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Diet Soda Sweetener Aspartame Under Scrutiny

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, while the US Food and Drug Administration has considered the substance—aspartame—safe since 1974, others have long questioned that finding. Now, the World Health Organization is planning to release two new reports on the safety of the ingredient—used in drinks like Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi—and its potential carcinogenic effect. The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a consumer advocacy group, has called aspartame the low-calorie sweetener of “most concern” because, it says, there is “compelling evidence that it causes cancer and is a potent carcinogen.”

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Following in the Footsteps of the US , China has suspended social media accounts of Covid policy critics

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Beijing , China has followed the US example and suspended or closed the social media accounts of more than 1,000 critics of the government’s policies on the COVID-19 outbreak.

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Research say Not So Fast Writing Off Ivermectin


Eric Reyes

Ridgewood NJ, There are more than 100 clinical studies including more than 50,000 people from more than 2 dozen countries showing Ivermectin to be extremely safe and effective treating COVID. 63 of these studies were peer reviewed published placebo controlled studies. A meta-analysis of 14 of these peer reviewed published studies looked at high risk patients who were treated with ivermectin as prophylaxis (preventative) and they saw an 86% reduction in the combined end-point of COVID infections, number of hospitalizations, days hospitalized, the need for a ventilator, days on a ventilator, and deaths.

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No Evidence to Suggest That Child Masking Works

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, across the country and in New Jersey kids are headed back to school this week, so the Ridgewood blog thought we would offer the latest case for children wearing masks for six hours a day.

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US Media COVID Coverage Tool of Chinese Propaganda?


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, For over a year anyone who raised the possibility that the coronavirus originated from a leak out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology was accused of everything from racism to conspiracy theorizing.

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How to Stay Safe When Going Out During COVID-19

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The occurrence of Coronavirus shook the entire globe. Countries all over the world have enforced different policies and mechanisms to contain the virus. The most common is the imposition of lockdown. COVID-19 as commonly called is a contagious disease that has a mild to moderate effect on the respiratory system of the infected person. According to the World Health Organization, the most predisposed groups are elderly people, infants, and those who are suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular illness, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer. Government agencies, together with the health workers and advocates keep the public well informed about the virus.

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World Health Organization Now Says Lockdowns Make Poor People an Awful Lot Poorer

Dr. David Nabarro

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in a major blow to the draconian lock down imposed by New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy  , the World Health Organization has warned leaders against relying on COVID-19 lockdowns to tackle outbreaks — after previously saying countries should be careful how quickly they reopen.

WHO envoy Dr. David Nabarro said such restrictive measures should only be treated as a last resort,  the British magazine the Spectator reported .

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Booker Urges the Administration to Pay Its Member Dues to Corrupt and Incompetent World Health Organization


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC), today led 14 of his Senate colleagues in pushing appropriators to include in its 2021 appropriations bill language requiring the Administration to pay the full amount of dues for each international organization that the U.S. is a member of, including the World Health Organization (WHO).

President Trump has said, “Had the WHO done its job to get medical experts into China to objectively assess the situation on the ground and to call out China’s lack of transparency, the outbreak could have been contained at its source with very little death,”

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President Trump announces US will halt funding to World Health Organization


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, President Trump announced on Tuesday at the White House coronavirus press briefing in the Rose Garden, that the United States will immediately halt all funding for the World Health Organization (WHO), saying it had put “political correctness over lifesaving measures.”

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NCIS: Beware of Coronavirus-Themed Scams

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, During this health crisis, Bergen County Prosecutors Office warns that criminals are taking advantage. Beware of online scams and emails about coronavirus. Do not click on unknown links!

From Naval Criminal Investigative Service Public Affairs :

The novel coronavirus pandemic presents an opportunity for malicious actors to conduct spearphishing campaigns, financial scams, and disinformation campaigns via social media to collect sensitive information, steal money via fake donation websites, spread false information, and deliver malware to victims.

