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The League of Women Voters of Ridgewood to Host a Candidates Forum for the Ridgewood Board of Education on October 18th

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the League of Women Voters of Ridgewood will host a candidates forum for the Ridgewood Board of Education on October 18th. Questions from the audience can be accepted at the Forum that evening, or sent to up to 48 hours prior (7:00 p.m. 10/16/23). There are seven candidates running . Questions are important , the Village seems to always get bit by the questions no one asks . The other issue for many Ridgewood residents was the Leagues efforts to help eliminate the “School Budget Vote ” ,taking away one of the key corner stones of community involvement in the Ridgewood School System . This effort would seem to have  invalidated the purported purpose the League of Women Voters of Ridgewood’s existence.

Continue reading The League of Women Voters of Ridgewood to Host a Candidates Forum for the Ridgewood Board of Education on October 18th

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New Jersey Lt. Governor Tahesha Way, Esq. Arrives to Ridgewood

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Photo by Rurik Halaby

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, As guest speaker, at the League of Women Voters of Ridgewood’s Annual Fall Luncheon, Lt. Governor spoke about the importance of Voting and Election Integrity.
The event was part of several key League initiatives.

Continue reading New Jersey Lt. Governor Tahesha Way, Esq. Arrives to Ridgewood

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Ridgewood’s Observer Corps stays on top of local government

New Ridgewood Council Gets Down to Village Business

Donna M Rolando , Staff Writer, @Dmmrolando6:59 p.m. ET June 22, 2017

RIDGEWOOD — It’s not only newspaper reporters that are the watchful eyes and champions of transparency at municipal meetings these days.

The League of Women Voters of Ridgewood, a nonpartisan group that advocates for good government, has introduced a local Observer Corps program to stay on top of municipal news through a team of volunteer reporters.

“It’s intense work but if you like to write, and you’re interested in good government and love your community, it’s a good way to participate,” said Pamela Perron, coordinator of the local Observer Corps.

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The League of Women Voters of Ridgewood encourages every registered voter to be a part of the upcoming Village Council and Primary Election


Mail in Ballots due The last day is May 3 for Village Council Election : Here is the link, but tell them to send it in TODAY, and put on postage or else it will be returned.

Attention Ridgewood voters!

The League of Women Voters of Ridgewood encourages every registered voter to be a part of the upcoming Village Council and Primary Election.

Some important election dates to remember:


• May 3, deadline for Mail-in-Ballots to be received by the County Clerk (no

reason needed) . Mail in Ballot Applications are available at Village Hall or

downloaded at

• May 10 Village Council Municipal Election


. May 17 Last day to register or change voting address for Primary Election

• . May 31 Deadline for mailed application for a vote by mail ballot to the county clerk for Primary Election

• . June 7 Primary Election Day If you are an independent voter, you may declare a party at the polls the day of a primary election.

(It is now too late to change from one party to another)