While agree with your point about making clearer distinctions between opinions and actual quotes, (Shakespearean tragedy in Ridgewood ) in this case the quoted item seems to represent Ms. Price’s general attitude in the Valley meetings.
If you do not support Valley’s expansion and you’ve been to one or more meetings you have witnessed this firsthand. Ms. Price’s mishandling of the Valley matter goes back years now and this isn’t even the first time the CRR has filed suit based on her procedural mis-steps. She has shown a certain hubris over the years that seems to be getting worse and not better. Remember she is paid by the tax payers to represent the best interests of the Village.
During the campaign, she removed any doubt that she’s a Valley supporter. Valley’s suit against the Village claims that the adverse impact of their expansion on the surrounding neighborhood is outweighed by the benefit to surrounding towns. Given that, there has been a conflict of interest with her from the start and any rulings to this point in favor of Valley should be thrown out.