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The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries


The CIA has accused Russia of interfering in the 2016 presidential election by hacking into Democratic and Republican computer networks and selectively releasing  emails. But critics might point out the U.S. has done similar things.

The U.S. has a long history of attempting to influence presidential elections in other countries – it’s done so as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000, according to a database amassed by political scientist Dov Levin of Carnegie Mellon University.

That number doesn’t include military coups and regime change efforts following the election of candidates the U.S. didn’t like, notably those in Iran, Guatemala and Chile. Nor does it include general assistance with the electoral process, such as election monitoring.

Levin defines intervention as “a costly act which is designed to determine the election results [in favor of] one of the two sides.” These acts, carried out in secret two-thirds of the time, include funding the election campaigns of specific parties, disseminating misinformation or propaganda, training locals of only one side in various campaigning or get-out-the-vote techniques, helping one side design their campaign materials, making public pronouncements or threats in favor of or against a candidate, and providing or withdrawing foreign aid.

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Home price growth in NYC, North Jersey lags rest of U.S.

for sale Ridgewood_Real_Estate_theRodgewopodblog

file photo by Boyd Loving

By Erin O’Neill | NJ Advance Media for
on September 27, 2016 at 5:35 PM, updated September 27, 2016 at 6:03 PM

Home prices in the New York area ticked up slightly over the last year but increased at a slower rate than 19 other major metropolitan markets in the country, according to a new report released on Tuesday.

The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller 20-City Composite index notched a 5 percent year-over-year increase in July led by big gains in real estate values in the Pacific Northwest, specifically Portland and Seattle. The New York region, including northern New Jersey, saw home prices rise just 1.7 percent over that same time frame, the weakest growth among all of the cities included in that index.

The Washington, D.C., area’s rise in home prices was the second-worst at 2 percent year-over-year.

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U.S. Doesn’t Know How Many Foreign Visitors Overstay Visas

illegal immigrants3

By RON NIXONJAN. 1, 2016

WASHINGTON — The question from the congressman to the Obama administration official was straightforward enough: How many foreign visitors overstay their visas every year?

The reply was simple too, but not in a satisfying way. “We don’t know,” the official said.

The testy exchange during a recent congressional hearing between Representative Mark Meadows, Republican of North Carolina, and Alan Bersin, the assistant secretary for international affairs at the Department of Homeland Security, highlights what some law enforcement officials call a critical weakness in the United States foreign visa program.

The issue has taken on added urgency as part of a broader examination of immigration policy following the mass shootings in San Bernardino, Calif., that left 14 people dead and 22 wounded. Tashfeen Malik, one of the attackers, was granted entry to the United States under a K-1 visa, also known as a fiancé visa. Her husband, Syed Rizwan Farook, was an American-born citizen. Both died in a shootout with the police. While Ms. Malik did not overstay her visa, the attack added to fears that a terrorist could exploit gaps in the system.

Nearly 20 years ago, Congress passed a law requiring the federal government to develop a system to track people who overstayed their visas. After the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, an entry and exit tracking system was seen as a vital national security and counterterrorism tool, and the 9/11 Commission recommended that the Department of Homeland Security complete a system “as soon as possible.” Two of the 9/11 hijackers, Satam al-Suqami and Nawaf al-Hazmi, had overstayed their visas.

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U.S. Has Adopted Greece’s Formula for Success


by S. Noble • July 4, 2015

The Greek people are in danger of having their personal accounts raided by the government. The rumor planted by The Financial Times could be true or it could be a ploy to swing the upcoming elections which will determine if they stay in the EU, but what is definitely true is that leftist policies of redistribution and social justice are at the bottom of the problem. Greece’s path is the path we now follow.

How did the Greeks get to this place?

To start, a quarter of government spending goes to paying government employees. They are top heavy with over-paid and underutilized bureaucrats. Government has overtaken the innovative private sector and all sectors for that matter.

Greece has a 25.6% unemployment rate and youth unemployment is at about 49.9%.

They owe billions and their debt to GDP is at 175%. Under Obama, we’re at 102.6%. Our debt is over $18 trillion. Donald Trump has said that when we reach about $24 trillion, we will be Greece.

“According to the economists — who I’m not big believers in, but, nevertheless, this is what they’re saying — that $24 trillion — we’re very close — that’s the point of no return. $24 trillion. We will be there soon. That’s when we become Greece. That’s when we become a country that’s unsalvageable. And we’re gonna be there very soon. We’re gonna be there very soon.”

Once an economy accumulates a mountain of debt equal to its entire, national, economic output; that economy no longer has sufficient financial/economic mass to (responsibly) “service” this mountain of debt. Every year we pass the point of no-return, we are incurring incredible harm to the economy. It’s hard to know what that point of no-return is but we should be taking steps to prevent it.

The banks, the rich, and Capitalism are easy targets when people look around for others to blame. Who, however, is forcing any of these politicians to borrow on so-called future earnings or to subsidize not knowing where the money is coming from? The constant giving in to union demands and building up of unsustainable benefits and pensions is not orchestrated by banks.

