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‘Get Woke, Go Broke’ Promoting Causes Doesn’t Help Business

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Brands have replaced purpose with pandering and consumers don’t like it

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, what matters most in business? Quality, say Americans, who don’t care much for companies promoting political causes.

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Ridgewood Stop Asian Hate Rally Interrupted by Crackpot Protest

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Stop Asian Hate Rally was held yesterday at 2pm at Van Neste square. We have to be honest when we first heard about the rally , given some Ridgewood residents recent attacks on the only non white school board members ,who also happen to be Asian and the derogatory language used by some residents toward some Asian community in public meetings, it did cross or mind that this would be a “Hate Asian ” rally .We where however pleasantly surprised that is was not.

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The End of Free Speech: 62% of Americans Say They Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

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photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a new Cato national survey finds that self‐censorship is on the rise in the United States. Nearly two-thirds—62%—of Americans say the political climate these days prevents them from saying things they believe because others might find them offensive. The share of Americans who self‐censor has risen several points since 2017 when 58% of Americans agreed with this statement.

Clearly we have seen this in action even on a local level in Ridgewood. Name calling, bullying , “filtering” , silencing , group think , conformity, blind obedience ,right think , Facebook excommunication, boycotts and  trying to get people fired  has become part of life in Ridgewood .

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Ridgewood Sees Second Round of “Ridgewood for Black Liberation” Protests

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photos by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Central Business District saw its second round of “Ridgewood for Black Liberation ” protests on Saturday . Many merchants were furious with the Village over the last minute warning .  many now threatening to leave the CBD for good.  The current murmur  is that the Village of Ridgewood has seen its day grows louder and louder by the minute .Residents already reeling from COVID-19 lockdown ,fearing the Murphy property tax surcharge  are stepping up their escape plans .

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Attorney General’s Office Accused of “Stonewalling” Investigating of Fatal Police-Involved Shooting of Unarmed Man on Garden State Parkway

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Bass River NJ, The NJ Attorney General’s Office is conducting an investigation of a fatal shooting involving the New Jersey State Police that occurred at approximately 6:30 a.m. yesterday, May 23, on the Garden State Parkway in Bass River, N.J. One male civilian sustained fatal injuries. The decedent has been identified as a Dutchess County College student Maurice S. Gordon, 28, of Poughkeepsie, N.Y.  studying chemistry and was a driver for UberEats.

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Senator Joe Pennacchio Says , “Plastic Bag Ban Bad Policy”

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Senator Joe Pennacchio said a ban on single-use bags approved by the New Jersey Senate today is bad public policy that will inconvenience consumers and put their health at risk.

“The bag ban is bad policy,” said Pennacchio (R-26). “It creates a major inconvenience for consumers, raises costs, has dubious environmental benefits, and raises serious health concerns.”

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Virtual signaling is a privilege!


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, reader worries, “Watch as Ridgewood votes to become a sanctuary Village…or is that a virtue signaling bridge too far?”

vir·tue sig·nal·ing[virtue signaling]NOUN the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one’s good character or the moral correctness of one’s position on a particular issue.”it’s noticeable how often virtue signaling consists of saying you hate things”

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Reader asks ,”why doesn’t the Assemblywoman care about cleaning up our environment? : and we ask why doesn’t New Jersey ?

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photo courtesy of Derek Michalski‎

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood Nj, a reader made some strong point promoting what they claimed was “protecting the environment “

“So the problem of carrying food home is a false argument: someone goes to the store and carries their own bags, which are empty, they carry the bags home, full. Whether or not they carry their own bags to the store has NO bearing on what they are carrying home! They are carrying the same weight home whether or not they carry their own bags into the store.

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Reader asks , ” Why hasn’t Ridgewood done enough to keep up and stay competitive?”

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“The Ivy’s received almost 70,000 more applicants in 2017 than in 2012, and overall acceptance rates dropped to 9.3% from 12.6%.”
Why hasn’t Ridgewood done enough to keep up and stay competitive?
Answer: Because the school values all of the BS (sleep in days, pet therapist for exams, student walkouts against perceieved – but not real – trangressions, etc. etc. etc.) rather than innovative programs and solutions to make the students successful and competitive in an ever more competitive and changing world.
The attitude that life (in this case getting into college) is getting harder so it is OK that we do not do as well is EXACTLY why we are failing the students and falling behind.
Making excuses for failure is so much easier than finding solutions for success.

