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Teachers Union Reasserts Control Over Westwood Regional School System

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Westwood NJ, the Westwood Regional School District board continued its efforts to reverse policies implemented by the previous parental rights majority, taking steps this week to dismantle a policy that restricted teachers’ opinions on “controversial issues.”

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Second time this week, an inexperienced tractor trailer driver was unable to safely negotiate a steep hill on Washington Avenue in Washington Township

washington twp police

photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

December 15,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington Twp NJ, For the second time in less than one (1) week, an inexperienced tractor trailer driver was unable to safely negotiate a steep hill on Washington Avenue in Washington Township, requiring Washington Township Police to close a portion of the busy roadway on Thursday morning, 12/14, until the rig could be removed. Following consultation with an officer from the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office Bureau of Police Services, Traffic Division, Washington Township PD issued two (2) summonses to the rig’s driver. After issuing the summonses, patrol officers directed the truck’s driver to turn around in a nearby cul-de-sac in order to safely re-enter Washington Avenue. However, the driver was unable to successfully complete the turn around maneuver and the rig became stuck in a pile of snow covered leaves. A heavy duty wrecker was then summoned to free the truck from its predicament.

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Tractor Trailer Jackknifes on Washington Avenue in Washington Township

Tractor Trailer Jackknifes on Washington Avenue in Washington Township

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

December 13,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington Twp NJ, An inexperienced tractor trailer driver was unable to negotiate a steep portion of Washington Avenue west of Van Emburgh Avenue in Washington Township on Tuesday afternoon, 12/12 and lost control of the rig while trying to back down the hill. Washington Township Police responded and issued multiple summonses to the driver and impounded the rig for being unregistered and uninsured. A heavy duty tow truck driver freed the rig from its predicament before towing it to the impound yard. No one was injured in the incident.

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PSE&G working on replacing a gas main on Van Emburgh Ave Near Washington Township border

PSE&G working on replacing a gas main on Van Emburgh Ave Near Washington Township border

Traffic Alert six week daytime road closure to begin 10/19/17

October 25,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Starting Thursday 10/19/17 until approximately December 1st PSEG Gas will be working replacing a gas main on Van Emburgh Ave between Hampshire Rd and the Washington Township border. The attached photos are the detour plans for both north and south travel. Van Emburgh Ave will be closed in both directions between E.Glen Ave and Washington Ave in Washington Township beginning at 8:00am each morning. This will allo…w full access to Immaculate Heart Academy for morning drop off. During construction the entire road will have to be closed due to the location of the 12 inch steel gas line that will be placed in the road. Ridgewood Police Officers will be stationed all along Van Emburgh to help local residents get in and out of their streets. Each day Van Emburgh Ave will be opened for southbound travel at 1:30pm to allow buses and parents access to IHA from Washington Ave. The road will be subject to full closure again after school dismissal is complete.

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Washington Township Crash Friday morning leaves One with Minor Injuries

Washington Township PD and EMS

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving

April 29,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington Township NJ ,The resultant force of a two (2) vehicle crash sent one (1) vehicle up onto the lawn of a home at 575 Washington Avenue, Washington Township on Friday morning, 04/28. Washington Township PD and EMS responded to the incident. One (1) driver, an adult male, complained of minor injuries and was evaluated on the scene by EMTs, but refused ambulance transport to a hospital. The other driver, also an adult male, was not injured. Both wrecked vehicles were removed by flatbed tow trucks. No word as to whether any summonses were issued in connection with the incident.