The banks are evil for loaning money and expecting it back according to the left.

Politicians run up debt to get re-elected on the promise of a pie-in-the-sky Utopia of public sector employees, few private enterprises, and lots of freebies for the “oppressed” which ends up being most people along the way. All want in on the action.

The bureaucracy in Greece grew faster than all other sectors. Once unionized, people can’t be fired and dead weight overwhelms agencies. Competition and innovation wither away.

Daniel Greenfield in his Front Page Magazine article, “Social Justice is the Root of All Debt,”  compared the current crisis in Greece to Detroit and many of our big cities:

“Detroit had 55 residents per government employee. Half the city’s residents didn’t pay property taxeswhich were the highest of any major city. The employment rate wasn’t pretty. The third largest “industry” was education and health care, both mostly government subsidized, the fifth biggest industry was government. Fourth was manufacturing, which in Detroit has hovered around being state-owned.”

The left beats down opposition with class warfare and populist promises. Radical socialist Bernie Sanders has promised a “political revolution” to combat income inequality, curb climate change and drastically reform the campaign finance system. He also promises a top-tier tax rate of 90%, redistribution, climate extremism, and unlimited union financing of campaigns.

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Six inconvenient truths about the U.S. and slavery


Michael Medved | Sep 26, 2007

Those who want to discredit the United States and to deny our role as history’s most powerful and pre-eminent force for freedom, goodness and human dignity invariably focus on America’s bloody past as a slave-holding nation. Along with the displacement and mistreatment of Native Americans, the enslavement of literally millions of Africans counts as one of our two founding crimes—and an obvious rebuttal to any claims that this Republic truly represents “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” According to America-bashers at home and abroad, open-minded students of our history ought to feel more guilt than pride, and strive for “reparations” or other restitution to overcome the nation’s uniquely cruel, racist and rapacious legacy.

Unfortunately, the current mania for exaggerating America’s culpability for the horrors of slavery bears no more connection to reality than the old, discredited tendency to deny that the U.S. bore any blame at all. No, it’s not true that the “peculiar institution” featured kind-hearted, paternalistic masters and happy, dancing field-hands, any more than it’s true that America displayed unparalleled barbarity or enjoyed disproportionate benefit from kidnapping and exploiting innocent Africans.

An honest and balanced understanding of the position of slavery in the American experience requires a serious attempt to place the institution in historical context and to clear-away some of the common myths and distortions.

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U.S. stance on Israeli-Palestinian conflict weakens Israel



Opinion: U.S. stance on Israeli-Palestinian conflict weakens Israel

August 21, 2014    Last updated: Thursday, August 21, 2014, 1:21 AM
The Record

SINCE THE founding of Israel in 1948, it has been the bedrock of U.S. foreign policy to support Israel politically, economically and militarily. The one inviolate rule was that Israel must always retain its qualitative military superiority. Until now, both political parties have in a very non-partisan manner adhered to this principal.

A recent Gallup poll shows a change in this thinking. When asked about the current conflict between Israel and Hamas and specifically “Americans’ Views of Israel’s Action in Current Middle East Conflict,” 31 percent of those identifying themselves as Democrats felt Israel was justified while 47 percent felt Israel was not justified. Among those identifying themselves as Republicans 65 percent felt Israel was justified and 21 percent felt unjustified.

When you couple this with President Obama’s freezing military shipments to Israel in the middle of a shooting war with a terrorist organization – Hamas – many people have a right to be concerned.

Hamas has stated in its charter that it is dedicated to the annihilation of Israel and to the death of world Jewry. To date, Hamas has fired over 3,000 missiles into Israel as well as using tunnels into Israel for the purpose of killing Israelis.

The freezing of military shipments indicates a basic change in Obama’s policy to Israel. Reuters is quoted as saying that State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf says it is not a diminution of U.S. support of Israel. Yet actions speak louder than words, and withholding delivery of munitions speaks volumes.

In addition, Obama says Israel has a right to defend itself but that he is concerned with civilian casualties. I hear that as code for saying Israel does not have a right to defend itself because if Hamas puts missiles in the basement and purposively places civilians on the first and second floor when Israel, in defending itself, sends a missile into that basement to take out Hamas missiles before they are fired into Israel, the civilians on the first and second floor will become casualties. That is what Israel means when it says Hamas uses civilians to shield its missiles.

Leading up to World War II, few people believed Hitler when it became clear what his intentions were toward the Jews – it was the Holocaust. How can anyone fault Israelis for believing Hamas when its own charter calls for the same Holocaust?

Whether it is Hamas, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, al-Qaeda or the Muslim Brotherhood, their goals are the same: the destruction of Judaic-Christian religions, the destruction of our way of life and the domination of the world through the establishment of a Worldwide Caliphate.

Israel’s fight against Hamas is also our fight. If Israel loses, we are next.

Robert B. Yudin, a resident of Wyckoff, is chairman of the Bergen County Republican Organization.

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