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Reader asks , “what has Dr. Fishbein done to improve academics in Ridgewood Schools ?”

Dan Fishbein 10

Fishbein is useless.
Tell me what he has done of any significance to improve academics in Ridgewood Schools and get the students ready for their future? What has he done to elevate Ridgewood schools and set them apart from others in the state? the country? the world?
He has just presided over the slow decline of Ridgewood schools, while virtue signaling and lecturing parents on how to raise their children and keep them warm on cold days.
We’d be better off running the show with no superintendent and we’d save a lot of money.

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Reader says , schools should focus on a “quality educational foundation”


“Reader asks , “how could we only have 4, National Merritt Scholars””
Because we are more focused on transgender rights, solidarity with kneeling football players, supporting illegal aliens, and other virtue signaling social engineering objectives than with providing a quality educational foundation.
Any other questions?

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The Failure of Virtue Signaling

hate has no home here magnet blue PRINT

the staff of the Ridgewood blog 

Ridgewood NJ, Virtue signaling, spelled virtue signaling in the United States, is the conspicuous expression of moral values.[1] The term was first used in signaling theory, to describe any behavior that could be used to signal virtue—especially piety among the religious,[2] but more recently support of progressive political norms and social justice.

The real idea is that you are better or morally superior and Virtue-signalers aren’t in any way in doubt about their own virtue. What they really want to do is signal how depraved others are. In the NY Post columnist F.H. Buckley more aptly called it , “Vice signaling is a defense mechanism, meant to displace liberal guilt. There was a moment, shortly after the 2016 election, when liberals realized that ordinary Americans had turned against them, and that they had reason to do so.”

The reality is that “No Hate” signs seem to sow more division and promote an anti community . Often used by the most “Hateful” people pitting neighbor against neighbor ,squelching free speech and even worse free thought in an ever increasing mindless obedient conformity . 

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Starbucks Virtue Signaling

Starbucks Ridgewood

May 29,2018

Starbucks : An open letter to Starbucks customers from executive chairman Howard Schultz

This afternoon Starbucks will close more than 8,000 stores and begin a new chapter in our history.
In 1983 I took my first trip to Italy. As I walked the streets of Milan, I saw cafés and espresso bars on every street. When I ventured inside I experienced something powerful: a sense of community and human connection.
I returned home determined to create a similar experience in America-a new ‘third place’ between home and work-and build a different kind of company. I wanted our stores to be comfortable, safe spaces where everyone had the opportunity to enjoy a coffee, sit, read, write, host a meeting, date, debate, discuss or just relax.
Today 100 million customers enter Starbucks® stores each week. In an ever-changing society, we still aspire to be a place where everyone feels welcome.
Sometimes, however, we fall short, disappointing ourselves and all of you.
Recently, a Starbucks manager in Philadelphia called the police a few minutes after two black men arrived at a store and sat waiting for a friend. They had not yet purchased anything when the police were called. After police arrived they arrested the two men. The situation was reprehensible and does not represent our company’s mission and enduring values.
After investigating what happened, we determined that insufficient support and training, a company policy that defined customers as paying patrons-versus anyone who enters a store-and bias led to the decision to call the police. Our ceo, Kevin Johnson, met with the two men to express our deepest apologies, reconcile and commit to ongoing actions to reaffirm our guiding principles.
The incident has prompted us to reflect more deeply on all forms of bias, the role of our stores in communities and our responsibility to ensure that nothing like this happens again at Starbucks. The reflection has led to a long-term commitment to reform systemwide policies, while elevating inclusion and equity in all we do.
Today we take another step to ensure we live up to our mission:
What will we be doing? More than 175,000 Starbucks partners (that’s what we call our employees) will be sharing life experiences, hearing from others, listening to experts, reflecting on the realities of bias in our society and talking about how all of us create public spaces where everyone feels like they belong-because they do. This conversation will continue at our company and become part of how we train all of our partners.
Discussing racism and discrimination is not easy, and various people have helped us create a learning experience that we hope will be educational, participatory and make us a better company. We want this to be an open and honest conversation starting with our partners. We will also make the curriculum available to the public.
To our Starbucks partners: I want to thank you for your participation today and for the wonderful work you do every day to make Starbucks a third place for millions of customers.
To our customers: I want to thank you for your patience and support as we renew our promise to make Starbucks what I envisioned it could be nearly 40 years ago-an inclusive gathering place for all.
We’ll see you tomorrow.
With deep respect,