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New permanent field lighting towers to be added at Vets Field

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the staff of The Ridgewood Blog

Ridgewood NJ, the proposed $700k LED field lighting project at Vets Field will require installation of three new permanent 80-foot-tall steel light towers. The new structures will be located on the west side of the field, near the Village Hall/Library Parking Lot. Eight existing 50-foot-tall steel light towers will remain in place, but their existing lighting devices will be replaced by new LED models. Currently, there is at least a 6-month backorder on the equipment required to begin this project.

Continue reading New permanent field lighting towers to be added at Vets Field

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24/7 Sports ,Ridgewood Village Council Targets Vets Field for $700K Field Lighting Installation

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, At the Village Council budget meeting on February 26, there was discussion of spending an estimated $700,000 on lighting at Vets Field. We are pretty sure there are opinions on this from one end of the spectrum to the other.

Continue reading 24/7 Sports ,Ridgewood Village Council Targets Vets Field for $700K Field Lighting Installation

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4th of July Fireworks Celebration in Ridgewood


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Don’t miss the 4th of July fireworks celebration in Ridgewood! Live entertainment by the Nines at 6pm, the Stilettos at 7pm, and Dads’ Night Band at 8pm. Plus amazing fireworks by Grucci!

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Ridgewood Police Question Several Individuals on Vets Field Baseball Diamond Damage

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, several individuals were questioned by Ridgewood Police Department Patrol Officers late Thursday night regarding an incident in which the driver(s) of a vehicle(s) allegedly drove onto a baseball/softball diamond at Vets Field and performed “donuts.” Employees from the Village’s Parks Department were observed repairing the damaged infield this morning.

Continue reading Ridgewood Police Question Several Individuals on Vets Field Baseball Diamond Damage

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Repairs to Hurricane Ida Damaged Maple Park and Vets Field in Ridgewood will cost $135K

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by the staff of The Ridgewood Blog

Ridgewood NJ, on Wednesday night, October 6, the Village Council is scheduled to award contracts totaling $135k for repairs to the artificial turf at Maple Park ($113k) and natural grass at Vets Field ($22k).  These expenses will NOT be covered by insurance.

Continue reading Repairs to Hurricane Ida Damaged Maple Park and Vets Field in Ridgewood will cost $135K

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Ridgewood Board of Education Trustee Updates on Ridgewood School Fields


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Board of Education trustee Mike Lembo  comments out school fields in a Facebook post:

Continue reading Ridgewood Board of Education Trustee Updates on Ridgewood School Fields

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A Note to the Council About the Library’s Expensive Proposition to Gut Itself and Start Over


The following note was sent to the Village Council with a copy to the Village Manager.

Dear Council:
It is my impression that the library director and board are asking the Council to pave over part of Veterans Field for parking so that they can increase services further and build a performance venue at the library.

This is a bad idea–no, a terrible idea. Our parks have already been largely given over to sports. What’s left must be considered sacrosanct. As the temporary custodians of the village, you make decisions that will last for decades or forever. You are responsible for holding firm on this. I believe such a decision would be wildly unpopular.

Continue reading A Note to the Council About the Library’s Expensive Proposition to Gut Itself and Start Over

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New crosswalk warning devices installed on Linwood Avenue in Ridgewood

New crosswalk warning devices installed on Linwood Avenue

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

July 27,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Two (2) new pedestrian controlled, illuminated crosswalk warning devices have been installed at the mid-block, Linwood Avenue crosswalk connecting Graydon Pool and Vets Field.


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Ridgewood Fire Department personnel free bird trapped in a storm drain at Vets Field

Ridgewood Fire Department personnel free bird

Photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

June 1,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Fire Department personnel came to the aid of a bird trapped in a storm drain on Veterans Memorial Field, 131 North Maple Avenue, Ridgewood on Wednesday evening, 05/31. The apparently uninjured bird flew away immediately after members of Ridgewood FD Engine Company 35/37 pried the storm drain’s grate up. The distress call to Ridgewood FD HQ had been placed by the parent of a child who was watching a nearby Little League baseball game and heard the bird peeping for help.

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Vandal Graffitis Pump House at Vets Field in Ridgewood

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file photo by Boyd Loving

October 27,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Police report ; Ptl. Joseph DiBenedetto responded to Veteran’s Field on October 24 to investigate criminal mischief to the pump house building. Upon arrival Ptl. DiBenedetto discovered an unknown person spray painted graffiti on the structure. The amount of damage is unknown at this time.

All actors are presumed innocent unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

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July 27,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The music shell on Veteran’s Field was erected and donated as a gift to the Village in member of Frank Kasschau, a widely recognized choral conductor, organist and teacher.  The shell is dedicated to and accepted for use by the citizens of the Village of Ridgewood as a place where summer programs of fine music and related artistic and cultural endeavors may be presented to the community in a setting of natural beauty.

Bring your chair and blanket starts at 8:30pm.

Only three performances left ; July 28th TREBLE – Popular Rock , August 2nd Bishop of Jazz and His Abbotts (Rio Clemente) and August 4th Mack Brandon & The Connection – Popular Gospel .

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Kasschau Memorial Shell Music Under the Stars


2015 Kasschau Shell Schedule

Here is the schedule for you to make plans for the upcoming 2015 Entertainment Under the Stars at the Kasschau Shell on Vet’s Field in Ridgewood. All programs are free. Just bring a chair or blanket and enjoy the music!

Click Here for 2015 Season Schedule.

August 4, 2015

Kasschau Memorial Shell
The Bishop and His Abbotts – Rio Clemente
Free Entertainment Under the Stars! Bring a chair or blanket. Show starts at 8:30pm at Kasschau Memorial Shell – on Veterans Field – behind the Library

August 6, 2015

Kasschau Memorial Schell
Mack Brandon & The Connection – Popular Gospel
Free Entertainment Under the Stars! Bring a chair or blanket. Show starts at 8:30pm at Kasschau Memorial Shell – on Veterans Field – behind the Library

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Village of Ridgewood 2015 Kasschau Shell Schedule


Free Music Under the Stars

Here is the schedule for you to make plans for the upcoming 2015 Entertainment Under the Stars at the Kasschau Shell on Vet’s Field in Ridgewood. All programs are free. Just bring a chair or blanket and enjoy the music!

Click Here for 2015 Season Schedule.