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UK Study Revealed that the Four-day Workweek could be the Key to Success for Businesses and their Employees

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, an ongoing study conducted on 61 companies in the UK has revealed that the four-day workweek could be the key to success for businesses and their employees. 46% of the companies said productivity remained the same, 34% reported a slight improvement, and 15% reported a significant improvement. Employees reported higher levels of well-being and there was a significant drop in employee turnover. While many employees felt that they had to work faster, most did not feel a significant increase in workload. 56 of the 61 companies are continuing to implement the four-day workweek.

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Ridgewood Community Outreach Series Focuses on Well-being: Next is Leadership Talk on November 10

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Community Outreach Series Focuses on Well-being: Next is Leadership Talk on November 10
November 6,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Next up is “Raising Responsible Leaders” by author John Jay Bonstingl. This program will take place on Tuesday, November 10 from 7-9 p.m. in the Benjamin Franklin Middle School Auditorium.

The 2015-2016 parent/peers series consists of eight engaging presentations throughout the school year. Co-sponsored by The Valley Hospital, with support from The Foundation, adults are invited to attend these programs on creating balance in children’s lives.

Click here for the November 10 program flyer.
Click here for details on the series.
Click here for the series flyer.