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Reader asks, How can we trust that anything Ridgewood Mayor Vagiano says is truthful and that he does not stand to benefit in some way

Vagianos Copy 1

from the reader comments

Ridgewood NJ, according to a Ridgewod Blog reader, “Doesn’t seem to bode well for Mayor Vagianos or the village of Ridgewood. especially as Vagianos is trying to get re-elected for another term. How can we trust that anything he says is truthful and that he does not stand to benefit in some way by making choices that do not benefit the people he was elected to represent.”

Continue reading Reader asks, How can we trust that anything Ridgewood Mayor Vagiano says is truthful and that he does not stand to benefit in some way

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Two long-serving Village of Ridgewood Historians dismissed in a terribly embarrassing and hypocritical display

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, at the December 13 Village Council meeting, the two long-serving Village Historians were dismissed by the Council majority is a terribly embarrassing and hypocritical display.  Joe Suplicki and Peggy Norris were lauded by Vagianos, Winograd, Perron, and Weitz, at the same time that they were being kicked to the curb.  It was cringe-worthy.  It must be noted that Norris and Suplicki had sent a letter to the Council stating their strong objection to putting a huge artificial turf field over the historic Schedler property.  Smelled like RETRIBUTION was the reason for their dismissal.

Continue reading Two long-serving Village of Ridgewood Historians dismissed in a terribly embarrassing and hypocritical display

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Reader says its Time to Ban the Ex Mayor and His Supporters from Grand Standing at Public Meetings

village council meeting

file photo by Boyd Loving

Clearly, this was an attempt on Ms. Winograd’s part to generate a newspaper headline that the current Council was seeking to limit public comment.

Siobhan Winograd is on the anti-Knudsen team.

Let’s list the mouthpieces for the former megalomaniacs so that we’ll know we can ignore everything they say. Sonenfeld, obviously. Willett and Weitz. Winograd. Halaby, Griffith.

Why would the former council members, who were defeated resoundingly, come to the meetings to attempt to advance their failed agendas?Are they just spiteful? Do they need to grow up?

Hot button issues bring a lot of people to public meetings. To limit their input would be wrong and would make them feel that their voices do not count.

There were a lot more residents speaking against the garage and high density housing than in favor of the projects. Maybe this attempt to limit public comment is an attempt to limit dissent.

Those with a financial interest in the projects, and their paid staff, will continue to go to the meetings. It will provide more time for them in front of the mic.

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Reader says time for Roberta, Willets and Weitz to step down Financial Advisory Committee

Village Council Candidate Janice Willet snoozed

pleasant dreams 

Roberta, Willets and Weitz should step down.

The committee members who signed those advertisements and letters to the editor should also resign. As citizens they have a right to free speech. They signed those letters as advisory committee members going.

They were never an independent voice. Their mission should be defined, their minutes should be public. Otherwise they are political hacks.

All boards should have by laws and minutes.

The FAC seems like a tool of the council and not an independent body. They did not help to dispel this image when two members ran for council supported by the current council majority. Their letters to the editor in support of the council majority causes showed that they did not exercise good judgment.

They seemed to be doing favors for each other.

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Reader reports unwanted Ridgewood Council Candidate Brooks, Weitz and Willett “Robo” call blitz


The robo phone calls blitz starts. Got a robo message on answering machine tonight from R.Brooks saying to vote for him, Weitz and other for council, and that he paid for this message. Caller I.D. says 201-345-4962 Ridgewood, NJ.. Report call as Spam. Following same tactics as someone else we all know who’s used robo calls, signs in CBD planters to vote yes for garage, signs in tree wells. I will Not vote for them.

Rather, I am voting for the candidates who will put Ridgewood and the residents in their best interest – Voigt, Walsh and Hache. Matter of fact, concerned citizens and supporters of Voigt, Walsh and Hache, went respectfully door to door in neighborhoods today with flyers to remind people to vote on May 10th. Thank you, well received.

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Ron Simoncini previously linked to a Hoboken, Hudson County mess with some dubious mail-in ballots ?

