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Late Morning Construction Accident in Ridgewood leaves Several Injured

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a late morning construction accident at a home under total renovation on Pomander Walk resulted in two (2) non-life threatening injuries. Both victims were transported to The Valley Hospital by a Ridgewood Fire/EMS ambulance. Construction code officials and the Village Engineer were called to the scene to perform an inspection. An interior structural collapse was said to have caused the injuries. Permits for the work being performed were recorded on the Village’s SDL Permit & Inspection Portal. Ridgewood Police patrol officers and a patrol supervisor also responded to the incident.

Continue reading Late Morning Construction Accident in Ridgewood leaves Several Injured

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The Army Corps of Engineers Pays Visit to Village of Ridgewood

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photo courtesy of Ridgewood Public Schools

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, on Tuesday , the Village Manager Keith Kazmark, Village Engineer Chris Rutishauser and the Superintendent of Schools Mark Schwarz met with the US Army Corps. of Engineers, the NJ DEP and Rep. Gottheimer’s office to discuss short term and long term solutions for flooding in the Village. These discussions are said to be in very preliminary stages and the USACE has extensive data gathering to undertake.

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Time to Investigate Ridgewood’s Failure to Repair the Kingsbridge Footbridge

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photos courtesy of Suzanne Ruane
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, resident Suzanne Ruane explains the issues with the Kingsbridge Footbridge . as a reminder if the Village eliminated the Engineering department ($550,000 a year )  , companies like Boswell Engineering would do the job for $200,000 a year and get things done much faster with the county .

Continue reading Time to Investigate Ridgewood’s Failure to Repair the Kingsbridge Footbridge

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UPDATE: Attempted Sabotage Spotted at the Schedler Property in Ridgewood

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, recent walk through of the Schedler Property reveled  electrical wiring issues at the home. It appears someone is trying to sabotage the property , perhaps burn it down as has been suggested from some corners the Village.

“As a license electrician looking at what they have there… I can assure you there is no sabotage other than bubble covers missing from 2 of the boxes. It apears 1 fell off and the 2nd one has a broken plastic hinge from the picture. There is no overload there at all there are nine circuits of which eight are visible… each twelve and fourteen gauge chord has its own circuit. This is above and beyond the rules of the NEC..” JN

Continue reading UPDATE: Attempted Sabotage Spotted at the Schedler Property in Ridgewood

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Village Engineer Gets Preferential Treatment with Parking at Village Hall

parking at village hall

November 16,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, looks like Christopher Rutishauser Village Engineer  has had his share of troubles parking in the Village Hall parking lot .  So in order to keep his special spot available an over night sign change was needed  and there we go special parking for motorcycles, even closer to the Village hall the handicapped spaces .

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The signs were not approved and parking has gone rogue with the entire Village Hall back lot has now been converted into a everyman for themselves.

Residents have to pay up to  $1500 a year for parking permits in the Village. The main question is should be why is Chris Ritishauser given preferential treatment and above the law? All employees should park at the rear of the lot or somewhere else. Across the field. What’s good for the CBD should be good enough for Village employees.

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Village Engineer tells Council that bike lane to nowhere can’t be removed

Bike Lane Traffic Easing Ridgewood

June 8,2017
By Boyd A. Loving

Ridgewood NJ, Surprise, surprise, surprise – apparently, Ridgewood taxpayers were once again lied to by a Village official.

During Wednesday evening’s Village Council Work Session, Village Engineer Christoper Rutishauser told Council members that it would NOT be possible alter the current pavement/road conditions of Garber Square/Franklin Avenue approaching and underneath the NJ Transit train trestle to permit two (2) lanes of traffic to flow freely in both directions (again).

Many of us remember when former Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld promised that if things didn’t work out with the bike lane to nowhere, we could “go back to what we had before.”  Well, that ain’t happening folks.

Rutishauser told Council members that the size of NJ Transit’s buses (a required turning radius) is what’s preventing a return to sanity.  However, we believe the actual reason is that grant money was used to construct the bike lane to nowhere and rules associated with the use of grant funds would require the Village to give the money used back if the project were removed.  So, we’ve been lied to twice?  Wow.

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Reader says Village Manager, Human Resource, Village Engineer, Superintendent of Parks and Rec. are running this town not the new council

3 amigos

First of all why is Christopher Rutishause e-Mailing plans for the park to Bill Gilsenan? Why is Gilsenan getting involved in the park? Im tired of all the so called Demigod running this Village. Paul Vagianos, John Saraceno Ed Sullivan, Tom Hillman and now Bill Gilsenan. Their names were not on the Village ballot for council. This council has to watch very closely what goes on because there has always been a small group self proclaimed Demigod who try to run this town from behind the scenes. Simply voting out the 3 Amigos is not going to stop this because its Systemic.

VM, Assistant to the VM, HR, Village Engineer, Superintendent of Parks and Rec. and the above named are running this town not the new council. Poster just need to reflect back to some of the fiascos that have happen in the last 4 years to find the common thread. Wise up new Village Council and get a grip on this. Don’t let them distract you while they plan or plot.

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No sidewalks for Clinton Ave despite recommendations by police & Village Engineer


Do it for the kids, please

No sidewalks for Clinton Ave despite recommendations by police & Village Engineer
November 6th 2014
Boyd A. Loving
10:20 PM 

Ridgewood NJ, Despite being strongly recommended by a police department traffic safety officer, and having been identified as a necessity in the Village’s “Complete Streets” policy, sidewalks will NOT be constructed along Clinton Avenue when it is resurfaced in the coming months.During the Wednesday, 11/05, Village Council Work Session, Council members in attendance opted to side with the sixteen (16) property owners on Clinton, none of whom want sidewalks constructed on their street.

As a result of the Council’s decision, Clinton will remain closed to vehicular traffic before, during and after school hours every day school is in session, and dozens of children making their way to and from points south of Godwin Avenue to the Ridge Elementary school will continue walking to and from school in the middle of that street.

Several Clinton Avenue property owners were present at the Council Work Session, but none spoke.  No representative of the police department was in attendance, nor was Village Engineer Christopher Rutishauser, who was present, afforded an opportunity to provide input (Rutishauser’s office authored and manages the Village’s “Complete Streets” policy).

Paradoxically, when many West Side residents expressed displeasure with the reconfiguration of Garber Square, Village Council members cited the “Complete Streets” policy as a primary reason why the changes were being made in conjunction with resurfacing of the area.  I guess the likelihood of 32 potential happy voters trumps “Complete Streets” in the case of Clinton Avenue?

As evidenced by the tragic loss-of-life incident that occurred several months ago in nearby Hawthorne, a driver could disregard posted “Do Not Enter” signs and come barreling down Clinton Avenue at the wrong time, taking out several innocent school children in a heartbeat.

Hopefully Village Council members come to their senses quickly and reverse this potentially tragic decision.