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Trenton shooting kills one, leaves 22 injured , days after New Jersey Governor Signs Major Gun Control Legislation

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June 18,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, just days after Governor Phil Murphy signed six new major gun control measures into law, giving the the Garden State the strictest gun control in America , a dispute between rival gang members may have led to a shooting that erupted in the early-morning hours of a popular all-night arts festival in Trenton, killing one, injuring 22. None of those laws stopped a mass shooting this weekend at a Trenton, or saved a single person .

Just four days ago Governor Phil Murphy on Twitter outlined some of the changes that would take place following the enactment of what he called “landmark legislation,” including requiring background checks on private gun sales, the reduction of magazine capacity, a ban on armor-piercing bullets, and keeping “guns out of the wrong hands.”

According to Mercer County Prosecutor Angelo Onofri the deceased suspect has been identified as Tahaij Wells, 33. Wells was released from prison and on parole since February on homicide-related charges.

The one man in custody is Amir Armstrong, 23, who has been charged with a weapons offense. Armstrong remained hospitalized in stable condition.

A third unidentified suspect was hospitalized in critical condition.