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Reader repeats , “New Jersey should have been well prepared to protect patients in nursing homes from the coronavirus. Instead, nearly half of all the state’s coronavirus deaths have been at nursing homes and assisted living facilities.”

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“Thank you Assemblyman Robert Auth on behalf of those poor 11 childrens’ families.
The Ridgewood Blog was covering The Wanague Curse for almost two years now and it’s time for MJDOH and its cronies to be held responsible for those poor 11 innocent souls…..
“Considering all the state and federal reports, and recommendations from Murphy’s own administration, New Jersey should have been well prepared to protect patients in nursing homes from the coronavirus. Instead, nearly half of all the state’s coronavirus deaths have been at nursing homes and assisted living facilities.” ”


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The Murphy administration ignored earlier lessons as the pandemic spread in nursing homes

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By Robert Auth

Assemblyman Robert Auth represents the 39th Legislative District, which includes part of Bergen and Passaic counties. He has been a member of the Assembly since 2014.

A respiratory virus tragically attacking New Jersey’s most vulnerable populations is nothing new. In fact, it’s a really bad case of déjà vu.

The pandemic scourge ravaging the state has a sad unpleasant precedent. More than a year prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, an adenovirus swept through the Wanaque Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation killing 11 children and sickening 36 residents.

Continue reading The Murphy administration ignored earlier lessons as the pandemic spread in nursing homes