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Obamacare Premium Increase Coming as Subsidies lapse

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)  marks its 12th anniversary in March , and despite a record 14.5 million enrollees, the Biden administration is preparing for the possibility that millions could lose coverage next year.

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The $1.9 trillion pandemic stimulus package (Public Law 117-2), signed March 2021, reduced Obamacare premiums to no more than 8.5% of income for eligible households and expanded premium subsidies to households earning more than 400% of the federal poverty level. The rescue plan also provided additional subsidies to help with out-of-pocket costs for low-income people. As a result, 2.8 million more consumers are receiving tax credits in 2022 compared to 2021.

Earlier this month we learned the Obamacare premium subsidies that were included in the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 are set to expire on Dec. 31, 2022. If you are getting an Obamacare subsidy your premiums are about to go up, and you’re probably going to get a letter informing you of your new jacked-up fees right before the midterms. Naturally, Democrats are concerned this is going to add to their political problems.

“Right before the election, people would get notices of big premium increases, and that will certainly not reflect well on Democrats,” Larry Levitt, a health policy expert at the Kaiser Family Foundation, told The Hill.

One thought on “Obamacare Premium Increase Coming as Subsidies lapse

  1. The vast majority of people on Obamacare are people who are either lazy / choosing not to work or gaming the system.

    My “regular” Blue Cross Health Insurance skyrocketed as the result of Obamacare and nobody reports on that. Compare the price of Blue Cross “apples to apples” since Obamacare kicked in. Its more than doubled.

    If you disagree, state what your policy was pre-Obamacare, what it is now, and whether you are on welfare aka “subsidies”.

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