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Valley construction and Ridgewood Schools

April 5,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Somerville, Hawes and Travell parents: please try to attend one or more of the remaining Valley expansion hearings. There are maybe 5 elementary school parents here tonight, and this massive construction plan will affect our children the most over the next decade and beyond in terms of pollution, noise and nonstop truck traffic back and forth in front of Benjamin Franklin Middle School.

Video Courtesy Dana Glazer


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Valley Construction Impact on Benjamin Franklin Field Use


photo courtesy of “it takes a village” group on Facebook

April 3,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ , the Attached please find a picture of a typical Saturday at BF. middle school. Students from across the county participating in track and field events OUTSIDE.  Hundreds of kids use the field on a regular basis .

Valley construction will involve noise , and dust

Whats will be the impact on out door activities at  Middle school during the long construction phase at Valley Hospital