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Village of Ridgewood Resubmits Revised Application to the State Historic Preservation Office For Zabriskie-Schedler Turf Field Project

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, late Tuesday afternoon, May 14, 2024, the Village of Ridgewood submitted a revised application to the State Historic Preservation Office regarding the Zabriskie-Schedler Park Project. The revision includes an independent assessment conducted by Suburban Consulting Engineers, Inc. relative to field use in the Village, which addresses comments made by the Historic Preservation Office in a letter dated March 22, 2024.

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Disadvantages and Dangers of Artificial Turf Fields

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Artificial turf fields have gained popularity due to their durability, low maintenance requirements, and year-round usability. However, they also come with several disadvantages and potential dangers:

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Petition Making the Rounds to Save Ridgewood’s One of a Kind Historic Schedler Property

Save Our Schedler Members & Friends at the Schedler House3

To Our Community: 

Please sign the petition to implement the adopted Schedler Park plan. 

At a recent meeting, the new Village Council moved to replace the Schedler Park plan (approved by Resolution 18-236), adding a full-sized regulation turf field. The approved plan, now in jeopardy, balanced the needs of the impacted neighborhood, sports groups, conservationists, historians, and taxpayers and included a 75×50 multi-use field. With required oversight from the State of NJ Historic Preservation, the plan was moving forward with expected completion by late spring 2023. 

WHAT WOULD BE THE IMPACT OF THIS DRASTIC CHANGE? Ridgewood’s Historic Schedler Property is unique and unlike any other Village Parcel. This historical Revolutionary War site is a full ecosystem of wildlife and vegetation (protected, state-threatened and endangered). Additionally, located along Route 17 North (a major transportation corridor), the tree/green-filled parcel filters out light, noise, visual, airborne particulates, gaseous pollutants, and air toxins emitted by diesel trucks and cars. 

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Ridgewood Board of Education is planning to install another artificial turf field on Stevens Field


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, here we go again ,the Ridgewood Board of Education is planning to install another artificial turf field on Stevens Field which exists in an active flood plain. It is bad for the environment, our players, community and our pocket books. It defies reason. Looks like we are going too keep doing it till we get it right?

Continue reading Ridgewood Board of Education is planning to install another artificial turf field on Stevens Field

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Reader asks What ever Happened to the Company that Was Investigated for Faulty Turf Field Construction?


Maple was FieldTurf- the subject of that giant investigative journalism story and hearings.. whatever came of that?

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Reader says Maple Turf Field is a Waste of Money


Stop wasting my tax money on this shit. Do you realize in 12 years now we spent 2 1/2 million dollars on this field do you remember all the floods we have there do you know much paving we can do for a half million dollars. My street was just paved , the last time that was repaved was over 25 years ago. I would rather see my tax money going towards replacing curbs and sidewalks  then fake grass if anything you could use clean fill dirt and put down sod in with an a lot cheaper waste waste waste

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School boards across N.J. to coordinate legal action against FieldTurf


By Christopher Baxter and Matthew Stanmyre | NJ Advance Media for
on December 07, 2016 at 1:43 PM, updated December 07, 2016 at 2:08 PM

The state School Boards Association will coordinate legal action against the nation’s top maker of artificial sports fields, FieldTurf, in response to a report that the company for years sold high-end turf after knowing it was falling apart.

The executive director of the group, Lawrence Feinsod, said Wednesday the allegations should “anger anyone concerned about corporate responsibility” and that he supported calls for an investigation by the state attorney general.

“We are urging school boards to have their attorneys contact NJSBA’s general counsel, who will assist districts in identifying and coordinating legal action,” Feinsod said in a statement.