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Introducing the Village of Ridgewood Christmas Tree!

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screen shots courtesy of the Village Manager Keith Kazmark

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, every year, the Village of Ridgewood finds a worthy tree to cut down for the annual “Down Town for the Holidays ” Christmas tree lighting.  The tree is destined to be cut down anyway for various reasons and donated and repurposed to the Village .

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Village of Ridgewood Downtown for the Holidays

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Village of Ridgewood will be holding a Downtown for the Holidays event this year, which will be in keeping with COVID-19 restrictions.  Social distancing and face masks will be required. The event will be held on December 4, 2020, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  The streets will be open to traffic, so we invite you to stroll on the sidewalks and enjoy the kickoff to the holidays. The Village Christmas tree, at the corner of East Ridgewood Avenue and Broad Street, will already be lit, and will be glowing with lights, the trees in Memorial Park at Van Neste Square and at Station Plaza will be decorated with festive ornaments donated by residents, businesses, groups, and organizations; there will be a Kid’s Corner with a drawing to take home and submit for a prize; music throughout the area will be provided by various groups; dancers from Art of Motion Dance Theatre and youth from HeART in Motion Studio will perform in store windows, and be sure to take a walk to the west side of the Central Business District, through the decorated pedestrian tunnel!

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Village Christmas Tree Donation Sought


Village Christmas Tree Donation Sought

The Village of Ridgewood is seeking donation of the 2014 holiday tree to be displayed in the central business district throughout the season.

Removal and transport will be included if your donation is accepted.

Please contact the Parks and Recreation Department at the Stable, telephone 201-670-5560, or by email to