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Appeals Court Agrees to hear Ridgewood against Valley Hospital Expansion Case

Ooops we jumped the gun with initial headline Appeals Court Rules in Ridgewood’s Favor against Valley Hospital Expansion
September 29,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Appeals Court Agrees to hear Ridgewood against Valley Hospital Expansion Case.

The Valley Hospital had filed suit against the Ridgewood Planning Board for rejecting its proposal to nearly double in size, arguing the board illegally sided with neighborhood opponents rather than permitting an upgrade for “an inherently beneficial regional hospital.”

The lawsuit was filed in state Superior Court in Hackensack . It was an attempt by Valley to end a protracted and costly stalemate with the village  and force its expansion plans have been defeated two times .

While Valley wasted its efforts on its “May way or no way” approach its competitors have expanded, renovated and in one case, reopened a hospital in Westwood.
According to Ridgewood resident John Hersperger , “I’m not surprised the Appellate Division agreed to review the lower court’s decision against the Village in the ordinance case.  Valley’s lower court victory was short-lived and (knock wood) should be its last.  Why?  Because the legal grounds for any court to force a municipality to squeeze in a development of this size on such a small parcel simply don’t exist.  Valley needs the Appellate Division to create new legal precedent to support their expansion.  Such a change would have implications statewide, with healthcare businesses imposing development wherever they please.”
Pete Mckenna President of Concerned Residents of Ridgewood concurred , “The appellate division has not made a decision on the merits, but has decided to review the Judge’s decision.  I agree with John’s comments that this Judge’s ruling was without precedent and that the Village’s case to appeal is strong and we are optimistic the Village will prevail in this matter.”
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N.J. judge: Ridgewood has 90 days to clear way for Valley Hospital expansion



RIDGEWOOD — A state judge ruled Thursday that the Village Council has 90 days to adopt an ordinance putting into effect master plan changes that clear the way for a vast expansion by The Valley Hospital, or else the hospital may “move to enforce” her decision through a court-appointed special master.

The ruling, issued by state Superior Court Judge Lisa Perez Friscia, said the council ordinance must be consistent with April Planning Board approvals allowing the hospital to nearly double in size, from 565,000 square feet to 961,000.

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Ridgewood Planning Board resolution reaffirms hospital vote


Ridgewood Planning Board resolution reaffirms hospital vote

September 19, 2014    Last updated: Friday, September 19, 2014, 12:01 AM
By Laura Herzog
Staff Writer
The Ridgewood News

A long process has been memorialized with a long document.

The Planning Board on Tuesday approved a 47-page resolution explaining its vote on The Valley Hospital’s master plan amendment in June.

Though the resolution was passed without further discussion on Tuesday night, The Ridgewood News obtained the document via OPRA request Wednesday morning.

The document, which details the roughly eight-year history of the hospital’s two proposals, lists 113 points that were considered by the board in coming to its 5-2 decision to reject the amendment and the hospital’s proposal to expand, almost doubling in size to accommodate a switch from double to single-bed rooms and other modifications.

In its final point, the board notes: “The 2014 Final Board Master Plan Amendment, when analyzed with the concerns elicited by the 2011 Council in its Resolution, does not represent a substantial enough compromise and departure from the 2010 Amendment.

– See more at:

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Readers say ” Valley Hospital’s Current Expansion is of no benefit to anyone in this town except for Valley Hospital”


Readers say ” Valley Hospital’s Current Expansion is of no benefit to anyone in this town except for Valley Hospital”

Let’s all hope it’s not judge , jury, and town executioner? If the council denies Valley, which they should. I don’t think Valley will sue and have it go to a judge? They will compromise and resubmit until they get closer to what they want.

A lot of articles state that the group of individuals who oppose Valley only live around Valley and are more impacted by this expansion. I so disagree with this view. All of Ridgewood should be against this current expansion. Why? Well here’s just a few good reasons: Valley, pays no taxes, not even PILOT. All Ridgewood Taxpayers will be paying for the additional strains on our services (Police and Fire). 7 to 14 years of construction will cause major traffic problems from beginning to end ( no way around this and will affect all of us). You won’t be able to get to those homes on the Westside!

Valley demonstrated that it had no interest in compromise when they submitted a “revised” plan that was a near twin of the original rejected one. It was so close that the PB should have refused to consider it, like a teacher with a “revised” essay that’s almost identical to the first one.

PB keeps hiding behind “laws” and “rules” but where is the responsibility to represent the people?

Have 7 figures already been spent in fees to attorneys and “experts” to keep discussing the same thing?

How many PB members do not know how they will vote? How many have known for 7 years?

Think about this statement: ” Valley Hospital’s Current Expansion is of no benefit to anyone in this town except for Valley Hospital”

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Planning Board Special Public Meeting – February 4 at RHS Student Center


Planning Board Special Public Meeting – February 4 at RHS Student Center

Special Public Meeting: Tuesday, February 4, 2014

In accordance with the provisions of the “Open Public Meetings Act,” please be advised that the Planning Board has scheduled a special public meeting and work session for TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2014, in the RIDGEWOOD HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT CENTER, 627 E. RIDGEWOOD AVENUE, RIDGEWOOD, NJ beginning at 8:00 p.m.

The Board may take official action during this Special Public Meeting at which time the Board will continue the public hearing concerning a proposed amendment to the Land Use Plan Element of the Master Plan which would recommend changes in zone district classifications and boundaries within the Central Business District and surrounding area including AH-2, B-3-R, C-R and C Zone Districts. The Board anticipates that the order of presentation to the extent known as of this date will consist of the following:

a) Commencement of expert testimony – professional planning (direct and cross examination of planners on behalf of any interested party – opportunity to ask questions after the conclusion of each witness’ testimony)

b) Announcement of next hearing date and other Planning Board business per the agenda.

