power loss, resulting in reduced treatment capacity and discharging as much as five billion gallons of raw sewage into state waterways. Additionally, coastal flood waters damaged water utility infrastructure, leaving the communities they serve without clean water.

There are currently no credible threats to the Water and Wastewater Systems Sector in New Jersey.
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Media Pile-On Tries to Discredit, Unseat NJ Republican by Smearing Oath Keepers as Terrorists

Oath Keepers

Media Pile-On Tries to Discredit, Unseat NJ Republican by Smearing Oath Keepers as The Democrats and their media amplifiers get their cover from a New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness “analysis,” claiming: The militia movement is decentralized, but it has two large followings—the Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters. Both have members who justify the use of violence to counter perceived threats or violations to the US Constitution.

Media Pile-On Tries to Discredit, Unseat NJ Republican by Smearing Oath Keepers as Terrorists

“The truth?” a political attack ad for Democrat New Jersey Congressional challenger  and former Bill Clinton speechwriter Josh Gottheimer against incumbent Republican Scott Garrett asks. “Newspapers just caught Garrett at a fund-raiser with the leader of a home-grown terrorist militia group.”

A Clinton-backer promising truth should be all the red flags we need.

The “terrorist militia group”?  That would be Oath Keepers, assuming you can believe those newspapers, which appear to be doing everything they can to sway the electorate into accepting a political narrative that folds under minimal scrutiny. Witness recent headlines:

“Republican Chairman of Wall Street Committee Held Fundraiser with Official from ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Group,” Joshua Green of Bloomberg Business Week “reports.” (Yes, that Bloomberg.)

“Garrett event promoter tied to extremists,” weighs in. “Forget Wall Street banksters. Scott Garrett has new friends, on a terror list,” echoes and embellishes.

Sensing political opportunity and more headlines, Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg has called on Gov. Chris Christie to “denounce Garrett for his ties to the domestic terror organization” and on New Jersey’s attorney general to investigate if “Garrett violated New Jersey law, adding “In the wake of homegrown terror attacks – like the ones in Elizabeth, New York, and Seaside Park – the citizens of New Jersey deserve to know the full extent of Congressman Garrett’s connections to this terrorist organization.”

Yes, that’s Loretta Weinberg of “Confiscate, confiscate, confiscate” notoriety.

As an aside, it’s curious that Weinberg was referring to Islamist “domestic terror” acts with the principle suspect being one of those “refugees” Democrats are bound and determined to seed and embed throughout the Republic. Any connection to Oath Keepers was left (purposely) unstated, because there is none, and because the agenda here is to destroy them.

Which makes it fair to ask what the Democrat politicians and their “news media” publicists are talking about, and what else they’ve gotten wrong in their ceaseless, agenda-driven mission to conflate, smear, misinform and confuse. The answer is pretty much everything.

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Istanbul Ataturk Airport Terrorists Behaved Like a Special Forces Unit

Istanbul Ataturk Airport Terrorists

A three-part attack beginning with a diversion is a new level of sophistication. That should scare the U.S. and Europe.

Three months after attacking Brussels airport, terrorists have shown in the attack on Istanbul’s international airport an alarming ability to stay one move ahead of the defenses put in place to stop them—an agility in planning that could present a new and serious threat to airports in the U.S.

Most experts agree that the Istanbul atrocity has the hallmarks of ISIS. Even then, the sophistication of how the attack was carried out has surprised them.

It was carried out in a way that suggests the kind of advance intelligence, careful study of a target, and cool execution that would normally be practised by Western special forces.

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Al Qaeda’s online magazine tells terrorists to target U.S. business leaders in their homes

Bill gates

By Rowan Scarborough – The Washington Times – Sunday, May 15, 2016

Al Qaeda’s Inspire online magazine is calling on jihadis to damage the American economy by killing business leaders and entrepreneurs in their homes.

Articles in the May 14 edition, its 15th, also urge radical Islamic terrorists to emulate the Palestinian street-killings of Jews by walking up to Americans and stabbing them to death.

Inspire’s cover carries the headline “Professional Assassinations” and the subhead “Home Assassinations.” It depicts the dark profile of a hooded killer stalking a victim who lives in an upscale American home.

A photo montage shows Microsoft founder Bill Gates, a pistol and spattered blood.