photo of Judge Brett Kavanaugh
July 12,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood Blog
New Brunswick NJ, The Menendez for Senate Campaign today released the following statement from Campaign Chairman Michael Soliman ,and once again demonstrating how out of touch ,and anti business New Jersey Democrats are :
“Greedy drug company CEO Bob Hugin’s fundraising is simply taking cash out of the ATM. Clearly there is no real support for a candidate who has gotten wealthy by ripping off cancer patients. The Hugin campaign is 96% paid for with blood money he pocketed from ripping off cancer patients. Every time you see another Hugin ad, ask yourself how many cancer patients went hungry, lost their homes, or worse because they couldn’t afford the lifesaving drug greedy CEO Bob Hugin ransomed to make his fortune.”
Soliman’s statement shows why so many jobs have fled New Jersey. So called “Greedy”, Drug companies like Celgene help and treat far more people and save far more lives and created far more jobs than any New Jersey Democrat has .
Meanwhile U.S. Senate candidate Bob Hugin made the following statement after Judge Brett Kavanaugh was announced as the nominee to be the next Justice on the United States Supreme Court.
“Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a highly qualified individual and I look forward to the Senate’s comprehensive review of his record and qualifications. As with any important decision, especially one involving a nominee to the Supreme Court, I would reserve judgement until I had all the relevant facts and done my own research. It’s disappointing to see career politicians like Bob Menendez denounce nominees before they’ve even been named or gone through the rigorous confirmation process.”
Calling Menendez’s attacks on Kavanaugh ,” a desperate move”.
Ina statement the Hugin campaign said, “career politician Sen. Bob Menendez resorted to fear-mongering and doomsday predictions yesterday about the Supreme Court nominee before his name was even announced. Sen. Menendez’s dereliction of his constitutional duty to thoroughly examine and participate in the rigorous confirmation process of Supreme Court nominees before they’ve even started is just another example of why he’s unfit for office.
The people of New Jersey deserve a Senator who will be thoughtful and make decisions based on the facts, not jump to conclusions for partisan political reasons. Sen. Menendez should take notice of his colleagues, Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) and Joe Donnelly (D-IN), who refused to make outrageous statements like Sen. Menendez and instead committed to fulfilling their constitutional duty to vet and examine the nominee.