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NJGOP calls for a special session on high-density housing

CBD high density housing

TRENTON NJ, Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick is calling for a special session of the Legislature this summer.

“Court-ordered, high-density housing is a crisis that costs taxpayers millions and must stop now,” said Bramnick (R-Union).  “Schools cannot handle thousands of new students and infrastructure is not capable of handling the influx.  The legislature must act.”

This just days after Middletown Township Committee directed its attorneys to withdraw from court proceedings that commenced in July 2015 to address unrealistic affordable housing obligations imposed upon municipalities throughout New Jersey by the Supreme Court.

Assemblywomen Holly Schepisi continued to chime in , “This is what I am fighting against. Here is a municipality that has done everything it is supposed to do, that has ensured 31 PERCENT of all new buildings in the past decade are affordable units and yet it isn’t enough.

“The FSHC is nothing more than an agent of the builder’s lobby trying to impose entirely unreasonable development standards and densities upon suburban communities,” said Deputy Mayor Fiore. “They have little regard for the environment and even less regard for property taxpayers.”

“We can no longer participate in this egregiously unfair process,” said Mayor Perry. “We are hopeful that the Legislature steps up to the plate and does its job to create sensible housing regulations that get this process out of the courts.”

10 thoughts on “NJGOP calls for a special session on high-density housing

  1. I’d like to know which ones of our council members will attend this hearing and speak out against the outrage that is called “affordable housing.” Ridgewood should be out front leading this effort, not wallowing in self-pity and over-development and cowering to the developers seeking to profit from their strangulation of our town
    Mayor Hache?
    Deputy Mayor Knudsen?
    Councilman Sedon?
    Councilman Voight?
    Councilwoman Walsh?
    Let us know what you are doing to stop the over-development, or at least come out and say you support it and wish to see it continue.

  2. They have no balls.

  3. It’s too late for us!

  4. Well, perhaps no balls and perhaps too late, but it would be enlightening to hear what our elected officials have to say. Even just a simple yes or no. They should let us know where they stand.

  5. News flash: nobody gives a F#$& where they stand.

  6. how the builders got away with this misnamed group is beyond me. this fairshare is nothing but builders seeking to override local zoning for thei r own profits. they are coming in and desrtroying open space that we had saved for the nature that will save our lives. the trees go down, the animals have no place to live. teh birds cant sing anymore. it is horrible. we need to stop letting groups call themselves misnames. the judges in nj seem to not get it. this affordabe housing assault on towns is in teh fourth assault on towns or is it more than that. they will go on into eternity. they have no intention of ever stopping. there will be the tenth assault unless we get this changed now. stop the affordable housing assault on towns and on us. its against all of us. we are into more congestion when nj is already the most congested states in this union. we just are running out of room.

  7. Well, no matter what they are going up – in 2 to 3 years time the streets will be even more crowded as well as the schools……..its a done deal

  8. To the second poster from the top, re: balls. I have come across our mayor twice since he was elected. First time at the barber shop he was slumped into the seat, legs spread, staring at the phone on his right hand, left hand on the crotch. Second time at Stop n Shop his hands on his wife’s butt. This just summarizes state of today’s Ridgewood. I can’t expect this real estate guy fight for what’s good for me. This VC doesn’t give a sh!t about the town or any of us residents.

  9. Don’t wait for someone else to show up. Let’s start getting out there and speaking up folks!!! Get your asses down there and make your voices heard!

  10. We have only met a small portion of our affordable housing. The massive downtown projects will be mulitiplied several times in order to meet the numbers. That is becuase of the way the council allowed the overbuilding to occur.

    Going back to the original comment, i think it is vital that the council members clearly state their position and how they plan to represent us. Didn’t like Aronson, and thought he lied through his teeth, but he did speak openly about how he planned to turn Ridgewood into a city of multi-family homes, littered with parking garages and low end stores. And he had Pucc speaking up right next to him saying how he owed it to the Village to tear it down.

    So, where does this current council stand?

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