The proposed master plan amendment and related exhibits are at the office of the Secretary of the Ridgewood Planning Board on the third floor of Village Hall, 131 North Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, New Jersey and are available for public inspection Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The amendment and exhibits are also posted as a courtesy on the Village’s website at

All meetings of the Ridgewood Planning Board (i.e., official public meetings, work session meetings, pre-meeting assemblies and special meetings) are public meetings which are always open to members of the general public.

Hotwire US

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Ridgewood planning board hears engineer on Valley Hospital expansion


Ridgewood planning board hears engineer on Valley Hospital expansion
Thursday January 30, 2014, 8:01 AM
The Record

RIDGEWOOD – There were no surprises Wednesday night at a hearing for The Valley Hospital’s plan to expand to nearly 1 million square feet. An engineer hired by the Planning Board told residents that “there are no impediments” to allowing the project to go forward.

Several of the audience members said they had been expecting M. Golam Kabir, from Converse Consultants in Whippany, to agree with testimony already presented by Valley’s experts. They’ve been told for nearly a year that excavating 170,000 cubic yards of soil and rock and pulling out up to 300,000 gallons of water per day won’t cause lasting damage to the neighborhood surrounding the hospital.

“Based on the review of the documents, it did not disclose any geotechnical impediments that could preclude the proposed construction,” Kabir said in his report to the board.

His testimony concurred with information presented by Valley’s engineer, Moustafa Gouda, director of Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Services at Maser Consulting in Red Bank.

– See more at:

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Reader worries about Valley Over Expansion


Reader worries about Valley Over Expansion

Valley has their existing building in Ridgewood where they are planning their “Renewel.” They own the 128,000 sq ft building in Paramus mentioned in the article. They just payed $28ish Million for the “Duck Pond” building on E. Ridgewood Ave, they own the entire strip on Maple Ave which consists of the old Ford dealership down to the Corset Shop. They have also allegedly purchased the Ken Smith site in downtown Ridgewood which is why the developer pulled the development plans.

Ever wonder why your health care costs continue to rise? Nice to be a non-profit with no competition huh? Can just raise prices and raise prices and raise prices. Tough to negotiate prices when your life is on the line. Not much leverage when you are gasping for air.

Microsoft Store

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Planning Board Special Public Meeting – January 29 & 30, 2014 – GW Middle School


Planning Board Special Public Meeting – January 29 & 30, 2014 – GW Middle School



Special Public Meetings: January 29, 2014 and January 30, 2014

In accordance with the provisions of the “Open Public Meetings Act,” please be advised that the Planning Board has scheduled special public meetings for WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2014 and THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 2014 in the GEORGE WASHINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL AUDITORIUM, 155 WASHINGTON PLACE, RIDGEWOOD, NJ beginning at 7:30 p.m.

The Board may take official action during this Work and Public Meeting at which time the Board will continue the Public Hearing on the Proposed H-Hospital Zone Amendment to the Master Plan.

All meetings of the Ridgewood Planning Board (i.e., official public meetings, work session meetings, pre-meeting assemblies and special meetings) are public meetings which are always open to members of the general public.

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Reader: The notion that the 500-1,000 new residents would live in their little downtown ghetto and never venture out in a car is ridiculous


Reader : The notion that the 500-1,000 new residents would live in their little downtown ghetto and never venture out in a car is ridiculous

The notion that the 500-1,000 new residents would live in their little downtown ghetto and never venture out in a car is ridiculous. The notion that we need to cram more people into less breathing space is beyond stupid.

And the underlying notion that you need to change zoning laws to save the downtown is completely misplaced. A downtown exists to serve the surrounding community — not the other way around. Why are people espousing this idea that to “save” the downtown we need to put the rest of the town at risk?? Let market forces work and the downtown will stabilize. But, that’s not going to happen as long as people buy into the propaganda that we need to cram more people into town in order to help the downtown property owners. Let them lower their rents. Let them improve their properties. Let them change uses within the existing master plan to meet changing needs. Why should the rest of the town bailout the downtown property owners at our expense? Why should we fund or guarantee their profits??

Developers bought downtown properties hoping to make a profit. And now they are trying to convince the uninformed and the ignorant that somehow world peace will be achieved if only they are able to change existing laws and cram more people into the downtown.

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Resistance to change harming village


Resistance to change harming village

Friday, January 24, 2014
The Ridgewood News

Resistance to change harming village
Tracey Highfill

To the editor:

In my entire life I have never sided with developers, going so far as having a one-person painting exhibit deploring the loss of open space. However, the housing proposals on the table are different. They are not cutting down shady, wooded lots or digging up beautiful hay fields; the apartments replace uninspired, underutilized parcels of ugliness with much needed alternative living options.

When you live in town, you walk around. Increased foot traffic is good for business. Decreased car traffic is good for pedestrians.

– See more at:

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Concern with overdevelopment a cause in common


Concern with overdevelopment a cause in common

Friday, January 24, 2014
The Ridgewood News

Residents have common concerns
Marla Sherman

To the editor:

On Jan. 7, hundreds of Ridgewood residents came to the Planning Board meeting to make personal statements against the proposed change to the Master Plan that would allow for high density housing developments in our downtown Central Business District.

Not a single person spoke up in favor of the change, including at least three residents who earn their living as real estate developers.

There were two common fears brought up by almost every person that spoke — the potential effect on the quality of our schools and the fear that Ridgewood would lose its small town charm and become more urban. Not a single person was anti-development or anti-improvement. They simply want improvements made to these properties within the density and height allowances of our current master plan, in order to maintain the desirability of our village.

– See more at: