Ridgewood planning board hears engineer on Valley Hospital expansion
Thursday January 30, 2014, 8:01 AM
The Record
RIDGEWOOD – There were no surprises Wednesday night at a hearing for The Valley Hospitals plan to expand to nearly 1 million square feet. An engineer hired by the Planning Board told residents that there are no impediments to allowing the project to go forward.
Several of the audience members said they had been expecting M. Golam Kabir, from Converse Consultants in Whippany, to agree with testimony already presented by Valleys experts. Theyve been told for nearly a year that excavating 170,000 cubic yards of soil and rock and pulling out up to 300,000 gallons of water per day wont cause lasting damage to the neighborhood surrounding the hospital.
“Based on the review of the documents, it did not disclose any geotechnical impediments that could preclude the proposed construction,” Kabir said in his report to the board.
His testimony concurred with information presented by Valleys engineer, Moustafa Gouda, director of Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Services at Maser Consulting in Red Bank.
– See more at: https://www.northjersey.com/news/Ridgewood_planning_board_hears_engineer_on_Valley_Hospital_expansion.html#sthash.ZYzAYzi8.dpuf