Several spearphishing campaigns since January have falsely represented various healthcare organizations, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization. In many cases, victims receive coronavirus-themed emails requesting the victim to open an attachment or click on a link to obtain details about the coronavirus. Once a victim clicks on the attachment or link, they are directed to a malicious website requesting the victim to enter login credentials.

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New Study Links Pot Use to Degenerative Brain Disorder


Has the first negative side effect to cannabis finally been found?
Jon Miltimore | December 16, 2016

Researchers at Amen Clinics Inc. of California have found evidence that chronic use may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s. This is because it restricts blood flow to the regions of the brain where the condition takes root. Co-author Dr. Elisabeth Jorandby and colleagues recruited participants with marijuana use disorder. Around nine percent of users get addicted to cannabis. That’s a relatively low number.

Big Think frames its article with the ominous headline, “Researchers Find the 1st Possible Negative Side Effect of Marijuana Use in Adults.” So readers are left with impression that this is a pretty big deal.

After all, pot is “by far the most widely cultivated, trafficked and abused illicit drug,” according to the World Health Organization. So even if a small percentage of users are exposing themselves to the risks of Alzheimer’s, we’re talking about a lot of people here.

It occurred to me I better check the study out for myself.

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Surgeon general’s e-cigarette report panned as ‘truly terrible’


By Kathy Hoekstra  /   December 8, 2016

The reaction to the U.S. surgeon general’s first-ever report on e-cigarettes has been swift and severe.

“It is truly terrible,” writes Counterfactual’s Clive Bates, a former executive director of Action on Smoking and Health.

“It’s so bizarrely bad,” said Jeff Stier, risk analyst with the National Center for Public Policy Research.

DOCTORED REPORT: U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy calls e-cigs a public health concern, but leaves out critical evidence.

“The Surgeon General has failed the American people,” Gregory Conley, president of the American Vaping Association, said in a statement.

“Full of false, misleading, deceptive statements re #ecigs. Needs a health warning: do not read!” tweeted Derek Yach, a former executive with the World Health Organization.

The primary problem with the 298-page report — E-Cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults — according to critics, is that Surgeon General Vivek Murthy ignored science and addressed only risks of e-cigarette use by youth, while neglecting to include the real benefits to adult smokers.

In his scathing review, Bates called the report a “heady mix of emotive propaganda and a completely warped and one-sided account of the science.” He said the findings reveal “a lack of insight into youth behaviors,” as well as ignorance about the tobacco and nicotine market and its consumers.

Murthy acknowledged in the report’s preface that the science is indeed incomplete.

“Gaps in scientific evidence do exists,” he wrote. “[A]nd this report is being issued while these products and their patterns of use continue to change quickly.”

Neither the rapidly changing e-cigarette culture nor the dearth of sound science stopped Murthy from issuing broad policy recommendations to deal with the 900 percent growth in usage among high school students from 2011 to 2015 — “a public health concern,” according to the report.

Among other strategies, Murthy suggests incorporating e-cigarettes into smokefree policies, preventing youth access to e-cigarettes, imposing high taxes and targeting youth with educational programs.

The recommendations stem from what the report considers potential adverse health effects of direct and secondhand exposure to nicotine, chemicals, aerosol and “other particulates.”

While no one thinks young people should use nicotine products, critics say the report fails to show actual harm. “Is this a big deal or not? We have no way to know,” Bates wrote.

He notes that mere exposure to chemicals isn’t enough to show harm, and added that the report “ducks the issue” of whether actual e-cigarette use has negative health effects.

Stier echoed those concerns: “If the surgeon general goes on to make policy recommendations based only on the risk part of the equation, without considering the benefits, he will have failed his fundamental obligation of improving public health.”

Dr. Edward Anselm, senior fellow a the R Street Institute, says use of cigarettes and e-cigarettes is at an all-time low. He also highlighted a link between the two: “Young people who try e-cigarettes are more likely to experiment with other adult behaviors, including smoking. If there were no e-cigarettes, they would go straight to smoking.”