Hudson County Machine Politics

May 3,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Progress Ridgewood? Ridgewood 2020? The Truth About Ridgewood Facebook page moderated by Ron Simoncini who was previously linked to a Hoboken, Hudson County mess with some dubious mail-in ballots. Google away using search terms Simoncini, Hoboken, mail in ballots, etcetera. Isn’t Mr. Simoncini the big time supporter behind the Weitz, Willet, Brooks ticket? Pay attention Ridgewood. Link here to one article but there’s more if you care to dig for The Truth. By the way Ridgewood had over 450 votes by mail for garage referendum in Nov. hmmm..–Rent-control-referendum-results-stand–and-shed-light-on-dubious-election-pastime–?instance=latest_story

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The Progress Ridgewood group Weitz, Willett and Brooks Event tonight at Park West

Paul V garage pledge

May 2,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The progress Ridgewood group has an ad in the paper saying those are the 3 that will be at the candidates forum at Park West Loft on May 2nd.

The Progress Ridgewood group is clearly the developer sponsored group .You can only go, if you signed the pledge, so i guess that means they signed it. Nice to know that 3 of the candidates have already decided to be exclusionary, and not listen to others that may have a different opinion then them.

At the candidates debate, all 6 candidates said the current council has been too divisive. Some of the language from the 3 that signed the pledge said “all groups need to be included and involved”, “the council works for everybody. Everybody needs to be informed”, “lead by example”, “public discourse needs to be lifter to a higher level”, “inclusiveness, solutions, and a united approach to figuring out where we’re going, and how to get there”.

Nice to know that the 3 have already shown us that their words don’t mean much, since their actions have proven to be the opposite.
If you want your village government to be exclusionary, then you know who to vote for, Weitz Willet and Brooks.

If you want your village government to be individually thinking people, with varying backgrounds, who are willing to discuss the issues with anyone, you need to vote for Voigt, Hache and Walsh.

Anyone who would like to challenge Weitz, Willett and Brooks on any or all issues should make themselves known at Park West Tavern tonight, 7PM. There is a Happy Hour sponsored by Progress Ridgewood. Maybe you’ll get a free beer and a handful of nachos for your troubles.

Anyway, here are the bullet points that came with the invite:

Each of these experts can bring financial, legal and communication skills to Ridgewood’s Village Council.
They will be the most thoughtful stewards of your tax dollars.
They can successfully negotiate necessary compromises.
They are constructive, not de-constructive.
They epitomize character.

Weitz Willet and Brooks signed the Paul Vaggianos pledge.Bernie Jeff and Ramon refused, that says it all .

A reader says, “Personally, I would not lower myself to drinking their free beer. It would make me feel like Louie at that last scene of Casablanca where he looks down and sees that he has been drinking Vichy water and he tosses it out in disgust.
Tonight’s event was the set up they tried – – the “debate” where you had to pledge allegiance to the developers – – let it be poorly attended. they are trying to whitewash the fact these candidates are for massive overbuilding in our downtown. Their party line at the public debate was “call me an optimist, I am sure the developers will do just fine” and “bring on those additional school children to our overcrowded schools.”

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Two Ridgewood Council candidates Willet and Weitz have not removed their campaign signs from CBD planters

Ridgewood Yard Signs

April 24,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a quick drive through Ridgewood and we are still seeing Willet and Weitz campaign signs still occupy planters. This speaks volumee for the candidates lack of understanding and respect for Ridgewood .

The other 4 candidates agreed to honor requests from Village residents and remove their signs. These two candidates refuse. They have shown the Village exactly what their notion of “compromise,” “coming together,” and “respecting your neighbors” is all about. Let’s not be fooled into another four years of this nonsense.

I think we have all had enough with Hudson County Machine Politics .

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Ridgewood Mayor’s house the only house on the street with Brooks, Willett, and Weitz signs out

ridgewood mayor paul aronsohn house

April 22,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Driving down Linwood this morning and I was able to pick out the mayor’s house because it was the only house on the street with Brooks, Willett, and Weitz signs out.

Funny how he was able to make the determination to support the three candidates that will continue the destruction of the town.

The lack of judgment is astounding but par for the course.