The Good Life Ridgewood Planning Committee is happy to announce the fourth annual Good Life Ridgewood – The Mayor’s Wellness Festival Sunday, September 30, 2018 from 11am to 3pm in Memorial Park in Van Neste Square,. Every year, we work to elevate Ridgewood as a destination for healthy living and wellness. Last year was a rousing success with an estimated 1400+ visitors!
Unique in Ridgewood and the first of its kind in Bergen County, this festival brings residents, visitors, businesses, and professionals together to show off what our community has to offer: social services, health lifestyle businesses, healthy places for kids, mental health services, alternative medicine, local medical/dental specialists, nutritionists, and much, much more. Through the Good Life Ridgewood Festival, local businesses connect with residents to foster long-lasting relationships, while energizing and empowering our community.
Good Life Ridgewood is self-funding—meaning no Village funds are spent to bring this exciting event to our town. In fact, any profits from these events will be put towards capitol projects promoting health and wellness in the Village of Ridgewood.
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