University of Michigan researcher Dr. Ken Warner says the surgeon general ignored a landmark study from England which could be a game-changer for the United States.

“The Royal College of Physicians issued a report in which they concluded that e-cigarettes were likely 95 percent less dangerous than smoking, and should be used by smokers to try to get off of cigarettes, if they have been unable to do so otherwise,” Warner told

“The difference in conclusions between these two reports is amazing,” he said.

Warner says the United Kingdom takes a completely different approach to e-cigarettes, viewing vaping as an aid to quit smoking.

“In the U.S., e-cig companies are not even permitted to advertise that their products are less dangerous than smoking because they haven’t gone through the FDA approval process to do so,” he said. “Most of the companies don’t have the resources necessary to get that approval, which requires a long, laborious, and very expensive effort, with no assurance of approval.”

The timing of this report could be fortuitous, as President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team is considering candidates for the next commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration. The next FDA chief could radically overhaul the agency and upend the huge regulatory regime that includes the recent rules on the e-cigarette industry.

Top names under consideration are Jim O’Neill, a former Health and Human Services advisor, and Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a former FDA deputy commissioner and current resident fellow with the American Enterprise Institute.

Murthy is halfway through his four-year post as surgeon general. But in the wake of today’s report, some groups, including Americans for Tax Reform, are calling for Trump to dismiss Murthy. The group’s online petition urges Trump to “fire the Surgeon General and replace him with someone who actually cares about tobacco harm reduction and saving lives.”

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Ridgewood to Launch Stigma Free Campaign With July 4th Parade Participation


June 28,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Health Department will launch their new Stigma Free campaign with a marching group in the Ridgewood Fourth of July parade. Dawn Cetrulo, Ridgewood Health Department Supervisor, invites participants to join the group. Those interested should contact her at

The Bergen County Stigma-Free Campaign is a county-wide program which aims to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness. We are dedicated to raising awareness of the disease of mental illness and create a culture wherein residents who have the disease feel supported by their community and neighbors and feel free to seek treatment for the disease without fear of stigma.

The World Health Organization ranks mental health disorders as the leading cause of disability in the United States and Canada. Mental illnesses, such as depression, anxiety or alcohol and substance use disorders, are extremely common in America. 1 in 4 adults experience a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year [approximately 61.5 million Americans] and 1 in 17 adults live with a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Yet more than half will not seek treatment. Why?

Despite its prevalence in our society, mental health still has stigma attached to it. The primary reason individuals fail to seek the help they need is due to the stigma associated with the disease of mental illness. Main reasons cited are shame and fear of judgment from friends, family and co-workers. Such judgment is often rooted in a lack of knowledge or training. It is our goal to disseminate information and foster a stigma-free environment where people are free from judgment and can get the help they need to recover from disease.

Stigma-Free Zones aim to inspire public interest and open dialogues about stigma. The County of Bergen and several Bergen County towns have already passed Stigma-Free resolutions. Establishing Stigma-Free Zones will raise awareness of the local mental health resources available so no resident needs to feel hopeless or alone. Stigma-Free Zones will encourage residents to break down barriers and be mindful of their mental health and ask for help when needed. The disease of mental illness has the potential to worsen if left untreated and complications arise when individuals do not seek help. It is essential that residents engage in care as soon as the need is identified so recovery can begin, hope is inspired and tragedies are avoided.

The Ridgewood Health Department hopes to gather a team of dedicated residents who can help enhance the culture of caring in our community. The Ridgewood Health Department hopes to involve municipal alliance leaders, government leaders, local business owners, the board of education, Rotary clubs, FW/American Legions, faith communities, school service groups. Anyone interested in being a part of the Ridgewood is Stigma Free Task Force should contact Dawn Cetrulo, Ridgewood Health Department Supervisor, at